
Big Sister

Misty gives a laugh at Alec. She was happy he was excited, she really was. To see him getting into it and loving this as much as she was it made her feel good and she had someone else to share this with. Sure she had Jason but this was Alec was family and it was just a different feeling with him. At least the baby would know some part of her father's side for that she was sure. Dani, and Alec showed much intrust.

As Mackenzie comes into the living room Misty looks up at her and gives a small smile. The poor girl had been through so much how could she get mad at her. It wasn't her fault the hand she'd been dealt and Misty had been there before herself. She new it was hard growing up with no parents and than going through so many other things.

    "We forgive you and your very welcome. It was nice to have you around again. I've missed seeing your face too."

Moving a little to be closer to the edge of the couch Misty reaches out and gently takes Mackenzie's in her own holding it softly. Cocking her head a little to look into her eyes she smiles. She was excited about telling Mackenzie the news and hoped she would take it well and even be excited.

   "I'd really like it if you did come by more. Maybe if we talk to Ken we can sent up a day on the weekend to have you spend the night. I have the extra room upstairs that will be transforming soon but that dosn't mean we can't put a bed in it. Specially because..."

Misty looks to Justin, than Alec and than back to Mackenzie before letting out a small sigh. She wondered if the girl would have a million questions but if she did Misty would try to answer them the best she could. After all she wanted to be a good parent to her too even if she wasn't with Carson anymore.

   "...Because you're going to be a big sister and I'd really like to have you in the baby's life. That is if you want to be."

Receiving the soft kiss Chad smiled dropping his hands from Rosalyn to let her get up. Cocking his head and looking at her in the sun light she looked even prettier than she normal did. The light hit her hair right and just shone around her so it lighted her face up, and she eyes sparkled. How could he say no?

   "I'd love to walk you back Rosalyn."

Standing and taking her hand Chad walks slowly with her. Sometimes there was silence, and sometimes they quietly chatted about things but nothing to important. Finally as the ranch came into view Chad stopped and looking to Rosalyn his eyes slightly sad but happy at the same time.

   "Do you want to keep going together or should you go first and I can follow after?"

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