

Dan laughs as puts his arms around Jade to hold her comfortable in his lap. Leaning his aganst hers he looks into her eyes just studying them for a long moment.

"I can't tell you were we are going for dinner, its a surprise but you will need a new dress. We can go shopping for that while we are in town if you like. An anything else you think you might need."

Giving the tip of Jade's nose a kiss, and than finding her lips Dan press his own to her as he tightens his arms around her to pull her even closer. Not letting it linger to long, he pulls away a little as his smile is wide, and his eyes twinkle.

"The day seems like its filled with a lot but, this will be the first Christmas I have spent with someone in a long time. I want to make sure its a special one."

Katie loved that Jason was just about as happy as she was. That feeling alone was a great one, and it felt so nice. The warmth that seemed to come from it and wash over her, it deffintly was a feeling worth feeling.

As more drinks are brought and  Jason brings a new question Katie thinks for a long moment. Thirteen and Ryder had been working a bunch over the last few weeks, Thirteen still getting use to waitress it was going ok for her. Katie hadn't even thought of what they were doing till the holiday till now.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I know Ryder has been working a lot at the Zoo and with me not being home Thirteen stays at Mom and Pop's a lot even if she is not working. That why she doesn't have to be alone. She really has taken a liking to Carson. She said she feels safe with him. I think its mostly because Ryder told her she would be with him."

Taking a sip of her water Katie is quiet for a moment thinking about her little cousin. She was coming along nicly in learning, and understanding things. Thirteen was very smart, and a fast learner. Katie only felt sorry she had yet to know who her father was still.

"My guess would be they are going to stay at the house while I was gone. I just with Thirteen could be with her family. It's just sad she doesn't even know we are related."

Bouncing a little on the bed as Kip bolts up right Karla cant help but be jerked around a little. Kip's bed was just so squishy and she was on the light side it took nothing to get jolted around.

Sitting up on the bed Karla gives a streach cracking her back as she does so. Her back was stiff proof that it had been a long time since she slept on a good bed. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed Karla gives a jump as she hears Kip's yelp. Moving quickly to the bathroom her heart races.

"Kip whats wrong? Are you ok?"

Seeing the bruise on his eye she could put together what happened, and again now seeing it in better light felt bad for him. Turning him twords her a little she looks at it from a few differnt angles before giving a small smile.

"I have to say, you look even hotter whit a bruised eye."

Karla's eyes twinkle as she trys to make Kip smile, but figuring she it wouldn't she backtracks a little.

"Is you want we can do a few things, one I could see if Twila will let me use her cover up and we can put it on ya. Or..maybe we can slip by and you can bring me to the mall. I don't have much money but I think geting at least a few shirts and under clothing would be a good idea so I dont start to stink."

Forgotten wound

Jade's eyes widen a little as a laugh slips out. "Oh, Dan..." Giggling, she sets aside her broom and stands in front of him, looking down into his eyes. She tips his hat back so she can see him a little better. "You goof... how long have you been thinking about this? I expected maybe an evening at most!" 

Still grinning, she moves to sit down across his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "The day sounds wonderfully perfect. I'll do anything." Another giggle bubbles out. "We may want to skip the sledding though. We'd have to go pretty far and high to get enough snow for that." 

She leans her head down so her forehead and nose are resting against his. "Besides... I wouldn't want to get too worn out before supper." 

Giving his lips as little kiss, her eyes twinkle. "A free for all might involve shopping if I'm gonna need a dress for that fancy dinner. What did you have in mind?"

Jason's laugh is muffled in the kiss as his hands move to the sides of Katie's face.

Man, I shoulda told you sooner if this is the response I get.

His emotions tell of his inner laughter.

Better back off before we make a scene in public.

His eyes dance as he slowly pulls away, staring into Katie's gaze. "I thought you'd like that. I figure we could both use the time off and... hey, it's Christmas. It only comes once a year."

Interrupted by the waiter bringing more to drink, Jason resumes his train of thought once they're alone again. "I saw Ryder and Thirteen the other day in the office... do you know what they're doing, if anything?"

"Mmm... both." Kip closes his eyes again and sighs deeply. "I still am... both." Yawning, he knows he needs to get up, if only he could find the motivation. 

Without warning, he shoots out of bed - the only way to get himself going. Stumbling to the bathroom, he leaves the door open as he splashes cold water on his face in an attempt to wake up. Grabbing a towel, he buries his face in it before remembering yesterday's episode. 

Letting out a little yelp, he looks to the mirror. The swelling was down, but the bruise was a big and nasty one. Leaning his hands on the sink counter, he just stares at it for a few moments, wishing he could hide it. He had Erik's speeches memorized and really didn't want to deal with them this morning.

Nothing wrong

Continuing to clean out one of the last stalls while Jade was sweeping Dan thinks for a long moment. In a way he kind of felt sad Jade would be going away for a little while. He understood her mom wanted her there and all for christmas, but her felt a little sad anyways they she would feel so far away, but he would make the best of the time they had till then.

Finishing up Dan leaves the stall and puts the pitchfork back still thinking about Jade's question. A smile seemed to lay behind his eyes as his face was straight his hat just covering his eyes a little. Turning back to Jade he walks over to her and sits down on one of the bails of hay.

"Well I was thinking we could get up early, and I could take you out to breakfast, than we would come back here. I have a few things I'd like to give you, than I was thinking about making you lunch."

Dan beams as he talks to Jade. He really enjoyed planning this day out, and it seemed like maybe he had been thinking about it forever now.

"...After that maybe we can go sledding, and if you feel silly going as an adult I am sure Rosetta would let us take BJ. Than last but not least I would like to take you out to a nice fancy dinner. Also whatever we do in between is a free for all."

Smiling up at Sparky Faith's eyes give a twinkle. Though she was worried about what was to come, knowing what she had here and now gave her the will to drive on and face the next day. Giving her the determination she would not let her illness win.

"Dinner sounds good. I'll go wash up and wait for you."

Taking his hand in her Faith gives it a little squeeze before letting them slip free so he could finish up what he was doing, and she could ready herself for a nice meal with Sparky.

The smile that layed beyond Katie's eyes was begging to be let free. She wanted to tell Jason how excited she was, and thankful and surprised she was that he had decided to go to Texas but she had to wait. It was all based on timing, and she just had to wait for him to tell her.

Finally as Jason breaks the new about changing his mind and wanting to go, Katie's face breaks out in a large smile. Jumping out of her chair is was almost like a spingbored that had been waiting to go off.


Wrapping her arms around his neck Katie leans in and press her lips to Jason just letting her emotions and how happy she was thought to him.

Oh J, You dont know how much this means to me. Thank you so much!!

Taking a moment to remember where she was Karla keeps her eyes closed. Feeling the warm body next to her, it felt nice, but stange at the same time. She was so comfortable and warm this must be a safe place. 

Hearing Twila and than Kip's voice Karla suddenly remembers where she was. Feeling Kip's fingers move in the palm of her hand Karla can't help the small laugh that escaped her lips. 

"Good Morning. I guess we were tired last night? Or really comfortable."

Karla tightens her arm around Kip just a little in almost a manor of a hug. Anyone else this would of felt wrong, but being here with Kip just holding him, it didn't feel like she had done anything wrong, the warm feeling it gave her inside felt nice, refreshing, and it just made her feel good.

Not really a surprise

Kip closes his eyes tight, wishing the world would just go away. Somewhere though, Karla's words lingered as something he could hang on to. Feeling her behind him with her arm around him, and feeling of warmth washes over him, despite his tears. She was the one in need of help, and here she was helping him instead.

Finding her hand, he locks his fingers through hers and just lets his head sink farther into his pillow. He really didn't care what time it was or how long they would lie here. It was what he needed...

Kip's muscles tense as he prepares to roll over, but something stops him. Something was different. Opening his eyes, they're met by sunlight streaming in the window and he squints. It had to be late for it to be that bright. As far as he knew though, no one had come to wake him up - that was probably Erik's doing. He could be a slave driver, but he usually did a good job of looking out for his younger friend.

Kip then realizes that he's cozy warm and that someone else's hand is in his. Then he remembers. He must not have moved all night, and his body's stiffness confirmed that. Yawning, he just lies still for a few minutes, trying to wake up. The night was over... last night was gone. It was a new day and he could forget about what had happened.

A female voice at the door makes Kip jump. He was just as glad he'd locked his door last night.

"Kip... Kip, are you awake? Is Karla with you?" It was Twila. She'd just come from Karla's room, finding it empty and worrying.

Kip sighs. All he needed was to get a tongue lashing from her too. But he couldn't lie. "Yeah," he calls to her. "Whatcha need?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to make sure she was okay?"


"Alright. See you later."

Kip quirks an eyebrow. No questions. That was nice. Maybe Twila trusted him more than Erik did. Knowing surely Karla was awake now, Kip wriggles his hand around. "Hey, sleepy... sun's up."

JT grins and shakes his head at Bree. "You can eat with your knife for all I care. Come on." He pats her leg and stands up, stretching with a yawn. The stress of this whole thing was wearing him down and he knew it. But the papers had been faxed to Angelica and David. Bree would be safe. And that was the entire point of this thing. He hoped Gunner was fairing as well as he was though.

"Yes." Jason nods to Katie. "Food would be a good thing right about now. You're driving though. I'm getting lightheaded." He knew good and well that he should have eaten sooner, but he'd gotten busy. Better late than never, and his emotions to Katie ask nicely not to give him a bad time about it.

Once they're off and to the little Chinese restaurant, Jason relaxes, being able to eat and bring his blood sugar back up. Settling in after a little chatting, he cocks his head at Katie, a crooked grin on his face. "So, um... I got some vacation approved with Reese... for both of us." He glances at his watch. "By this time tomorrow... we should be halfway to Texas on the TJY jet... what do you think?" 

Enveloped in Faith's kiss, Sparky returns his own, his hands sliding down to wrap around her slim frame. His hat gets tipped back farther on his head, but he ignores it. Life was short. Sometimes shorter than anyone wanted. And he couldn't pass up the opportunities to love, no matter the outcome. 

After a few moments, he finally draws away, a smile lingering on his lips. "You look tired... let me finish up here and I'll meet you inside for supper?"

"So...." Jade swivels around the broom as she pauses her work sweeping the barn aisle and looks up at Dan with a flirtatious look. "If I gotta leave day after tomorrow I thought tomorrow night we could celebrate Christmas?" 

She sweeps a little more before stopping again. "What do you wanna do, hmm?"