

Hearing Alec's voice Misty looks up and smiles as she takes the eggs off and put them on the plates before going back to the stove and getting the bacon doing the same. She was happy it smelled good to Alec seeing as she had no idea what he likes.

   "Well I am happy it smells good. I wasn't sure what you liked so I figured bacon, eggs, and toast how could you go wrong right?"

Cleaning up a little bit Misty finally sits down with Alec to enjoy the meal. She didn't have to be to work till a little later today so she had time to just enjoy herself. Saying a quick prayer and than digging into the food a hush falls over the table. 

Finally Misty sets down her fork though and breaks the silence. She had thought about this before going to bed, and than again in the morning. Now she wanted to try passing it by Alec to see what he though but in order to do so she had to open up a little more.

   "So I have an offer for you but first I need to let you know something. You're going to be an uncle because I am pregnant. Not many people know yet but you, Dani, Carson, Jason, and my Uncle."

Stopping for a second to take a sip of her orange juice before whiping her mouth and than talking again.

   "That being said I am going to need some help around the house because I wont be able to do everything myself. I have Jason who will be helping me but I am going to need a little more help and I was wondering till you found a job if you would like to work around the house for me and I can pay you a little something to help you out."

Sitting in the dinning room after a long morning Katie was tired and hungry. She'd seen her dad in the barn a little bit but didn't have time to stop and talk. Now though Katie left a spot for him to at least enjoy lunch. 

As time ticks slowly by and Jeff doesn't show up Katie wonders if maybe he decied to have lunch by himself today. Seeing Mick on the far side Katie stands and goes over to him giving a small smile.

   "Hey Mick, dad hasn't come to lunch yet, did he mention eating alone today?"

Too Much

The scent of eggs and bacon wafts through the living room, rousing Alec from his sleep. Stirring slightly, a coughing fit wakes him up entirely, although his headache made him wish for a little bit more sleep. His stomach, on the other hand, growled its protest, wanting the food that his nostrils smelled. 

Finally managing to sit up, it only proves to create more coughing, although it didn't hurt quite as bad as it had yesterday. His head didn't feel so hot either and... despite being sick, he felt more rested than he had in a long time. 

Yawning and running a hand through his matted hair, he forces himself to stand, and shuffles to the kitchen where he now heard Misty moving about. Though the food smelled good, he didn't expect anything more to be given to him. So when he sees two places set at the table, he again finds himself in a humbled position. 

Stifling another yawn, he watches Misty for a moment, finding his mind wandering back to Carson and what had happened. Alec had respected Misty from day one - she was different. Confident. Kind. Caring. Intelligent. He'd acted like a jerk plenty of times, but when it boiled right down to it, right now, it made him rather sad, knowing that she was on her own. 

"Morning," he greets, his voice hoarse and raspy. It even surprised him, sounding worse than he'd thought it would. Apparently that late night walk in the rain hadn't helped him any. "Something really smells good." 

"Okay." Hunter shifts his weight on his bike, preparing to leave. No matter what, he could never accuse Katie of being unkind. "Thanks again, Katie... Goodnight."

After ending the call, he tucks his phone away and dons his helmet, but ends up sitting for just a few more minutes alone before finally starting the engine. Even though he hadn't had Katie's company, the phone call had helped. And... tonight... it was better than getting drunk. 

Morning at the ranch dawned bright and clear. Chores were started as usual and spirits were kept high with light conversation and the normal teasing. By mid-morning in the barn though, slight tension had arisen...

"Hey, you alright?"

Jeff throws Mick a glare as he sets aside another bale of hay. He'd been helping stack the bales that Sparky had thrown down earlier from the loft and very much disliked being asked yet again if he was alright. "For the third time... yes!" He tosses aside a bale before wiping the sweat from his brow.

Mick backs up a step and shrugs. "Don't yell at me. I was just concerned." Jeff's face had been getting redder and redder and though it was a warm day with a physical job, he was sweating much more profusely than normal. Mick had simply been a little worried that the task was too much for him.

"Well quit being concerned and help me stack this hay." Jeff grabs another bale and throws it up on top of the stack.

Mick doesn't like it, but he doesn't argue any further. If Jeff wanted to pretend he was a young man in his prime, then there was nothing he could do to stop it. It had been the same for the last couple weeks, except it had gradually gotten worse, building up to today's long list of work that Jeff was apparently determined to do. Why, was beyond Mick. But unless he wanted to get into a physical fight, he'd just have to let Jeff go and hope he really was okay...

...Standing in the shower and letting the cool water wash over him, Jeff leans against the wall, breathing heavily. His arms ached from this morning's work and his chest felt tight and heavy. His head was pounding and he was finding it difficult to cool down. After stacking the hay, he'd gone on to help Sparky with some of the yearlings and had cleaned a couple stalls too. It was more than he usually did... much more than he usually did. Perhaps it had been a last ditch effort to get his mind off other things, or to prove he could still handle himself just fine. And he had proven it. He'd kept up with the others and had been able to accomplish the tasks. So he was a little tired. So what? There was nothing to worry about.

Finishing his shower and getting into clean clothes, Jeff makes it into the other room before his head starts to spin. Trying to maintain his balance proves difficult, and as he leans on a chair, he realizes that more than his arms were sore - his entire body ached.

When he couldn't shake it off, he sinks down onto the bed and closes his eyes. Maybe he just needed a few more minutes... But fifteen minutes later, he was still lying down, dizzy and short of breath, when he should be gathering with the others for lunch already.


Climbing the steps to her room Misty felt semi good tonight. Though she still missed her husband and was heavy hearted a bit of good came from the day and it did bring her comfort. As long as there was still good in the world and people who needed help and would learn Misty new she was on the right path.

...Morning comes quickly in Misty's home as she trys to move around the kitchen quietly. Two places were set at the table a little cup of cough syrup at one along with some coffee. Sizzling in a pan was maple bacon that made the hole house smell oh so good.

The toaster pops and Misty moves quickly to take it out and butter it moving back to the stove to keep the eggs from burning and move the bacon around to cook. She wasn't sure if the smell would wake Alec or not but when he did she wanted to make sure a good breakfast was waiting.

Looking out across the lawn to where the sun was setting below the horizon. It was funny how the days seemed to slip by and before you new it time was gone. To hold on to it was hard as it seemed to slip through your fingers quicker and quicker. 

   "I'll try. You take it easy too ok...?"

Standing Katie goes back into the kitchen dropping her glass off before heading outside and to her bunk still on the phone with Hunter but knowing soon as the conversation was over sleep would find her quickly. She had to be up early in the morning because chores would be waiting.

   "Hey Hunter? Call any time you need to ok...don't think if you do you'll be bothering me."


Hunter laughs at Katie's question, finding himself genuinely feeling kinda good for the first time in a couple weeks. "My head's never been on straight, and everybody tries to knock it off my shoulders, you know that."

Sighing, his eye return to the dimming lake as the sun sinks below the horizon. "Well... I'm a the lake so I got a nice drive back to town and I'm already getting sleepy. I better let you go." 

He smiles though, happy that she'd called him. "Have a good night and... take it easy, eh?" 

Reassured that he can stay, Alec finally feels like he can. Having his hair ruffled, he gives Misty a little grin. It wasn't all that long ago, he would have dared some flirtatious comment at that. But tonight he was too tired, and.... maybe his feelings weren't quite the same anymore. She was helping him. Taking care of him. Giving him shelter. And that deserved a thanks, not shallow flirting. 

Finally getting up and wandering to the living room as Misty brings in the pillow and blankets, he gives her a nod. "Thanks... Misty. I, um..." His eyes find hers and for a moment, he just stares into them. "...I appreciate it."

Moving to the couch and spreading out one of the blankets, he eases down, curling up on his side, and letting his head sink down into the soft, cool pillow. "Night," he mumbles. And within seconds, he was sound asleep. 

For the first time in a very long time, Alec sleeps soundly for the night through. Some might find a couch uncomfortable. To him, it was the most comfortable thing he'd ever slept on. And when the sun rose in the morning, he was still sound asleep.

Knock your Head

Katie gives a smile on the other end of the phone as she places with a peace of ice in her glass. Though she could feel her cheeks getting red Hunter's comment makes her smile. At least he was missing her that meant something.

Leaning back on the swing and softly pushing herself back and forth. As the conversation goes a little more serous Katie gave a small nod. Something had told her Hunter needed to talk to someone and she was really happy she'd called, and happy he was happy she did too.

   "You can always call no matter the time and your welcome. I was really happy to get to talk to you as well."

Hearing Hunter's voice really had been nice. Katie couldn't really describe it if asked but there was just a comfort in hearing from him, like he really hadn't forgotten about her. It made her feel good and showed her He really was a good friend.

   "So, other than the things we already talked about are you keeping your head on straight? No ones tried to knock it off have they?"

Giving a soft smile Misty stands herself and goes to the sink. Having Alec ask once again if he could sleep out the couch she keeps the small laugh to herself. Maybe it made him feel better if he asked and if thats what it took than Misty was really ok with it.

   "Yes you can sleep on the couch tonight and as many nights as you want or need. I don't mind one bit."

Walking past Alec Misty reaches out an ruffles his hair before giving a soft chuckle. Heading down the hall to the linen closet she pulls out a pillow and some blankets before bring them back to the living room setting them down.

    "If you get up in the night and are hungry or thirsty help yourself to anything in the fridge. You can watch tv too if you like I don't mind and my room is up the steps and to the right if you need me."


Glancing down at his hand as Misty touches it, a lump rises in his throat. "Thank you," he almost whispers. Why she cared, he'd never know. Ever since he'd met her, there had been something special he'd sensed. But he still couldn't put his finger on it. All he knew was that right now, he deserved everything that everybody else was giving him - rejection... condemnation. But Misty... she was accepting and willing to help. 

Withdrawing his hand, he stifles a cough before standing to take his empty bowl to the sink. Coming back to the table, he stands awkwardly for a moment and bites his lip. "Um... would it... would it be okay if I sacked out on the couch?" He knew she'd offered for him to stay but he wasn't about to assume anything. "I'm about ready to pass out - I don't think I better try walking home." 

Hunter smiles at Katie's reference to the sunrise. He hadn't thought his little phrase would have stuck. But he was glad to know that maybe it was helping just a little. As she talks about her dad, he wonders for a moment what it must be like... spending time with a father and enjoying it, that is. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a good time with his dad, although the last time he'd seen him was burned into his mind forever. 

"Ah well, things are always missed on vacations. At least you know you're coming back in a while. Although a few things around here miss you too." He grins, imagining Katie blushing, then he chuckles. "Well I'm glad you're doing alright."

He pauses, growing a little more serious, and his tone quieting slightly. "Thanks for calling me, Katie. I guess I needed a bit of sane conversation more than I thought."