

Sitting around the table with everyone else it was a different group of people but Katie and Hunter were still there. Chad liked that it seemed to almost be on a rotation so you can see and chat with different people. 

Talking with Katie and Mark Chad's ears pick up on Rosalyn's voice as she asks Jade to sit down. Giving a smile and a nod to Katie he tried his best to just pass it off as something she'd said, but really it was a smile was for Rosalyn.

   "I don't know Kat, thats kinda taking a big leap."

Giving a laugh he moves his foot slightly before feeling Rosalyn's touch his and he moves it back. Lifting it up and down a little bit before she links ankles with him. He was happy she'd taken the seat next to him even if it wasn't much interaction at least they were a little closer to each other. Turning a little to look around the table his eyes stop to Rosalyn and Jade and he gives a smile.

   "You lady's sure did out due yourself tonight. I don't know if I can go back to normal food now."

   "Would you stop trying to suck up to them. The one is engaged, and the other could probley careless."

Looking back to his brother Chad shakes his head before looking back to Jade and Rosalyn again giving a little smile, and a twinkle in his eye.

   "Alright so the one is engaged, but I dont know about the not caring part I mean...look at me...I'm a charmer."

As Ken gets here and everyone gets ready to leave Misty is not close behind to show them out. She was kind of sad to see Mackenzie go after only being there a short time. She really did care for the child even if she wasn't her own blood. 

As she comes to get her a hug Misty gives a large smile. It really did make her feel good that Mackenzie cared and missed them. If she didn't trust anyone else at least she trusted them. It was a start and better than nothing.

   "It was good to see you kiddo just make sure next time its ok with Ken. I missed you too and I hope we can work something out to see you more. Love ya girl."


As Rosalyn is taken into Chad's strong hug, she wraps her arms around him, tightly, her face nuzzling into his chest. Breathing deeply, she memorizes his wonderful scent, knowing this could be the last time she was held close. 

When he draws away, she looks up at him, feeling the warmth of his hand on her face. Was that sadness she saw in his eyes? Because this might be goodbye? She knew she was sad, but... him too? And was was this strange little pain in her heart? 

"I'll see you at supper," she promises. Even if they wouldn't get to interact, she knew she'd see him in the dining room. 

Backing away, she finally lets go of his hand and turns around, heading for the main building. If not now, she'd stand there all day...

...By the time supper rolled around, Rosalyn had busied herself with many different tasks, winding up in the kitchen for quite a while, helping prepare beef stew. It wasn't until after dinner had already started though, that she had a chance to come into the dining room to eat as well. 

Carrying her bowl and glass of tea, she looks around and immediately spots the four visitors. There was one empty chair between Chad and Jade. Trying not to show too much enthusiasm, she heads in their direction. "Hey, Jade - can I sit with you?" 

Jade looks up quickly and grins. "Sure. I'm getting a little tired of Dan's company." She nudges him with her elbow teasingly. 

Rosalyn laughs and gets herself settled in the extra seat. Nodding to the others at the table, she greets them casually before starting in on her own stew. She'd done almost all the work herself tonight and it had turned out better than she thought it would. 

Focusing on her meal and some light chitchat with Jade, she slides her foot to the side until she feel's Chad's, then moves a little more, hooking her ankle around his.

Even if she didn't respond, Mackenzie did hear Misty's words, letting them sink down deep for her to ponder on her own. She felt safe here. There was just something about Misty she trusted. Maybe it was because she'd been her father's wife and that automatically made her like her. Or maybe it was just Misty herself and her big heart. Either way, Mackenzie was relaxed enough to doze off as they waited. 

Seeing them both on the couch, Alec smiles a little as he slips on his sneakers. Wandering back a little closer, her catches Misty's eye. Was this hard for her? Having Carson's daughter here? Mackenzie wasn't hers. Was the girl just a sore reminder of the husband who had abandoned her? He wondered. If it was hard for Misty, she hid it well under her natural care for the girl. 

It didn't take too long for the doorbell to ring, signaling Ken's arrival. For just a few minutes, Justin has him alone before both come into the living room. By now, Mackenzie was awake again, and seeing her dad, she bites her lip. Giving Misty a scared look, she finally stands from the couch before going up to Ken and giving him a hug. "I'm sorry," she mumbles. 

Ken sighs but returns the hug, running a hand through her unruly hair. "We were awfully worried about you." His eyes showed it. There was tension written all over his face - he was a man filled with so much love and concern for his daughter that it killed him to see her having such a hard time. 

"I'm okay though." Mackenzie pulls away. "I had Misty and Alec to take care of me." 

Ken nods. "I know. Justin told me." He gives Misty an apologetic and appreciative look. "It's time to go home now, Mackenzie." 

Though wanting to fight it, she nods obediently. "Okay." Before she follows him though, she turns around and runs across the room to Alec, throwing her arms around his waist. "Goodbye, Alec." 

Taken by surprise, Alec's eyes widen. Letting his arms do the thinking, he returns her hug, giving her back a couple pats. "Later, Bondie. Stay outta trouble, 'kay?"

She nods and finally pries herself from him before returning to Misty for a giant hug to her as well. "I hope I get to see you again soon."

Honor, Proud

Walking a little more Chad didn't mind it was every Rosalyn was comfortable with so was he. He could adapt to anything easily so leaving it in her hands was easy and just going with the flow was what he did best at times. Not to mention getting to walk a few extra feet with her was nice and he wouldn't argue with that.

Finally getting to where Chad new they must part he lets out a small sigh looking out across the yard. It didn't look like anyone was around at the moment. Leaning down and giving Rosalyn a soft kiss, and a large hug he just holds her for a few long moments. He could feel a few tears building in his eyes but he held them back refusing to let him flow over.

   "Yeah, this might be. I'll do all I can though to see you again before I leave."

Pulling away Chad smiles down at her though there was a sad sort of look lingering in his eye. So quickly he's come so close to Rosalyn now to only be torn away so soon. Bringing a hand to her cheek Chad lets his finger run over her cheek for a moment like he had before but this time it was for his own memorie, to remember her face, and everything else about her.

   "Better get going before they wonder where you are."

Having Mackenzie sit down between both Alec and herself Misty just looks at her. Listing to the girls question a smile comes to her face, before a sad sigh, because a laugh seeing Alec's face get so red. The poor guys was probley use to not having to answer these kinds of questions and in feeling bad Misty also though it was really really funny.

   "I'm a few months along, so that time is write to be before you dad left. I didn't know he was going to be leaving till the day I was going to tell him the good news. Life Mackenzie, it doesn't always turn out how we want it too. But have to keep moving forward and pushing though the day. We can't let life get the best of us...ok kiddo?"

Looking down at her and seeing Mackenzie was starting to fall asleep on her Misty gives a small smile before putting her arm around her and holding her close. It felt good to have her be trusted even if it was only a little bit. Hearing Mackenzie's question sent tingles through her too. 

   "I'd be honored to be one of your moms and proud to say you were my daughter."

Or are you?

Mackenzie's eyes were full of silent hope as Misty talks about having her come visit. She'd been told "no" so many times for grown-up reasons she didn't understand, that hope had been waning lately. But already the wheels in her young mind were turning about how she could convince her parents to let her come. 

As Misty says she's going to be a big sister, Mackenzie's eyes widen. A sister? But... what... how...? Then she realizes just what Misty meant, and a smile spreads on her face. She didn't quite understand, since Carson wasn't here anymore, but somehow it must have still worked. "Wow... really?" She glances to Misty's tummy then back up again. "I... I think I'd like to be a big sister." 

Standing off to the side, a soft smile comes to Justin's face. He hadn't known Misty was pregnant, and he could sense that this scene was both sad and happy. He assumed the baby was Carson's - otherwise he didn't think Misty would have said it the way she did, and she didn't seem the type of woman to have had a relationship with anybody else. How heart-wrenching it must be for her though, to have had her husband walk out at a time like this. 

Mackenzie nods a little, still in wonderment. "I think it would be fun." 

Though not wanting to break up the family time, Justin knew he'd already pressed his luck with Ken. "Mackenzie," he interrupts gently. "I'm gonna call your dad now, okay?" 

Mackenzie sighs but nods. "Okay. Just... tell him not to yell at me?" 

Justin shakes his head. "I don't think he will. But we talked about why he'd be upset, right?" 

"Yeah." Seeing Justin retreat to make call, Mackenzie moves around to slide down on the couch between Alec and Misty. "I like it here," she states flatly. There was something in the atmosphere she liked here. Even though things with Carson had messed it all up, this felt like... home. She knew she was loved by Ken and Jeanette and she loved her adopted sister too. Maybe she really wouldn't want to trade it all, but she did wish she could at least visit here more often.

"I like it here too," Alec admits. 

Turning her head, Mackenzie furrows her brow. "So you never told me why you live here now. Is it 'cause my dad left?" 

"Ah..." Alec scrunches his nose. "No... not exactly." 

"Were you here before or after he left?" 


Mackenzie squints at him, her mind wandering back to being a big sister. "Is my dad the daddy or are you?" 

Alec's eyes widen and he can't bring himself to even look at Misty. "Well your dad, of course!" 

"Oh." She shrugs. "I was just checking 'cause he's been gone and I know how things work." 

Alec now tries not to laugh, and instead, thumps her on the back of her head. "Sounds to me like you know too much about the birds and the bees for a kid your age." 

Mackenzie giggles and gives his knee a shove. "It has nothing to do with birds or bees." She smirks. "It has to do with-"

"Okay, time to go." Alec stands up and stretches. "I gotta get my shoes back on so I can get back outside to work after you leave." 

Eying her uncle as he aims for the back door where he'd left his shoes, Mackenzie just didn't understand why her dad hadn't wanted her to be around him. He was funny and nice and she instinctively knew that he'd never hurt her. Sighing, she leans her head over to rest on Misty, completely worn out from the day. Keeping her eyes open was not easy at this point. "I'm not really yours," she mentions sleepily. "But... but can you be one of my moms too?" 

Sighing, Rosalyn looks down at her and Chad's interlocked hands before glancing up at his face. She smiles and shakes her head. "Lets walk a little further and then you can let me go, okay?" 

Even when they'd come into the ranch yard, it was hard for her to let go of his hand. But she knew she should. "I have to go do some laundry then help get supper started..." Looking up at him, she bites her lip. "I don't know if I'll get see you later or not..." 

Big Sister

Misty gives a laugh at Alec. She was happy he was excited, she really was. To see him getting into it and loving this as much as she was it made her feel good and she had someone else to share this with. Sure she had Jason but this was Alec was family and it was just a different feeling with him. At least the baby would know some part of her father's side for that she was sure. Dani, and Alec showed much intrust.

As Mackenzie comes into the living room Misty looks up at her and gives a small smile. The poor girl had been through so much how could she get mad at her. It wasn't her fault the hand she'd been dealt and Misty had been there before herself. She new it was hard growing up with no parents and than going through so many other things.

    "We forgive you and your very welcome. It was nice to have you around again. I've missed seeing your face too."

Moving a little to be closer to the edge of the couch Misty reaches out and gently takes Mackenzie's in her own holding it softly. Cocking her head a little to look into her eyes she smiles. She was excited about telling Mackenzie the news and hoped she would take it well and even be excited.

   "I'd really like it if you did come by more. Maybe if we talk to Ken we can sent up a day on the weekend to have you spend the night. I have the extra room upstairs that will be transforming soon but that dosn't mean we can't put a bed in it. Specially because..."

Misty looks to Justin, than Alec and than back to Mackenzie before letting out a small sigh. She wondered if the girl would have a million questions but if she did Misty would try to answer them the best she could. After all she wanted to be a good parent to her too even if she wasn't with Carson anymore.

   "...Because you're going to be a big sister and I'd really like to have you in the baby's life. That is if you want to be."

Receiving the soft kiss Chad smiled dropping his hands from Rosalyn to let her get up. Cocking his head and looking at her in the sun light she looked even prettier than she normal did. The light hit her hair right and just shone around her so it lighted her face up, and she eyes sparkled. How could he say no?

   "I'd love to walk you back Rosalyn."

Standing and taking her hand Chad walks slowly with her. Sometimes there was silence, and sometimes they quietly chatted about things but nothing to important. Finally as the ranch came into view Chad stopped and looking to Rosalyn his eyes slightly sad but happy at the same time.

   "Do you want to keep going together or should you go first and I can follow after?"