

Grinning, Carson returns Misty's hug, keeping his arms around her even after she'd retreated. "Pizza huh? You mean what I just cleaned up off the floor in there? Yeah, I'm real famous for that." Pulling her back close, he plants a long kiss on her lips.

"Oy. Carson!" Dani chides him from behind the counter. "Customers?"

Carson draws back and smirks at his sister. "They don't care. And if they do, they can take their business elsewhere." He finally lets Misty go but tosses Dani a wink. "You're just jealous anyway."

Dani quirks an eyebrow. "Of what? I can get a kiss on my lunch break too, ya know."

"Only if you have a step stool."


He puts a finger to his lips. "Shhh... customers."

Dani's eyes narrow and she shakes her dish towel at him. "Go make your pizza."

"Right." Carson heads back towards the kitchen. "Pizza." He holds open the kitchen door for Misty. "Go ahead and figure out what you want on your pizza. I gotta make a quick call."

"Chinese sounds great." Axel nods as he walks. "See you in a few minutes." After ending the call, he nods to Liz. "Looks like we can walk if you don't mind."

"Not a bit!"

...Meeting Jess for lunch, the three quickly find a table and order, enjoying small talk. Liz fills in Axel a little bit more about Jason, and chats with Jess too, asking about her job and the like.

By the time the food was almost gone, the atmosphere was such that it felt like neither of the three wanted to end the nice lunch break. Liz, though, did have more on her mind, evident from the way she bit her bottom lip and looked across the table. "Hey, Axel? You know how we've been in town a little while and... well... could I..." She stops and shakes her head. "Never mind."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "No, what is it?"

"Um, well... I don't know. I just thought maybe Dad could use some alone time with all that's been going on. We've been sharing a hotel room. But..."

A little grin appears on Axel's face, his eyes twinkling slightly. "If you want a place to bunk down for a night, just say so."

Liz giggles. "Yeah, okay." She knew Axel well enough to know she didn't need to beat around the bush. She did know his history though, and didn't want to make him uncomfortable having people see a young woman staying at his place.

Axel can read the look on her face all too well. "I'm fine with it, you know." He tosses her a wink, his leg bumping Jess' under the table. "Who can complain about a guy inviting his sister over?"

Liz smiles broadly. "Only the crazy ones. Is tonight okay or is that too soon?"

"Naw, that's fine. Gives me just enough time to get the dirty dishes in the sink and pick my socks up off the floor."

Liz shakes her head. "If I know you, your dishes and laundry are clean." Her eyes glance to Jess. "Is he still neat and tidy as ever?"

Axel's hand slips over and covers up Jess' mouth. "Just nod and smile, honey."

Mick was surprised to have BJ join him - the tyke should have been in bed by now. He doesn't chide, though. Instead, he allows the boy to join him on the swing, and puts his arm around him so he can settle in. Receiving the kiss to the cheek, he gives BJ a squeeze. "I love you, too." Moments like these reminded him that soon BJ would grow out of the need for cuddling with his daddy. Even now, it was growing less and less as the boy grew older and wanted to do more things on his own. Though only eight, it was obvious he was trying to be more grown up every day. It was good though and Mick encouraged him. Even so, to have BJ come to him like this sometimes still felt nice.

Settling back, it was only a few minutes later that Rosetta appeared and joined him as well. He grins a little and shakes his head. "Sorry. He just plopped down and was out." He looks down to the sleeping form under his arm. "I think it would take an earthquake to wake him up at this point."

Sighing deeply, it takes Mick a moment or two to answer Rosetta's question. He finally nods though. "Yeah... yeah, I'll be okay." He searches her eyes, trying to reassure her. At the moment, he felt incredibly low. But yeah... he'd be okay eventually. "Just trying to figure out where I went wrong I guess."

"Good." JT smiles and keeps hold on Amanda's hand as they walk slowly around the pond. "You know, there's only one bad thing about this whole camping trip," he muses. "Bree and Vamp are never gonna let us live it down that they had to drag us here so we'd have a good time."

He laughs and shakes his head. "But I guess it's worth it."

Letting Bree take control, Gunner grins and returns her kiss only to have it end too quickly. One eyebrow rises. "You, my friend, are not playing fair."

Using muscle to free one of his arms, he slips his hand behind her head to pull her in gently, but not letting go. "It's done like this."

Kissing her on the lips again, this time he holds her still to make it last longer before finally his own smile breaks it. "There. See?"

Tantalizing Kiss

Seeing Carson come out Misty gives a smile. Though it was a bit odd he had his jacket and hat on in the middle of the day her question was confirmed before even asked. That was sweet he was going to come and see her instead.

"I though a surprise would be nice today since I had a little time. From what Dani tells me you might need a little of that."

Hearing the bell on the door tingle Misty doesn't even bother to turn around. It was the normal in a place like this and she didn't care who saw her with Carson. Giving a nod to Carson's question Misty puts her arm around him in a hug before pulling away.

"I'm starving. How about I help you make one of those pizzas your famous for?!"

Answering the phone and hearing Liz was visiting Jess smiles. It didn't bother her at all that she would be joining them for lunch. The more the merrier.

"Hey! Well since you got Liz I can meet you guys. I've been having a craving all day for Chinese since Terry came in with some. How about I meet you at the little place around the corner from the auto shop?"

Looking out the window two little eye peered out at Mick as he swayed back and forth slightly on the porch. Rosetta being back in the bedroom turning down the bed had not yet heard the creaking of the swing out front. But someone else had who should have been in bed hours ago.

Opening the door to go outside BJ emerges and walks slowly over to where Mick was sitting. Not saying anything he pulled himself up and cuddled in close to Mick. The boy might not be Mick and Rosetta’s flesh and blood but he loved them more than anything. Each of the members of the ranch could be seen in this small child who was growing so quickly.

Sitting up straight for a moment BJ gives Mick a kiss on the cheek than returns his head to his chest. The child might not have known exactly what was going on but maybe he could feel something was off.

“I love you!"

Before to long BJ’s breath became a little more shallow as the event from his own day caught up to him and he was fast asleep on Mick.

Finally hearing the porch Rosetta steps outside and gives a smile seeing Mick and BJ together. It really was a warm scene to see how they had taken to each other. Coming over to the swing Rosetta sits down moving close to Mick and BJ but doing her best not to wake the sleeping child.

“I tried getting him to sleep four times and had no luck, you come home and he’s out like a light.”

Rosetta gives a smile searching his face. She could see he was tired, and so torn over the whole Dylan situation even if he hadn’t said it. She could only imagine how much he was hurting inside.

“Are you going to be ok Hun?”

Taking JT's hand in her own Amanda stands up and brushes herself off. For a moment looking deep in to JT's eyes it would see she got lost. The sun just reflected off them in this moment and make them so bright. Shaking it off Amanda's cheeks turn a little red.

"I think a walk sounds nice."

Amanda felt comfortable, relaxed, and not quite as awkward with JT now. Maybe it just took those few times to get it out of there system and make them comfortable. Now though it felt like that had been doing this all along.

Having Gunner go for her neck Bree lets out a little squeal as she tries to push him away playfully. Whenever he did that it tickled and sometimes she just couldn't hold it in. Squiggling and squirming Bree continues to wriggle free. Finally being able too she rolls away from Gunner.

"Thanks now fair you know."

Rolling back twords him through she plops herself back in his lap pinning his arms down so he can't tickle her. Leaning in she brushes her lips across his before drawing away a little and smiling.

"You not the only one aloud to give tantalizing kisses you know."


Finishing up gathering Domino's things, Scott eventually can't see anything else lying around. Fingering the dog leash, he glances at the clock. "I suppose I need to call Brian to come pick me up."

He pauses shifting his weight a little. "Thanks for... for supper... I, um... I missed your cooking."

Gunner chuckles and slips his arm around Bree. "He's got it bad, huh? I was thinking the same thing about Amanda." He lets his eyes wander around the pond. "Of course, we might have given them a push but if they wind up hating each other, I say we've had no part in it whatsoever."

Grinning, he gives her a squeeze. "Regardless, and even if I keep getting attacked, I'm glad we came."

He sighs with content, then grins at her question. "I don't know. I've been playing this by ear since the beginning." He chuckles again. "Vampires aren't very good with plans. They just attack at will." Giving a teasing growl, he goes for her neck, giving her a playful gnawing kiss.

For the first time since arriving on this little camping trip, JT felt relaxed. He wasn't sure why. But even sitting here with Amanda, the awkwardness seemed to have disappeared somewhere along the way.

"Maybe it is at that."

Grinning, he picks himself up from the ground and brushes off the jeans. Standing over Amanda, he extends his hand. "I'm not allergic to bee stings. Wanna take a walk before supper?"

"Hey, Misty!" Dani smiles and waves as she carries a tray of dirty dishes back towards the kitchen. "That goof is in the kitchen cleaning up a pot of pizza sauce he just dropped all over the floor." She rolls his eyes. "Maybe you can get him in a better mood. I'll tell him you're here in case he didn't hear you come in."

She continues to the kitchen but almost runs right into Carson, who is just pulling his car keys from his pocket. It was too warm out for a jacket but his baseball cap was on and it was very much evident he'd been on his way out.

Skidding to a halt at the counter, his eyebrows shoot up at seeing Misty. "Well hello, Love." He tucks his keys back into his pocket. "I was just... on my way out for a break." He smiles. "Looks like the break came to me though."

The bell on the door rings and his eyes snap up to see Jaz enter then turn right back around and go out again. Without missing a beat, his gaze swings back to Misty, a smile still on his face. "Hungry?"


Axel turns from the workbench just in time to be run into and squeezed in a tight hug. "Whoa!" he laughs and sets his wrench aside to return the enthusiastic hug. "You're gonna get grease all over yourself there, Kiddo."

Liz pulls back and grins, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I don't care. It's how I say hello."

"I hope you don't say hello to everyone like that." Axel ruffles her hair. "I got your message that you might be in town, but I didn't know when."

"Yeah... Dad and I came to see Jason."

Axel nods knowingly. "Lots of folks have been worried about him. How's he doing?"

"Um... he's pulling through we think." Liz tries not to let her emotions show, but it wasn't easy. She didn't know Jason very well, but he was her brother, after all, so having seen him on his deathbed hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience. "He woke up a couple days ago, you know, and the doctor at TJY thinks he's gonna be okay. I... just needed to get away for a while. Sorry I didn't call first."

"Naw, it's okay." Axel cocks his head. "Nick come?"

"No. He um... well, I guess the thought of meeting his dying brother sorta freaked him out."

"I can understand that." A slight pause follows, and Axel picks up his wrench again. "Soon as I'm finished here, I'm on lunch break. Meeting Jess if you wanna join us."

Liz bites her lip, hating to impose. "Really? Dad said if he needed to come pick me up I could just call him. I don't want to interrupt your day."

Axel rolls his eyes. "Anybody who calls my little sister an interruption is gonna have to answer to me."

Liz giggles sheepishly. "Yeah, okay. I'd love to do lunch with you and Jess. So you two are...?" She lifts her eyebrows expectantly.

Axel quirks a grin, but only before ducking under the hood of the car. "We're still dating, if that's what you're asking."

"Mm-hmm..." Liz folds her arms, a teasing twinkle in her eye. She was glad to see Axel was still with Jess though. She hadn't said so, but she thought they were awfully cute together.

Axel's smile couldn't be seen, but it was still there. It didn't take him long to finish the car he was working on, then clean up. On the way out to his own car, with Liz in tow, he calls Jess on his cell phone. "Hey, it's me. Got company for lunch. Liz is visiting. You want us to pick you up from work, or you want to meet us somewhere?"

Still on the lookout, Mick sees immediately when Dan returns. Except...he was alone. Mick's pulse picks up. No Dylan? Had Dan not found him? What had happened?

Holding his tongue, he sets aside one last hay bale and meets Dan halfway down the barn aisle. He doesn't even have time for a greeting before he's told the truth. Dylan really was gone. Even after talking to Dan. He blinks. Receiving Dan's apology next was a little surprising, but Mick doesn't interrupt. Opening his mouth right after, he doesn't even get any words out and Dan is already walking away.

Mick raises his hand and is about to call after him, when he stops. Dropping his hand, he swallows hard, his shoulders lowering in surrender. He felt as if the fight had been sucked out of him. So he allows the silence to remain, and turns back to his work...

...It was the next day, late in the evening. Jade had enjoyed some time after supper with Dan, and now just wanted some hot chocolate to relax before bed. It had been a weird day. With the news of Dylan spreading quickly, everyone had questions but no one wanted to bring it up. The pickup had been retrieved from town yesterday, and no one knew which direction Dylan had gone. Surprisingly, Mick had been very quiet about the whole thing, never once saying a word to Dan or even Jade. It almost worried her. She knew that Mick was debating calling her mother and letting her know about everything - Jade couldn't blame him for hesitating. While her mother would want to know, Jade knew she'd freak, and she wouldn't want to be her dad in that position either.

Entering the dining hall quietly, Jade expected to find it empty. She'd use the microwave then take her hot cocoa back to her bunkhouse. But seeing a small lamp on at the other end, she was surprised to find someone else in here. Approaching slowly, she saw Mick sitting off in the corner, and a pang of pity hits her heart. He looked so tired. Was he okay?

She goes to the kitchen and makes her hot chocolate, changing her plan. Quietly joining Mick near the fireplace, she finds her own chair. Then sitting near him, she's silent for several minutes, sipping her cocoa slowly. Eventually, she feels his eyes and glances over to find him indeed staring at her. She smiles a little. "What?"

He shakes his head. "I'm just wondering which split second it was when you changed from a little girl into a woman. I must have missed it."

Her smile widens, a little color filling her cheeks. "Aw, Daddy."

Mick returns the smile. "You haven't called me that since you were a little girl."

She chuckles softly. "Maybe I should have more often."

Mick's eyes drift down to his empty coffee mug and he's quiet for a few moments. He'd claimed this spot as just somewhere peaceful to think. After yesterday, today had been a very long day with too much time to consider where Dylan might be and if he was alright. He'd found himself retreating just to try and remain sane. "I'm sorry, Jade."

Her brow furrows. "What for?"

"For being a lousy dad, I guess."

Getting up, Jade moves to join him on the couch. So that's why he was in here all alone and so sad looking. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you?" Mick shakes his head. "I abandoned you and your brother. I pushed you away when you came here. I've done nothing but make your brother mad. I've fought you over almost all of your own decisions. And now I did such a good job that Dylan's really gone. What part of any of that isn't lousy?"

Jade truly felt bad for her father, and her eyes showed it. Setting her hot drink aside, she reaches out to set a hand on his arm. "For years after you left, I dreamed of finding you. I didn't understand everything but I wouldn't believe the bad things Grandma said about you. There were many nights I cried myself to sleep because I missed you so much." She swallows hard as she sees tears pooling in Mick's eyes. "Then when we were here in Texas that one time and I slipped away to come here, I didn't know whether to hate you or not. But I just knew I wanted to find out for myself who you were and if you really didn't want me." She shrugs. "There for a while, I thought it was true. I felt pushed away when you didn't want me to stay. But..."

Shifting a little, she sits sideways, making sure Mick was still listening. "Somehow I always knew that even if you were rough with me, you did love me. You were just trying to spare me the danger of being here. Oh, there were days that I didn't believe it. But as time went on, I understood why it seemed like you were pushing me away."

Mick's shoulders drooped as he relived the pain of saying goodbye to his children, then being reunited and torn apart again multiple times. "I was just-"

Jade grips his arm, stopping him so she could continue. "I guess down deep, I knew there was a chance for me to gain back my dad as long as I didn't give up. When you let me come visit, it felt like maybe I was getting a taste of what I'd always wanted." It was her turn to feel the tears building. "I know I was stubborn and you didn't always like the choices I made, but... this felt like home. Not just because it's a nice place but...but because you were here. I could finally be with my dad again." She brushes away a tear that had rolled down her cheek. "I love Mom to pieces, don't get me wrong. I've always liked Ben too - he's a good guy and a good stepfather. But...I'm here because of you. Sure, there's Dan and that swayed some of my decisions. But I wouldn't have come at all if I hadn't wanted to be near you."

Mick takes Jade's hand in his and gives it a squeeze. "I'm sorry I've been so tough on you. I don't know how you ever saw past all of my mistakes to want me in your life that much."

Jade smiles. "Well...maybe somewhere along the way I figured out that you hadn't had much practice being a dad, so...maybe that made it a little easier to forgive the mistakes."

Mick chuckles. "When did you get to be so smart?"

Jade shrugs. "Maybe some of Dan's insightfulness has rubbed off on me."

Mick cocks his head and studies her shining eyes. "You really love him, don't you?"

"I better." Jade laughs. "Or else I better get this ring off my finger pretty quick." Pausing, she nods with a little more seriousness. "Yeah... yeah, I do. I'd follow him anywhere."

"How come you two haven't gone off and gotten married like you want?"

"Because we respect you too much. We know how you feel and... Dan looks up to you as his boss and friend, and I look up to you as my dad. Neither of us want to make the road rougher than it already is."

Mick sighs deeply. "I love you, Jade, and I'm sorry if I've caused you grief the last couple years. Maybe you're right... maybe I really haven't had enough practice being a dad." His eyes drift downward. "I'm sorry for all those times I lost my temper or handled things the wrong way. I...I hope someday I'll get it right."

"Daddy..." Jade waits for him to look back up at her. "You already have. I'm not perfect either, you know. Just because you make mistakes doesn't make you a lousy father."

Mick manages another smile and reaches out to brush her cheek. "Thanks. I guess no one is ever too old to learn, huh?"

"I suppose not."

"Well, I'm glad you're still here. And I'm glad you never listened to me when I said I thought you shouldn't stay. You're a bright spot in my life, I love you and... dangerous or not, I'm glad you're living here at the ranch."

Jade smiles and squeezes his hand. She'd known that, inside, but was glad to finally hear him say it. "Thanks. And I love you too."

Mick finally sets his empty cup aside and sits up a little straighter. "At least I've got you. Looks like I messed up one too many times with Dylan, though."

Jade resumes sipping her hot chocolate. "He's always been stubborn," she muses.


"For what?"

"I think he got that from me."

Jade chuckles. "So did I, but you don't hear me complaining."

"I suppose not. But you haven't been in quite as much trouble as your brother either." Mick shakes his head. "You two get along? I hardly ever see you together."

"Oh... yeah, I guess we get along alright." Jade shrugs. "We're not as close as I wish though."

"Was it always that way?"

"Kind of. When we were little, we were close I guess. But once we were in school we sorta went separate ways. I had my friends, he had his. I did well in school, he didn't. We bickered a lot. I think deep down we woulda protected each other with our lives if we'd had to, but we never said so."

"What happened?"

"Dylan changed when he started getting in trouble. I could tell just by looking at him that he was into bad stuff, but Mom and Ben either didn't see it or didn't want to believe it. They just punished him when he got caught doing things like stealing or breaking into the school. I asked Dylan once what was really going on but he shut me off. I'd see him at school with the older boys, girls with loose reputations, and I caught him smoking once. He was more careful after that to hide from me, but there were plenty nights I looked out the window to see him sneaking away from the house."

Mick purses his lips. "So you didn't know the truth either."

"About him being abused by those other guys and forced into stuff? No, I didn't. He was so cold towards me that I believed it was all his own choices. I backed off and we really didn't talk anymore. When I started coming here, I thought he might be interested, but I guess he wasn't. Then when I decided to stay here, he didn't seem to care."

"I guess I've been pretty hard on him."

"Yeah..." Jade gives her father a sidelong glance. "You have."

"Think I've ruined things for good?"

"Whether or not things are ruined, you can't take all the blame, you know. Maybe you were rough, but Dylan retaliates against everything. At the same time... I guess if I'd been through what he has... well, I might have just as bad of an attitude as he has."

Mick shakes his head slowly. "I know I shouldn't have assumed things about him and Ashlee like I did, but I was just afraid he'd been stupid and I didn't want to see him live through any more consequences from bad decisions."

"I know." Jade tries her best to be comforting. Whether Mick had been wrong or not, now wasn't the time to criticize. "Remember a few minutes ago when you said maybe you just hadn't had enough practice being a dad? Maybe this is just one of the lessons along the way." She gives him a crooked grin. "Regardless, you're being too hard on yourself. Dylan wasn't told to leave - that was his choice."

"Yeah... I guess you're right. Not sure I can get over feeling guilty though, especially if something happens to him."

"Then we'll pray nothing does."

...An hour later, Mick is wandering to the main house, tired, bone weary, yet not ready to go to bed. It was late. He'd said goodnight to Jade shortly after they'd talked about Dylan, and it appeared everyone else was in bed now. The stars were shining brightly - it was a beautiful night sky that normally he'd enjoy. But tonight, his thoughts were too clouded.

Reaching the house, instead of going inside, he eases down on the porch swing. Pulling his jacket collar up a little more, he settles back and sways gently back and forth, pushing with one leg. The quiet creaking would probably alert Rosetta that he was outside. But...maybe that's what he secretly wanted.


Hanging up the phone with Jade Dan starts up the truck. Pulling out of the parking lot and heading home in a way he could help but feel like he might be heading for the gallows. Mick had been pretty mad before he left, and now he was disappointed him again as he came home empty handed.

...An hour later Dan pulls into the ranch and parks his truck. Seeing Mick in one of the barns he figured he might as well get this over with now and relax with Jade in a little bit. Removing the paper bag from the cooler next to him he exits the truck and walks twords the barn where he saw Mick.

"Mick, I wanted to let you know first that I found Dylan in town but I was unable to bring him back. I gave him my number encase he needed anyone. I'm sorry I failed in bringing him back, and I am sorry for not letting you know sooner I had seem him."

Not really knowing what else to say or wanted to stick around to be yelled if at all Dan turns to head out of the barn. If he didn't find Jade soon than the ice cream would be mush and even if it was still good that way it would have ruined the plan of eating it with her solid.

Bending down and laughing Hope pats the little dogs head and scratches behind her ears. She thought it was rather cute to see Domino so wound up and full of life again. Standing up again Hope gives a nod to Scott.

"Sure I do gives me a second."

Turning and going back into the kitchen Hope's smile couldn't get any bigger. Scott had just confirmed without even realizing it that he and Domino would be over more. Friends or more it made Hope happy she had gotten her friend back. Even when they were dating he wasnt just a boyfriend, but a best friend as well.

Coming back into the living room with the bag Hope bends down and pick up some of the toys and puts them into the bag before handing it to Scott. Taking the little dogs water and food dish she empty the food and water out before handing them to him as well.

Taking the small flower from JT Amanda brings it to her nose to sniff before reaching behind her and putting it in her hair. His words made her blush a little bit but she doesn't shy away. Maybe it was there time, and there eyes had been open.

"I think I'd like that. Lifes to short not to live it. We both know that. I think maybe....its time."

Sitting down next to Gunner Bree sits close leaning into him slightly. Though a longer walk would of been nice, this seemed just as good. The day was nice, the sun was shinning and she got to share a moment with the one she loved. How could she complane.

"Mmmm...maybe they will. If they don't its gonna bite them both right in the nose. I don't know if my Uncle can see it or not but he's got it bad. I think we gave them a good push though!"

Bree smile as she looks across the pond. She could make out JT and Amanda slightly and they seemed as though they were having a good conversation. It made her happy yo see that. JT had given her so much she just wanted to see him happy too.

"So what else do we have on our agenda?"

Entering the restront Misty gives a smile. It was lunch time and the last few days had been so busy with Katie and Jason that time with Carson had been limited. So now a surprise lunch date might be nice. If he wasn't busy that was and had time.

Seeing Dani she gives a nod as she leans on the counter. They didn't seem busy that was a good thing.

"Hey Dani, wheres that husband of mine?"

Misty thought for sure once Carson heard her voice he wouldn't wast time coming out to see her. She anticipated it and new it would bring a smile to her face.

Good Stuff

Jade is just helping tidy up one of the guest houses when her phone rings. Recognizing the ringtone, she smiles. Setting down the armful of bath towels, she sits on the edge of the bed and answers to hear Dan's voice.

As he tells her about Dylan, she cringes. Yes, her dad was not going to be happy. And a part of her was pretty disappointed, too. She didn't blame Dan, though. She knew it was Dylan's choice. But...even though she and her brother didn't get along all that great, he was still her brother and she did love him. He just didn't ever let her express it to him so she'd stayed out of his way most of the time. It pained her to see him running away though, especially when there was so much danger out there for him. Would he be okay? She could only hope.

Blinking away a tear, she keeps her voice steady for Dan's sake, and manages to laugh at his final statement. "You goof. I hope you took a cooler with you or that ice cream is going to be mush by the time you get back here in an hour." She giggles. "But even mush is good when it's with you. I'll make sure I have plenty of room to enjoy it with you."

Pausing, she bites her lip. "I'm sure you'll live to see another day, too. You and I both know how Dad is... as quick as his temper is, he usually calms down just as quick."

Mick finally smiles. "Okay. Sounds like a plan."

Glancing to the side out the window, he sighs. "I better get some work done out there or the guys are going to think I abandoned them."

Giving Rosetta an extra loving squeeze, he lets her slide off his lap before standing up. He'd tell her about the things he'd found in Dylan's bunk later on. For now, his head was a little clearer and he did have work to do.

Out in the barn helping Sparky with hay a while later, Mick keeps an eye on the driveway. Dan's truck was gone, proving he had gone to town like he'd said he would. All Mick hoped now was that when he returned, that Dylan was with him. He wanted to go himself... but he'd let Dan do his thing first. The boy had listened to Dan in the past - maybe he would today too. It was more than a hope. It was a prayer. And his eyes remain alert.

Scott bites his lip but grins, sensing Hope's humor. He was glad she could laugh these things off and not be bothered too much by the way he was now. Who knew what the future held? He didn't like not knowing what would come tomorrow, but he was learning to take things one day at a time.

Kneeling down next to Domino, he roughhouses with her for a few minutes before starting to gather up her things. "Okay, bud... let's get you packed up."

Completely wound up, the little dog runs around the living room, up on the couch, around again then finally smack dab into Hope's legs. Blinking and shaking her head she looks up then starts to wriggle with excitement again, putting her paws up on Hope's knee as if to say how happy she was.

Scott sees her and shakes his head. "She certainly hasn't changed much," he muses. "You got a grocery sack or something for her stuff? Knowing Domino she's probably got a few things hidden around your house - you can get them to me or just leave them here for when we come over."

JT rolls onto his side and props himself up with an elbow, looking at Amanda. "Maybe we will at that." A little grin tugs at his mouth. "Maybe we've had a reason all along and just haven't seen it."

Plucking a tiny daisy from the grass, he hands it to her. "Sometimes one just has to stop what he's doing and take a good look around before seeing the good stuff in life."

Gunner smirks in disgust but continues back towards the campsite. "Yeah I think I better give up this idea of a walk for the day. I'm liable to wind up dead."

Finally making it back and finding a nice old oak tree, Gunner flops down in the grass. From what he could tell, they were on the other side of the pond from where he'd seen JT and Amanda earlier. "So you think those two will ever get their act together?"