

Listing to Carson Herb got the idea on what he was talking about. His heart ached for him. He could definitely see where Carson was coming from and how he might of gotten the wrong impression. At the same time he could see where Misty was coming from too.

   "I think she does care and I do think today meant a lot to her or she wouldn't have let it happen."

Letting out a sigh and taking a sip of his iced tea Herb is quiet for a moment longer thinking. He new everything that had been going on and the situation was so delicit. 

   "Have you tried talking to her at all Carson? Misty has been through a lot, and her heart is so guarded, maybe not from you but from the world. On the same note you have feels too and maybe she dosnt know how you are feeling. Misty is strong, and I bet she needs to do her healing alone, but really she needs you. Hang in there...talk to her Carson I think that is something that NEED to be done. You cant live in fear or talking to her forever."

Busy filling out some paper work Angel didn't even hear Travis wake up till he came to a crash on the ground. Looking up with a start Angel stands and hurrys over to Travis side trying to help him back up.

   "Easy Travis....easy...You safe sweetheart...You are at the ranch. It's me Angel your Aunt."

Feeling Travis skin Angel could feeling him burn up and new what was going on. She hoped he wouldn't struggle to much so should could get an IV in him and start antibiotics.

   "Travis you have an infection that needs to be taken care of. You are ok...I need you to sit here and let me take care of you. Ok?"


Carson gave Herb a wry gin. He'd learned long ago there was no point in trying to avoid talking to Herb - the older man could see more and understand more than Carson ever would. "I dunno. I'm just an idiot I guess."

His eyes dropped and he fiddled with his ballcap. It was fraying around the edges but it was his favorite cap so he hadn't replaced it yet. "I just...I've tried so hard with Misty. I thought I was making progress. Then today we..." He paused and cleared his throat before glancing up. "We spent the afternoon together." He knew his facial expression would say the rest - Herb could put the pieces together himself. "So...I thought that meant I could finally go home but... she still doesn't want me to." He shrugged lamely. "I guess I'm glad we had today. I mean, obviously that's progress but... it just felt like that's all she wanted. She really didn't want me. I'm still not wanted." 

He got up to get a pizza that was coming out of the oven and was much more careful this time before handing it off to Aerith, then sat back down with Herb to resume playing with his hat. "I know she's still working through stuff and I gotta be patient. And I didn't tell her I was that disappointed 'cause I don't wanna have to start over again, but... I mighta played the day out a little differently had I known it wouldn't really matter to her." 

Travis wasn't satisfied in the least, but he really didn't have the energy to argue. He was so tired, that all it took was a few minutes of quiet, and he was out again, this time not to wake until evening. 

"Alright, well...I've reported back to headquarters and I need to get back." Con packed up the last of the equipment in the dining hall. "You've got Xander here now, and he'll help keep an eye on things, then once his family comes, there's another Elite agent who might be able to stick around too, if need be." 

Mick stood nearby and nodded. They hadn't really had a chance to talk to Xander about his life yet - all that had been mentioned was a family that would be following him out here, but that was all they knew. "Thank you, Con. For everything."

Pausing his work, he looked down at Mick for a moment. He felt...different than he had when he'd arrived. He felt...better. He'd killed a man today. But he'd done it with the skill he'd been given, and had saved two lives. He hadn't let the inner monster take over, and his hearing loss hadn't hindered the mission. Maybe...just maybe he finally felt useful again. And that put a small smile on his face. "Any time, Mick. I miss you guys around here. Maybe I'll have to bring Jamie out for a visit." 

"That would be great. Take care of yourself..."

And in that short amount of time, Con was gone, heading back to Nevada...

 ...Waking up from a deep sleep, Travis felt hot and groggy. A fever had set in, signalling infection. Too disoriented to really make sense of these new surroundings, fear crept into his veins. He'd just been abducted. He'd been brought here. But it was a strange place. His father had secrets. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't understand. And in his feverish state, panic took over his good sense. 

Kicking off the blanket, he rolled over to get out of bed, but his legs buckled, sending him to the floor with a crash. Pain coursed through his sprained arm and every single muscle seemed to protest any movement. He hurt even worse than he had earlier, and it scared him even more. Groping at the bed, he tried to stand, but didn't have the strength. 

Quiet Room

As Dr . Hawks comes in Nate stands and extends his hand in a ferm hand shake. They hadn't been waiting long, but he just wanted to get to work and become closer to Sarah's killer was. It was a terrible thing and he wanted to offer Beth some kind of closure and justice.

   "Thank you for meeting with us Dr. Hawks. We wont keep you long, I know you are a busy man. My name is Nate and this is Garret."

Looking to Garret Nate nods and than looks back to Dr Hawks. He was happy Garret was there with him to help. He would need another set of eyes who might know more than he did.

   "Surveillance would be good, and any information on the orderly that would have been in and out of Sarah's room. Other than that a quiet room to work in would be the only other thing we would need."

Nate looks to Garret once again wondering if maybe he had any ideas on anything else they would need. He wanted to make sure Garret was included.

   "Even if everything is confusing and you are upset, dont be to hard on your dad ok? I am sure he did it to keep you safe. Just give him a chance to explain everything."

Angel smiles again setting a glass of ice water on the table next to Travis. There would be time for them to talk later. Travis needed to rest all he could.

   "Try and rest. I'll be over at that desk if you need anything. Its good to have you here Travis."

Sitting down across from Carson Herb cocks his head to one side. Carson looked tired, he looked stressed, he looks happy and sad. It was a strange mix of emotions and it made him just a little sad. He didn't like seeing Carson like this, not one bit. He was like a son to him, so if Carson hurt so did he. 

    "Motion sickness is never fun indeed. Whats got you feeling this way? I can guess and more than likely be right but why dont you explain, you might be able to give a little more detail than me."

Motion Sickness

At the sound of Herb's voice, Carson's gaze snapped up. It wasn't the first time Herb had shown up on a bad day and helped calm Carson's nerves. How the older man did it, he'd never know. Sighing deeply, he nodded. "There's a pizza that just needs pepperoni on it, then throw it in the oven. What I'm cleaning up was the first one." 

Once the floor was clean again, Carson sank down in one of the chairs at he little table, just letting the girls handle things for a few minutes. He knew just by looking at him that Herb would know something was wrong. He'd never been able to hide anything from him. He took off his ballcap and ran a hand through his hair. "Funny how you can be on the mountaintop and in the valley all in one day," he commented dryly. "I'm gonna get motion sickness if I keep this up." 

He had family he hadn't even known about. It boggled Travis' mind. As injured as he was, frustration and inner hurt still rose. "Well then, at least I wasn't the only one in the dark," he grumbled. Something told him Angel didn't deserve to be griped at though. He was pretty sure all the blame was on his dad for this one. But why? Why would he have kept his family a secret? Why not even mention it through all these years? 

"I have no idea what's been going on, but from what I heard from the guys who held me, Dad's not exactly an innocent party. I don't know what he did or what he owes to who, but it seems family's not the only secret he's kept." 

 Dr. Hawks came into the small office at Brookshire where he'd been told two men from the Elite were waiting. Seeing Nate and Garret, he offered them handshakes. "Hi, I'm Dr. Hawks. Normally I wouldn't be involved in things like this, but because of the delicate situation, I'll be helping you gain whatever you need to help figure out this case." 

Garret shook his hand, but did quirk one eyebrow. Hawks? As in Justin Hawks? It couldn't be a coincidence. He kept his mouth shut, though. 

"So..." Dr. Hawks looked between them, unsure of names or who was in charge. "I have some surveillance footage...is that what you need to look at?" 

372. Just a number. Just a being who should have died were it not for memories keeping him alive. Memories of hope. Memories of love. It had been love that brought him here. A righteous vengeance born of love for another. Love for justice. Love for what was right.

But even for a man whose actions were righteous, no rescuers came. The hope of salvation from this place was lost amidst the drifting days. To dwell on thoughts of being pulled from the pit of despair became foolishness. There was no one outside who would come to his aid. He truly was alone.

Even so, caught in a world of nothing but pain, a mind can sometimes remove itself from reality and form a plan - a plan to escape the madness. But often times, the plans fail.


Angel just watched helplessly as Lane and Travis went back and forth. She felt bad and wished there was something she could do to help. As Lane mentions her she gives a smile and a small wave before moving back to her desk to just give them time to talk. 

As Lane stands to leave Angel gives his shoulder a pat. She would take care of Travis till he came back the best she could. She'd just met her nephew there was no way she was letting him fade now.

   "I'll be here till you get back. Promise."

Once Lane was gone and hearing Travis question Angel walked over to the bed and gave him a small smile. In a way she new how Travis felt. Lost, and upset on being left in the dark about family. It pained her own heart not to have known anything about him.

   "Unfortunately I didn't know anything about you, and for that I am so sorry. I wish I could of met you, and seen you grow."

It really did sadden her more than she would tell anyone. Family had always been important to her. and since she didn't grown with her own it gave her a yearning for that.

 "Though I was never able too, I'd like to get to know you now. I know Wendy your cousin would like that too."

Giving a knock on the kitchen door Herb pokes his head in to see Carson cleaning up a mess on the floor. It had been a long time since he had been there but something told him today he should go, and go he did.

   "Hey Carson, can an old man help out a little for old time sake?"

Herb new he couldnt do this on his own. He was far to old now, moved slower, and just  didnt have the pashents anymore but he did like helping and from the look of it Carson might need it today.


It wasn't easy to concentrate the rest of the afternoon and evening at the restaurant. Carson messed up at least two orders and had to have Aerith help make the customers happy. The longer the day went, the moodier he got, even though he tried not to. He just didn't understand what had happened today. He should be going home tonight, not staying in this stupid, tiny back room anymore. He knew he had made progress with Misty. He knew he was gaining ground. Good had happened today. And yet he still felt this horrible letdown, as if he'd done something wrong again to deserve rejection. 

Being this distracted in the kitchen wasn't good. Pulling a pizza pan from the oven with his sprained wrist on mistake, he couldn't hold it. Crying out as pain shot through his hand, he lost his grip and the entire large pepperoni pizza clattered to the floor. Sauce, grease and cheese went everywhere. 

Just staring at the mess, he heaved a long, weary sigh before looking up at Aerith. "I'll clean it up...give table two an extra batch of breadsticks...and if they complain their pizza is late, just tell them it's on the house. I can't deal with it tonight." Rubbing his wrist, he went to get some wet towels to clean up the floor. 

Though not really satisfied with Angel's answer, Travis didn't complain. He was so confused, but his head hurt too much to really dwell on it. His dad owed him a lot of answers, though.

Trying to sit up a little bit more, he winced. Everything hurt. He would rather not move at all. But he knew he needed to. He accepted the bowl of soup and managed a few small spoonfuls with his good hand. "Thank you." His voice was still raspy. "I appreciate all this. I..." His voice trailed of as the door opened. It was his dad.

Lane looked better. Even though he hadn't yet slept, the sheer relief of getting his son back was enough to bring life back into his own eyes. "Travis...how you feeling?"

"Could be better." Travis took another sip of broth, enjoying the taste. Whoever had made this was a good cook. "But I'm told I'll survive."

Looking at his son, Lane's heart hurt. His face was so bruised and battered...the Agency would pay. Somehow, some way, they would pay. "I'm so sorry." Lane eased down in a chair next to the bed. "I never thought anything like this would happen."

"Yeah...about that..." Travis set the bowl aside and glanced to Angel. Something just felt...funny. He looked back at his dad. "I got the idea there's an awful lot I don't know."

"There is. It will take a while to explain. But he main thing is that you're okay."

Travis wasn't sure that was the main thing, but he didn't argue. "Where am I?"

"The R/M ranch."

Travis frowned. "That's...not too far from the Triple J."

"Not far, no."

"I don't understand."

Lane sighed. "There's a lot of history here, Travis. I've been here before, a very long time ago. I have friends here...and family."

Travis' eyebrows rose. "What...do you mean?"

Lane glanced over to Angel, then back again. "Angel...she's my sister."

Travis blinked. He looked back and forth between them several times. "Wait...you're...she's may aunt?"

"That's right."

"And...you never thought to mention family to me before? Is there anyone else?"

"No. Well, no siblings. Angel has a daughter though. Wendy. She lives here with her husband and children."

"So I've got an aunt...and a cousin...that you just..." Travis shrugged. "Forgot to ever tell me about."

Lane looked down. "It's a very long story. Too much to worry about right now. You just need to rest."

"No!" Travis held his side as his body tensing made his ribs hurt even more. "I want to know exactly what's been going on. You can't just let me be abducted and beat to a pulp without explanation."

"Calm down... I will explain. It's just going to take a while, and it's a lot to take in. You need to get your strength back."

Travis gritted his teeth. He wasn't used to arguing with his dad, and it didn't feel good. But he was too exhausted to fight, even though his mind and heart were not happy. He scowled and let his head sink back into the pillow. "Fine. Come back and see me when you can actually formulate a believable story."

"Look, that's not..." Lane just sighed and stood to leave. It would be better to just let him sleep before trying to get into details about the past and the Agency. "I'll be back in a little while."

Travis just gave him a slight nod. Once his dad was gone, he looked back to Angel. He wasn't upset with her - just his dad. "Aunt, huh?" He pursed his lips. "Guess it's good you're a doctor. Did you know about me? Or have you been in the dark, too?"


Leaning to the side to look up at Carson Misty studied his face for aong moment. She new he didn't understand, maybe she didn't all that much either but she was thankful he didn't argue. Bringing her hands to his arms she rubbed them for a moment.

   "Thank you."

As the phone shattered the silence Misty new that this moment was over now. There would be more she was sure. She'd let Carson back into her heart things could only start getting better from here or so she helped.

   "I'll see you again soon."

Leaving Misty took a different route to work stopping at her house first. Going inside her rout was to her bedroom. Opening her small jewelry box she took out her engagement ring and wedding ring that has been resting there.

Picking it up and looking at it for a long moment she new it was time. Placing them in her finger again she smiled. Things were much different now but she new it was only right.

Seeing Travis was awake Angel came over to him with a bowl of soup Rosetta had made. She new he would hungry and this would be one of the best things for a starving stomach.

  "Here you go. Eat it slow so your stomach dosnt get upset."

Looking down at her nephew she couldnt help the smile that spread across her face. He was safe now, thought badly beaten she got to see him too. He looked just like Lane.

  "My name is Angel. Once you are well enough I leave it to your dad to explain everything."

I don't

Carson couldn’t help it that his shoulders dropped a little in disappointment, as did his eyes. He toyed with Misty’s fingers while studying the ice in his glass. “Oh.” They’d just given themselves to each other and had spent the last few hours together, just to have her reject him again? She was right…it did hurt. He’d thought after all this, she’d at least give it a shot at letting him come home. He thought she’d at least try. 

He looked up into her eyes again. Had today changed nothing? Surely it had. Surely that new spark in her eye was real. Surely her recent affection hadn’t been a lie. The love…it was still real, wasn’t it? Or did she still just blame him for everything? For leaving. For lying. For losing the baby? Was it blame that now put him right back at arm’s length? Yes…it hurt.

A small smile was forced to his lips. He couldn’t risk getting upset now. This whole thing was far too fragile. If she didn’t want him to come home…so be it. At least he’d had her for a few hours, and that was certainly better than the cold shoulders he’d been receiving lately. 

He rose from his chair as he sighed, and came behind Misty’s chair to drape his arms around her as he leaned down to kiss her neck. “I don’t,” he replied softly. He really didn’t understand. “But it’s what you want…so that’s what it will be.”

The phone rang in the kitchen, shattering their time together. The day had to move on. He had to work. People would be here soon. He straightened and gave her shoulders a final squeeze before heading to answer the phone. “I’ll clean up,” he called over his shoulder. “See you back at headquarters tomorrow.” 

As soon as Lane caught sight of his son, he was out of the pickup and helping him back. His heart hurt so badly, seeing his son like this – oh, but the relief that he was here, alive, and away from the Agency. 

Once in the back seat and lying with his head in Lane’s lap, Travis finally looked up at him. “Dad?” 

“I’m here. You’re going to be okay. Just lie still.”

Angel’s brief exam made Travis wince, then cry out as she got to his arm, which was at least not broken, but very badly sprained. “Who were those guys?” he asked groggily. “Why did they take me?”

“Answers later.” Lane ran his hand through his son’s hair as a tear ran down his face. “All that matters now is that you’re safe.” 

“Let’s move.” 

Lane jumped at Con’s voice. “We heard a shot.”

“Later.” Con slid in behind the wheel and passed off his rifle to Xander to hold. He wasted no time in getting back to the ranch, and as soon as they were there, Travis was moved to Angel’s office… 

…Lying in bed, Travis’ mind was still lost in a fog. His arm was in a sling, and his cuts and bruises had been tended to, although he still felt as if he’d been run over by a train. He thought someone said they would bring him some broth to eat – he was so hungry now that he almost didn’t care. But he knew he needed to eat. His dad had been hovering over him the entire time, but finally had left for a few minutes at least, leaving it just Angel for now. Or at least that’s what Travis thought. He may have drifted off a few times. Watching Angel with tired eyes, Travis licked his dry, sore lips as he tried to figure everything out. “You probably told me,” he commented softly. “But…where am I? And who…who are you? I don’t understand.” 


Looking at Carson Misty studied his face. This afternoons lunch had been nice, and something new had been formed, some of her spark had come back. She new that he would have to open soon, and in a way it kind of made her sad. She really had enjoyed being with him today.

Hearing his comment Misty looks down at there fingers that are interlocked. Was she that ready yet? To have him move in again so soon. Hearing Rick’s words in her head she new that even if things were better, she just wasn’t ready for that yet.

    “Carson I…I still need more time before you move back in. I know that hurts you, and I am sorry for that but I’m just not ready. I’d still like to spend more time than we have with you...”

Misty looks up at him again and searches his eyes. She new this would be hard to understand but she hoped he really did. The small spark had ignited, and had grown, but still it was not to the full potential it once way.

   “ But after everything that has happened I just…I’m still healing. I…hope you understand, if even just a little.”


Carson sat across from Misty at the small table, his hands holding hers as his thumbs ran up and down her fingers. Their sodas were half gone now, and a bit of warmed-up pizza had been eaten. Unfortunately, he needed to open the restaurant for dinner, and Aerith would be here very soon to clock in. He wished he could just keep everything closed for the day, but he couldn’t.

His eyes roamed Misty’s face and he brought one of her hands up to his lips and kissed it softly. “I know I messed things up the first time around…” He had apologized how many times? He’d lost count. Maybe he’d never be able to apologize enough. “But all I want…is another chance. I never gave up on us. I just…I just want to come home.”


Hearing the shot Xander looked behind him. Seeing the man fall to the ground He looks to where Con had been and gives a nod. He was thankful that Con had been there or he and Travis would have been. Continuing he headed to where Angel and Lane were.

Seeing how impatient Lane was getting Angel laid a hang on his shoulder. She felt bad for him. The shot that rang out startled them both and now there was a worry that followed. Movement caught Angel’s eye before seeing it was Xander and Travis.

   “Lane look!”

Getting out of the truck she hurried to them and helped get Travis to the van and inside. Working quickly to look after his injury’s.

Once Travis was with Angel Xander let out a sigh of relief. This had been easy and hard all at the sometime. Now came the worry if the Agency would retaliate and if they would, when and where.It would be best to keep Ranch on lock down for now.


Carson could do nothing but bask in Misty’s affection, returning every bit of passion. When she paused to speak, her words hit his ears like a cool spring water to his parched soul. He thought he’d never hear her say that again. He thought he’d been a lost cause.

Pulled back into her embrace, the fire within him burned even brighter. Hope. Hope was renewed. Stopping for another moment, he opened his eyes to see hers, emotions flooding his gaze. “I love you too…I never stopped. Ever. I will love you until the day I die.”

Pizza was forgotten. It would get cold, but no one would mind. The daisies on the table remained a quiet reminder that life and growth could still happen, even in the midst of a storm. Beauty would surface, no matter how hard war tried to destroy it. And there was always hope. For love. For a future. For dreams.

Travis winced and groaned as he trudged alongside Xander, but he did his best to keep up. He couldn’t stop now. Not when he was so close to getting out. Not when he was so close to freedom and safety. His legs protested but he forced them to move, one fast step at a time. Reaching the outdoors, his eyes were almost blinded from the light, and stepping off the porch was even more painful than just walking. But he refused to stop.

As Con watched, he suddenly caught movement at the back of the house. Where had that man come from? The stand of trees? Had he been waiting in ambush this entire time? Had he known someone would try to rescue Travis? It didn’t matter. What did matter was that the man had a handgun and he was heading alongside the house.

Focusing through the scope, Con’s muscles tensed. It was obvious from this angle that Xander had no idea someone was coming up behind them. “Come on, Xander,” he whispered. Sweat broke out on his forehead as the man was finally within range of the two trying to escape. Con couldn’t make a judgment call like this. He’d messed up one too many times. He couldn’t make this decision. Xander had to see him and get out of there. He had to. The man stopped, and raised his gun to fire.

A shot rang out. But it was not the handgun. The man stopped in his tracks, his own gun falling to the ground before he toppled over with a bullet dead center in his forehead.

Flinching, Travis glanced over his shoulder, his face paling as he saw the man slump to the ground. Who had just shot him? What was really going on?

Con closed his eyes for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief. They were in the clear. Nothing would be traced. All Xander had to do now was get Travis back to the pickup before anyone else showed up. Making sure the two were well on their way, and not seeing any more signs of Agency men, Con finally got to his feet to make his way back as well.

At the truck Lane sat sideways in the seat with the back door open, his leg bouncing impatiently. Shouldn’t they be back by now? Had anything gone wrong? Had… His thoughts stopped dead as his ears caught the sound of a gunshot. His eyes ricocheted to Angel, silently showing how worried he really was. Who had fired? Their side or the bad guys? Was everyone still okay?


Misty couldn’t help the soft groan that came from deep in Misty’s throat. The feelings built inside of her as the kiss deepened more. She really had missed this, She had missed her husband’s arms and his love. They had so much to work through still, so many things they needed to make clear, but at this moment this was all that mattered to her.

Drawing away Misty bits his lower lip playfully before returning for another kiss letting it continue before drawing away once more her hand slipping from his hair down to his neck and her fingers played with the collar of his shirt and her finger slip into the back just feeling his skin.


Resting her head on his head she closed her eyes for a moment gathering her thoughts, and her emotions. What did she want to say? Words were so hard for her to find but she had to say something.

   “I…I love you.”

Bringing her lips to his once more she pulls him even closer. Things were not fixed, and things were not ok, but this was a start.

Throwing Travis arm over his shoulder Xander lets him lean on him. They boy was weaker than one would expect but he would do all he could to help him and get him out of there.

   “Come on, we don’t have to go far and once we are out we have to doc waiting to look at you.”

Moving forward Xander walks with Travis and heads for the door. This was to easy…something was wrong and he could feel it. He didn’t know what but it was not right. Hearing something behind them he turned quickly to look only to find nothing. Turning back he walked a little more quickly. It was now or never.

Could he?

Feeling Misty accept and continue the exchange, Carson pushed her back just a couple steps until she was pressed against the wall. Deepening his kiss, he longed for this to finally be the start to the road back to where they’d been so happy. Before he’d made so many stupid mistakes. Before he’d left her without the chance of coming back. Could he convince her he’d changed?

He paused only to tilt his head the other direction, unwilling to let it end yet. Could he convince her he was worthy of returning home? His hand rubbed her back while his other palm found her face to caress her cheek, so soft against his calloused palm.

Hearing someone approach, Travis pried open his eyes once more. Xander? A friend of his dad’s? Was he finally being rescued? He blinked and tried to focus, then nodded. “I can…if you can get this…this off my leg.” He pointed to the iron shackle locked around his ankle. Just lying still as Xander worked to pick the lock, he saved his energy. Once free, his ankle felt so much better, but that didn’t take away the soreness or weakness.

It took all his strength to stand with Xander’s help, but he cried out in pain as he moved his left arm, also doubling over to protect his sore ribs. But he had to move. He knew he did. He had to get out of here. Mustering up everything he had, he leaned against Xander and gritted his teeth. “I’ll match your pace,” he assured in a raspy voice.

Out on the rise, Con watched through his scope. Why had no one been at the house? It appeared as though Xander had been able to walk right in. Something didn’t feel right. It was too quiet. Surely they hadn’t abandoned the boy.


Hearing Carson words Misty couldn’t help the chill that ran through her. The warm, tingly chill that she had felt so long ago. Feeling his lips press against her Misty’s first instinct was to draw away but something else kept her there, in Carson’s arms her, his lips against hers. Bringing her hands up Carson’s arm one finds its way to the back of his neck her fingers playing with his hair, her other hands resting on the side of his face her thumb running over his cheek. She wanted to trust him, she missed him, she wanted to feel better. Maybe this was a start.


Carson was too busy checking the pizza that he didn’t even hear the bells on the front door. After seeing the pizza needed a few extra minutes, he left it in, wiped his hands on a towel and headed back to the other room. Just as he pushed through the door though, he ran right into Misty. Startled, his eyes widened and he took a small step back, steadied by her own hands. He opened his mouth to apologize, but stopped as his eyes caught hers. Was that…just a small…faraway piece of what used to be there? That tiny glint that had only lasted a fraction of a second? Was it still there, hidden under all the hurt?

He dared to shift closer to her, his hands rising to lay on top of hers near his shoulders. This was the closest they’d been in so very long. His voice came out almost a whisper. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” His eyes locked with hers, the lunch completely forgotten. And before he could stop it, all caution fled, leaving his stare ablaze with the passion he’d kept locked away since she’d rejected him. In the next instant, his arm was around her waist having closed the gap between them, and his lips were pressed to hers in a hard, passionate kiss.


Xander gave a nod to Con. He’d seen enough pictures to know what Travis looked like and he understood the danger. He had to get the boy out, no matter what he would get him out. This was someone’s son and being a father he understood. Looking at Lane he gave a nod and a sympathetic.

   “I’ll get him out Lane.”

Leaving them all Xander made his way to the house. Getting to the door he knocked, waiting no one answered. Knocking again he waits before turning and looking around. No one seemed to be there even though there was meant to be one. Xander new though again time was limited and he had to act.

Opening the door and taking in all he surroundings he made his way through the house. Going to one of the far doors he opens it and steps in. Seeing Travis Xander hurries in and kneels down next to him.

   “Travis? My name is Xander and I am a friend of your dads. I’m here to get you out. Can you get up and walk?”

Getting outside Mom and Pop’s Misty takes in a deep sigh. She was thankful for Rick’s chat this morning. Even if it didn’t make her completely better it helped a little knowing things would be ok. Entering Misty walked over to the little table the and saw the flowers. Giving a small smile she felt something she hadn’t in a long while…appreciation.

Not seeing Carson Misty heads to the back to find him. Coming around the corner as fait would have it Misty ran right into him. Grabbing his arms Misty trys to steady herself a whiff of Carson’s cologne enters her nose and for a moment a million of memories flowed into her mind. Looking up into Carson’s eyes her own twinkled, a spark flickered for a moment in her own.


Rick gave Misty a gentle smile and came around to give her shoulder a pat. “It’ll be okay. We’re all messes most of the time. You’ve been through a lot – more than anyone should have to go through. Just give yourself time.”

He returned to his station, but not before adding, “And Carson is not going anywhere. He loves you too much.”

…Noon. Carson sat at one of the tables at Mom and Pop’s, the aroma of pizza wafting through the air. There was a closed sign on the door, but he’d left it unlocked for Misty. A soda was waiting for her on the other side of the table as he fiddled with his own straw. Instead of kitchen grease, he smelled of the cologne he knew Misty liked. He wore an old t-shirt and jeans…but it was something he’d always worn before – although maybe he had to tighten his belt an extra notch or two now. He’d left his apron in the kitchen – he didn’t want to have this be about cooking. This was about a special lunch with Misty. Several daisies tied with a blue ribbon were laid across the center of the table. Too much? He hoped not.

The timer dinged in the kitchen, so he got up to go take care of the pizza, hoping Misty would show before it cooled down too much.

Forty minutes later. They had prepped, left, and arrived faster than planned, and Con was just fine with that. On the way to the site, he had explained to Xander all about the small house on the dirt road, and Lane had shown him several pictures of Travis. Parking the pickup truck off into the brush about a half mile from the house, they should be safe from any prying eyes.

“Okay. Lane…Angel…you stay here and do not move until you see one or both of us return. Got that?”

Sitting in the backseat with his sister, Lane was tense with worry, and managed a nod. “What if something goes wrong?”

“If we’re not back within forty-five minutes, call the ranch. Mick’s been instructed to come get you if needed.”

“And if they find us?”

Con handed him a shotgun. “I’m assuming you know how to pull the trigger. If not, I know Angel does.” He gave Angel a stern look. This wasn’t a game, and somebody needed to keep their head if Lane panicked.

He exited the truck with Xander, and shouldered his own rifle. “I’m going to hike up to that hill I told you about that overlooks the area where the house is. Head down this lane and it joins with the road that will lead you to the house itself like we discussed. There should only be one Agency man you need to go through. It’s up to you whether you can bypass him or if you’ll need to take him out. Do what you need to do, then head back with Travis. Last I saw him, he was lucid, so he should be able to walk – I’m hoping he’s still in good enough shape to do so.” This whole thing was risky but there wasn’t any other way. They couldn’t even wear communicators of any kind, lest Xander be caught before being able to get to the boy.

Con took a deep breath and nodded. “Good luck.” And fifteen minutes later, he was on top of a small rise on his stomach, staring through the scope of his rifle like he had so many times before.

Inside the house, Travis sat on the floor, fighting to stay awake. He hurt all over, and his hunger pains had become so bad, it was more of a numbing feeling now. His ankle throbbed where he’d fought the shackle until his strength had been spent. The camera in the corner – it had been disabled earlier and he didn’t know why. But he’d heard talk of these men leaving. He didn’t know if that meant they were planning on taking him with them or if he’d be left there to die. Leaning his head back against the wall, he closed his eyes.

Don’t Know

Looking up at Rick Misty tried her best to smile though inside she was a mess. He looked out for her so much she was thankful for it. His question lingered for a second thinking about it.

   “Everything is great, its me that’s not alright.”

Leaning back in her chair she let out a deep sigh. Everything was so terrible, and she felt it was terrible iside too. She just couldn’t get her emotions into check.

   “Carson is trying so hard, he is being so sweet and me…I’m a mess. I just cant pull myself out of the pit I am in. It’s a mess Rick…I don’t know what to do.”

Handle That

Carson’s heart skipped a beat when Misty accepted the invitation. He didn’t know where the lines were anymore, and knew he had to be careful. In his mind though, she was still his wife, so needing to be that careful was so hard. But anything else would end in disaster and he wasn’t sure he could survive that again. “I think I can handle that.” Sliding off her desk, he turned to go, but paused to glance over his shoulder and bit his lip. “I like giving surprises…” He threw her a wink before finally exiting the infirmary.

Rick, though paying attention to his work, had been listening, just to make sure Carson didn’t cause any trouble. Wandering over to Misty, he handed her some paperwork. “Everything alright?”


Getting to greet everyone Xander was happy to see them all. It had been a long time and he had missed everyone at the ranch even if there was stiffness in the air. As Con came over Xander stood a little taller as Con came over. Taking his hand in his own and giving it a good shake Con’s size did not go unnoticed but it didn’t bother him. There was a bunch of people in the Agency he worked with that were bigger than him. He’d learned to hold his own.

   “That should be no problem. I still have my Agency clearance, and no one should know I left yet. So I don’t see any hic ups yet.”

He’d leave his bags here for now and worry about them later. Con was right they did need to go. He was surprised that the Agency had stuck around as long as they did already with Travis. He didn’t want to push their luck too much.

  “I get everything I’ll need so let’s not stick around to longer. On the way give me a brief run-down of what Travis looks like, and what we can the guess the lay out is. I’ll at least know my way around a little.”

Seeing Lane stand Angel gives a small nod to her brother. He’d be there for him, and be there for anyone who might need her. She’d rather be close than farther away. It was the least she could do.

   “I’m ready.”

Looking up at Garret as he came over Nate couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. He’d seen Garret go into Reese’s office this morning but he didn’t know what was be said. It would seem things went alright and that made Nate feel good.

   “Well, Nothing too overly exciting at the moment. I have to drive up to the hospital later this afternoon where Beth’s sister was killed. We are pretty sure it was the agency. Feel like taking a drive with me? Maybe you can help with identification on different orderly names.”

It wasn’t much but at least it was something and Garret would be able to get out a little bit more. Nate liked having someone to help too. Another set of eyes was always nice.

Finishing what she was writing Misty finally looked up at Carson. Her eyes searched his face for a long moment. He was trying so hard and she knew it. On the inside it made her feel a little worse. She was still feeling so down. Carson didn’t deserve that. She just wished things would look up for her and yet, they wernt.

   “Pizza sounds good. Not sure what kind I’d like. Maybe you could surprise me?”


The next morning, things at the Elite office felt tense. Not everyone knew how things had turned out – most had just witnessed Garret’s verbal challenge – and victory – with Reese the morning before and didn’t know all that had happened after that. No one would ask, though curiosity rose when Garret was seen walking the building once again.

Reese gingerly eased down to sit in his office chair. He’d made it to work on time. Barely. But with Angelica’s help this morning, he’d been able to get moving despite how sore he was. He hurt from head to toe, and his face looked even worse this morning. He’d received a lot of wide-eyed looks as he’d entered the office this morning, but found it quite amusing that no one dared ask what happened. Facts would slowly trickle in – if no one had the guts to ask, he’d let them wallow in their own curiosity for a while.

A knock on his door made him sigh. He was needed already? “Yes?”

Garret stepped quietly inside.

Reese looked up in surprise. “Good morning, Garret.”

He just nodded his reply before approaching the desk and stopping, feet apart, hands to his back as facing his superior. “What can I do today, sir?”

Reese blinked. Really? That’s all it took? Let Garret beat him up, then he’d earn respect? He cocked his head. “Should I have let you beat me to a pulp sooner?”

Garret gritted his teeth to hide a wry grin. “I’m not used to how things run around here. That’s no secret. I know we’re gonna butt heads again, and I know you’re not gonna like how I handle myself all the time. I can’t promise my reflexes won’t take over, but I’ll do my best not to cause harm to anyone here as long as they respect my space.” He paused, studying Reese’s battered face. “Last night, you knew full well I could kill you. You knew you’d lost before you started. Yet you fought anyway, just to prove you were determined enough to fight for what you believe. And I respect that.”

Reese’s eyebrows rose. He hadn’t expected this. To have Garret respect anything here was a huge step. He opened his mouth, but Garret continued.

“I know I’ve made things worse for the Elite just by being here, and I’m sure my actions have not impressed the FBI at all. I came here to help in return for refuge and instead, I’ve risked your future. And I regret that. If you’d prefer I leave, I will. I’ll find my way and avoid the Agency, and I’ll go quietly. If you prefer I stay, all I ask is to not be a prisoner. I know you don’t trust me…and I don’t rightly trust you either. But we both want the Agency to pay for what they’ve done. I just can’t be caged in – I’d rather take a bullet to the head.”

Reese was quiet for several moments. Had Garret really changed that much overnight? Was he really different, or was this just the side of him Reese had been waiting for? He knew good and well that it would be an uphill battle for Garret to be a team player and that would include more confrontations, and maybe even some more fist fights. It was still a risk – even if Garret didn’t intend to hurt anyone, he could snap someone’s neck just out of muscle memory alone. But if they could make this work, there were great benefits. Garret could be a very real asset to the Elite, not only for his knowledge of the Agency, but his skillsets as well.

Slowly, Reese got up from his desk, and gingerly walked around to face Garret. “Yes. You’ve made things worse. Some of that is your own fault, but some of it isn’t. We have rules, but we’re not a dictatorship. Therefore…I’m still willing to give you a chance. The way you thought through how to rescue Grace was impressive and I want to see more than that. I just don’t want any more unnecessary dead bodies.”

Garret pursed his lips. “About that… I did it because the guy recognized me. I was afraid he’d get word to Medridge that I was alive, and if he did, Victoria’s life would be on the line. I couldn’t let her pay for my mistake, so I killed him.”

Reese nodded. “I know. Nate told me. Why couldn’t you have just said that in the first place?”

“I…didn’t want to be locked up again.” Garret held his head a little higher, trying to hide the fact that he’d been scared. “I knew you wouldn’t approve and I couldn’t stand the thought of being locked in the cell or put in cuffs again.”

“I understand. But know this – I’d rather have the truth and deal with it than be lied to.”

“How did you know I was lying?”

“You have your skills…I have mine.” Reese held out his hand. “Welcome to the Elite, Garret. Go check in with your handler and tell him I said you can help with lower level cases.”

Garret swallowed hard. How had this happened? How had everything changed within twenty-four hours? It didn’t make any sense. But…he couldn’t walk away now. Not when all of a sudden he actually had a little more free rein. Accepting Reese’s hand, he shook it firmly. “Thank you.”

Reese nodded. “You’re welcome. Now get out of here. I’ve got work to do.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And quit calling me sir.” Reese hobbled back to his chair. “Nobody else around here does.”

A grin finally creased Garret’s lips before he turned to leave. He made his way to Nate’s cubicle and leaned over the wall. To look down at him. “Reese sent me…” He bit his lip. “Said I could help with low level cases. Anything I can help with?”

“There. It’s just a slight sprain. You should be good as long as you’re careful for a few days.” Rick finished wrapping an ace bandage around Carson’s wrist in the Elite infirmary.

“Yeah, thanks.” Carson rolled his eyes. He’d slipped in the kitchen at Mom and Pop’s last night and had caught himself hard on the floor. Next time he spilled oil, he was going to make sure the entire floor was cleaned up before walking across it again. He’d thought he was okay until he got up this morning and couldn’t handle a pizza pan. He was going to need extra help from Thirteen and Aerith tonight.

Sliding off the table, he meandered over to Misty’s desk and sat on the corner of it. Stealing a pencil, he fiddled with it. He’d talked to her a few days ago, and the last time they’d gone out for coffee seemed to have gone well, but she wasn’t really sending him any positive signals that he’d hoped for since then. “I’m not opening the restaurant until tonight,” he mused. Actually, he was going to work here until the afternoon. They were getting nowhere in finding Alec’s killers and it was driving him crazy. “But if you’d like, we can go there for lunch and I can fix us any kind of pizza you want…”

It was almost surreal, having Xander back at the ranch. As a few more people came in and recognized him, greetings were exchanged. But time to reminisce and get to know each other again would have to wait. “Hate to break up the party,” Con commented, “but we got a window and I want to move.” He stood from the table and came over to Xander, holding out his hand. “Hi. Con Gibbs.”

Mick had to grin just a little. Con towered above everybody, even Xander.

Con nodded to the setup at the table. “We’ve got a visual on Travis and a location. There’s a pattern when the guards come and go, and one just left, leaving only one at the house. We’ve got an hour. It’s going to take us at least half an hour to get there if we move now.”

Lane heard him and stood from his own chair, ready to go. He had had his eyes glued to the screen, hardly noticing who it was that had shown up, and only now realized just who Xander was. But with so much going on, little excitement could be expressed. He did glance across the room to Angel though. Con had made it clear he couldn’t go unless Angel came too, to keep him from interfering. She’d still come, right?

“Got everything you need?” Mick questioned.

Con nodded. “If we can take the extended cab pickup, that would work. Xander, I’m gonna have you go in since you can get further with your Agency connections. I’m gonna set up a ways away to keep an eye on how things progress.” He looked back to the table just in time to see the camera feed go black, and his face turned grim. “We need to go now before they move – I’m afraid they’re going to find another location, and we’ll be back to square one if they don’t kill Travis first.”


Nate didn’t bother to reply to Kirk there was no one. Someone so close minded would never understood what they did her and that was the sad part. They finally got through to Garret to be faced with someone else who didn’t understand. He new this was normal, this was someone they would always face but Kirk didn’t even want to try. He didn’t have the time or energy to keep going back and forth right now. Going back to his work he ignored Kirk in hopes he would go away, but his comment still lingered. He’d go back to his family soon, tomorrow was another day.

Laughing at her husband Angelica stands and plants another kiss on his head. She was pretty upset he had done something this crazy but she new he had the best intrust at heart. Maybe though this would be a reminder next time.

  “Beer, and company I think I can handle that.”

Shoot me

Kirk cocked his head at Nate’s resolve. “I commend your desired to help and reform people like Garret. But unfortunately the powers-that-be tend to separate a law enforcement agency from a homeless mission. The future isn’t looking good, and I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. Not everybody can accept the type of place the encourages criminals to eat dinner with innocent families. Whether it was lovely or not, the risk to public safety is too great.” He gave a little shrug and turned to leave. “My job here is almost done,” he concluded. “If I were you, I’d take advantage of all the time I had left here.”

Down the hall, Garret sat on the edge of the bed, right where he’d been since Nate left him. He couldn’t deny how tired he was, but his mind was way too preoccupied to sleep. How could one day be so full of so many mixed feelings? Was this really how normal people lived, or was it just him? Would it ever stop? Or would he forever feel pulled in two opposite directions?

He put his head in his hands, wishing there was something stronger than coffee to drink around here. Never in his life with the Agency had he been allowed – or dared – to drink more than his limit, even when away on missions. There was too much risk in being intoxicated, so that had been one rule that applied to just a few operatives. It sure would be nice to just have something to take this edge off tonight, though.

He finally sighed and stood up. A crackling noise caught his attention, and he realized he still had Maggie’s picture in his back pocket. Retrieving it, he straightened it out and looked at it once more. Then staring at the bare walls of this room, he was reminded of another Agency rule. He’d never been allowed to put anything up on the walls. Personal items were only distractions. They were pointless and he needn’t worry about displaying anything he enjoyed – his role in the Agency was the only thing that mattered. It wasn’t about his preferences or personality. It was about serving those in higher command. Nothing more, nothing less. But these walls here…they were different.

A few minutes later, Maggie’s picture had a new home, taped to the wall above the nightstand. Garret finally took off his boots and lay on the bed to stare at the ceiling, no more ready for sleep than he had been. For now it was Victoria on whom his mind rested. He’d tried to ignore it all day…but now that he was trying to relax, it all came back again. And he was hurt. No matter if he understood the reasons or not…it still hurt that Victoria had had contact with Nate, even with the request that Garret not be told. She obviously cared to some degree – she was risking a lot by contacting the Elite at all. But she hadn’t care enough to stay with him. She hadn’t cared enough to let him know she was okay. Maybe he was a bigger fool than he’d first thought.

Turning onto his side, he tried to fall asleep so the pain would subside just for a little while.

Reese arched an eyebrow as he looked up at his wife, a grin toying at the corners of his mouth. “What I want has nothing to do with it, unfortunately.” Love and mischief twinkled in his eyes. “So for now…a cold beer and some company will do quite nicely.” If he was going to make it back to work at all in the morning, he was going to need some good rest tonight. And even then, he knew how sore he was going to be tomorrow. It made him cringe just thinking about it. “And next time I get a hair-brained idea like this…just shoot me. I’m too old for this.”


“Yes, he is really worth is. I honestly, don’t care if you think it’s a good idea or not. You can go about doing your job, but make sure you are looking at everything. Carson was like Garret, and he is out there now living a good life, Misty she lives a normal life, and Alec was trying to help us before he was killed.”

Nate had fire in his eyes as he talked, and though his voice was ferm he held himself high. He believe in this program, and he believe in Garret even if Agent Young didn’t.

  Angelica couldn’t help the small laugh that slipped from her lips and she looked down at him her eyes still sparkled. Oh how she loved him no matter what.

   “I guess the Doc knows best and if I don’t listen than I’ll be the next one beat up.”

Standing and giving him a kiss on the for head she smiles. Her antics for now would end, but when he was feeling better he better watch out.

    “Do you need anything from the kitchen? Water, a beer, food or should I just help you to bed now? No more torcher…unless you want me too.”


Kirk pursed his lips as he folded his arms, ignoring Nate’s dismissal. “I wish you people would understand I’m just doing my job. You’re shooting yourselves in the foot with this one – Garret, I mean. Is he really worth it? Losing all this, I mean? Because there are a lot of things the Elite can get away with, but having a man like him running loose isn’t one of them.”

“Dumbest,” Reese agreed. As his wife slid down on his lap, he put an arm around her waist. “You? Beat me up? You love me too much.”

Receiving her kiss, he groaned. “Ow…” His free hand moved to rest on the side of her face. “Is this…” He returned her kiss, matching her passion. “…how you… ow…” He winced, but refused to end the moment. “…beat me up?”

Shifting to bring her closer was the wrong move, and he flinched as his ribs protested. “I’m not so sure this is gonna work,” he admitted sheepishly. He moved the ice pack to his eye instead. “Rick said I needed rest.” His fingers wriggled to tickle her side. “So quit torturing me.”

Dumbest Man

Beth new Justin was right and the Elite would do all they could. She wanted to do more though. Maybe she would go into the Elite herself tomorrow and see what she could do. They did have a lot of stuff to take care of but this was something else she couldn’t let go of.

   “We will both be here for each other, always.”

Bending down Beth helped Justin pick up the pieces. They both were going to need each other this time in life, and she was thankful they at least had each other.

Looking up from his cubical Nate was a little bit surprised to see Kirk was still there. Honestly he wish he wouldn’t have been. Not now, he really didn’t have the pashents for anymore non sense not to mention his off hand remarks.

   “Actually we didn’t find a prisoner. We found a man trying to find himself and now he is back to continue to help. That is how we work, that is what this program is all about.”

Nate squinted his eyes as he looked back at the FBI agent. He didn’t really like him that much and he didn’t like the way he wanted to go over everything with a fine tooth comb.

   “No he didn’t go far is you must know. He was having dinner with my family, and it went lovely. If you don’t have anything else Agent Young, I have work I need to get done.”

Bringing the ice back and hearing that Reese had really done this to himself Angelica looked at him with her mouth slightly hanging open. He caused and let this to happen? He could have been killed.

   “I’m not sure if you are the dumbest man in the world, or the smartest man because you know your wife will take care of you.”

Coming over to him she sits down on his lap gently placing her one hands against his chest, and her other holding the ice pack to his ribs. Her eyes twinkled as she let out a long sigh. She new he had good reason for what he did but did he really have to get himself beat to a palp.

   “Once your better, I’m gonna beat you all over again just so you know.”

Leaning down Angelica places a soft kiss on Reese’s lips before drawing away and rubbing her nose aganst his. Going back in for a kiss again Angelica lets it linger a little longer, before pulling away biting his lip softly where it wasn’t sore already, and than kissing him deeply once more.

Sort of Started It

Justin sighed and just nodded at Beth. He knew the feeling. But there was nothing really to be done, other than letting the Elite see if they could find the specific people involved in this whole mess. “The Elite will see to it that the Agency pays. For now, you’ve got enough other things to worry about, and I’ll be here to help.” Actually, he might even have more time than normal since he was going to tell Reese he was withdrawing from the Elite.

He cradled Beth’s cheek with his hand before leaning in and giving her lips a soft kiss. “The sun will come out again…I promise.” Bending back down, he started picking up the pieces of the broken mug again, while on the inside, he continued trying desperately to control his emotions.

Kirk swiveled in his chair inside his assigned cubicle, his hands tucked up behind his head. He’d seen Nate and Garret return. And to be honest, he’d been surprised to see the calm entrance with Garret as free as always. What had really gone on today? Where had they found him? Why had he returned so willingly after leaving in such a huff earlier? He’d felt it was his duty to phone the incident in to his superior. It had only been right. Reese was letting a loose cannon walk around without restraint, and endangering everyone here, let alone the public. To not even go after Garret when he’d left had been…well, stupid at the least, appalling at most. The future of the Elite was looking more and more bleak every day. And yet…Kirk wasn’t satisfied. He should have been done with his work here by now, but something kept him from leaving yet. It was almost as if he hoped to find some redeeming factor that might change his mind about how the Elite was run. But as it was…it wasn’t looking good.

Finally getting up and shutting off his desk lamp, he grabbed his keys and aimed for the exit. Passing by Nate’s cubicle, he slowed and gave a short wave. “Glad to see you found the prisoner. He must not have gotten too far this morning, eh?”

Sinking down on the couch, Reese gingerly shed his shirt, now able to see that bruises were forming around his sore ribs. Fantastic. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes, just nodding a little as Angelica returned. “Yeah…” He opened one eye to look at her. “I might have goaded him into it though. I sort of started it with high hopes he’d stop before actually killing me.”

He winced as he moved to slip off his shoes and put his feet up on the coffee table. “He’s back now though, and I’m the only one who’s black and blue so I guess it all turned out okay.” He touched his cheek and grimaced. “But boy… he’s got a lethal kick.”

No One

The ride hoe was quiet and Nate didn’t try and push for a conversation. The night had ended up being a hard one. One no one had expected, one he’d rather not relive. He just wanted everything to be ok.

Once inside Nate made sure that Garret had fresh sheets and a pillow, towels and anything else he might need. Looking around the room He new it was pretty plain but it was better than cold stone walls. Looking to Garret again Nate just thought about it comment for a long moment before letting out a high.

   “No one just fits in Garret. We all have to work at it and even than some don’t still fit. Specially with all that is going on with the FBI. I don’t know if I’ll ever fit that mold. We all help each other. Don’t give up on us yet we really do have some great people here.”

Turning Nate leaves the room and heads to his cubical. He’d head home soon but not yet. The FBI was not on his mind and he had to shut his own brain off. But he couldn’t help the questions that were still there. What if they didn’t fit?

Waiting for Reese to come home Angelica was still awake reading. Hearing him come in and his voice she smiled looking up at him. Seeing his face she couldn’t help the shock on her face as she jumped up.

   “MIKE…what happened? Good Heavens…are you ok?”

Going to the kitchen she got Ice and a few other things she would need to take care of him. He’d bee working late, Garret was on the lose and it looked like Reese lost the war.

   “Did Garret do this to you?”


Rick was very glad when Nate brought Reese to the porch, and immediately took over, forcing Reese to sit so he could check him out. His facial expression said it all – he was not happy. He’d been scared for Reese, he didn’t trust Garret, he thought Reese was being stupid, and he didn’t want anything to do with this idiotic chaos. But he wouldn’t ignore someone who was hurt, so he set about pointing out Reese’s blackening eye, bloody lip, scratches, and cracked rib – at least one, anyway. In the end, he offered Reese a ride home, confident Angelica could take care of him herself as long as he was tended to right away.

Joined by Nate, Garret just eyed the ground for a few moments before finally glancing up at him. “You’ve got to be joking.” Did he need anything from the store? Reese was just letting him go, and Nate was as happy-go-lucky as ever. After what had just happened? After he’d just assaulted the chief of the Elite? What about the FBI? What about the damage he’d caused? He looked down at the picture in his hand again. What had just really happened? He’d come here for food, not to make friends with Maggie. He’d intended to leave, not promise a girl he’d stay just to keep her from crying. He’d been so close to simply killing Reese, yet received a reward in return. What kind of world was this?

The look he gave Nate next was a mix of anger, a little bit of fear, and a whole lot of confusion. He slowly shook his head. “No…I don’t need anything,” he eventually answered quietly. He rolled up the picture and tucked it in his back pocket before picking up his backpack once more. “Let’s get out of here.”

On the drive back to the Elite, Garret was quiet, not saying a word. He kept his stare out the window and refused interaction. This whole day had been like a strange dream, as if he’d had no control of anything – not even his own actions – as if fate had had its way with him. He was worn, weary, his heart hurt, and he was right back where he’d started out that morning. And yet…something had change.

Back inside the building, Garret remained silent and simply followed Nate to the room next to the infirmary. He’d never seen it before since the door had always been closed. It was…nicer than the downstairs cell. It was more of a real bedroom instead, with a real bed instead of a cot, even. Why was he given this after beating up Reese? It just didn’t make any sense at all.

Setting his bag on the bed, he finally looked at Nate again, his eyes still holding the same lost confusion. “I don’t think I’ll ever fit in,” he admitted. “But…thank you. I appreciate all you did for me today.”

Getting up to the front door of the house, Reese turned to give Rick a wave to let him know he was okay. Well…he was mostly okay. Okay enough to get himself into the house at least. Going inside, he saw the light on in the living room and knew Angelica was waiting for him. He’d told her he had to work late and she knew Garret had been on the loose. Now though…she was probably going finish what Garret started.

Walking into the living room – and limping just a little – he stopped near the couch. He knew his face was already turning purple, but at least Rick had helped stop the cuts from bleeding. His arm cradled his sore ribs, though he tried to stand mostly straight. “Honey, I’m home,” he tried to tease.

People Next Door

As Garret wrapped his arm around Reese’s neck Nate took a step forward before stopping. If he interfered would it help or harm? Nate didn’t know but hearing Reese tell Rich no all he could so was stand there and watch.

He felt helpless even if it was Reese who told them to stand down. Seeing both men this way, he just hated it. Not to mention if Garret really wanted to hurt Reese he could. Seeing him as he kept getting up Nate didn’t know what on earth he was doing.

Finally though as things started to settle he understood. Finally Garret was being treated like he wanted to be. He had his issues, but so did they. He WAS human, and he WOULD make mistakes, but they would too. They would work it out, but he was no different than them. Maybe…his sister had gotten through to them.

Coming over to Reese’s side Nate helped him up and handed him a napkin he had, had in his pocket. Looking over at Rick he gave a nod wanting him to look him over before letting him go. He might not have wanted to give up, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t hurt.

   “What are the people next door going to think mmmm…?!”

Nate shook his head before letting Reese lean on the porch rail and then walking back to Garret pulling the keys from his pocket. Garret would have his own room, it might not be great, it might not be big, but it was not a cell. Garret didn’t want to go back to an Elite cell and he wouldn’t.

   “Come on, lets get you back and get that room set up for you. It’s not the homeliest of places but its not a cell either. Need anything from the store before we go?”


Nate’s words cut to the quick. Reese knew he was right. He knew this had to stop. He knew they couldn’t let the FBI tell them how to run. So very much was at risk, though, and at the moment, it was all revolving around this extremely dangerous assassin whom he could not control.

As Maggie burst out of the house, he immediately retracted his hand from his gun, not about to put anyone else in danger, let alone Nate’s sister. All he could do was helplessly watch the pitiful scene unfold.

Garret took another step back as Maggie ran up to him. Taken completely off guard, he had no idea how to react. He wanted to be angry and tell her to leave – to shove her out of the way and just walk away from this mess. But those tears… her pleading… It felt as if his heart had been stabbed. He didn’t like that feeling at all. And yet he couldn’t shut it off.

Staring down at her and hearing her words, his facial expression slowly lost its anger. Never had he ever felt quiet like this. She was killing him inside, and he couldn’t fight it.

Reese took a step forward. Catching the movement, Garret, without even thinking, swiftly took Maggie’s shoulder and stepped in front of her to stand between her and the others like a shield. “Back off,” he growled. “You say one harsh word to her and you’ll forever regret it.”

Reese stopped and swallowed hard. He believed it. Why Garret was defending Maggie so viciously, he didn’t know. But he was not about to argue. He held up his hands instead. “Fine. But make up your mind what you’re going to do. And do it fast.”

Off to the side, Rick was tense with concern. “Garret…send Maggie back inside before she gets hurt.”

“She’s not getting hurt by me or anyone else,” Garret snapped. A long pause followed, the air still thick with tension. He finally let his muscles relax, and turned to Maggie, his hand still on her shoulder. “Go back in the house,” he prompted gently. His hand rose to wipe a tear off her cheek and his heart cracked a little more. “I’ll go with Nate, okay? I’ll be fine. But go back in the house. I don’t want you getting yourself hurt out here.”


Starting to follow everyone outside Nate looks back to Laura with an apologue. He didn’t know this was going to happen. Once outside he looked between Reese and Garret. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He had a friend, he had a job, he had a boss, and he had another friend. Everything had gotten into a mess faster than he thought it would.

    “This has GOT to stop from the both of you. Since when did we stop treating people like humans? The FBI is hounding us, threating to shut us down, but that doesn’t mean we don’t treat everyone the same.”

No one had been perfect when they came to the elite and somewhere along the line that had been lost. Pulled from his own thoughts as Rick came out a new sense of fear flowed through Nate. This was like a caged animal at the zoo and it could not end well for anyone.

Having followed everyone to the door Maggie peeked out from behind it watching everyone. Garret looks so scared, just like she had when the people had bullied her today. She didn’t understand any of this. Why were they being so mean to Garret.

Slipping out from behind the door with her picture in hand Maggie ran down the step, and to Garret standing in front of him, tears filled her eye.

   “STOP IT!!!! Stop it…please…stop being a bully to my friend. You can’t force him, or hurt him…you just cant.”

Maggie turned to Garret and looked up to him tears still rolled down her cheek. She didn’t like that any of them were making him do anything.

   “You are not bad, you are my friend. Please don’t let them hurt you. Please let Nate drive you so I can see you again. I don’t want to lose the only friend I have. Please Garret…please if they promise to leave you be.”

Looking back to Reese, Nate and Rick pain, hurt, and anger was in her eyes as her voice rose a little bit, tears choked in her throat.

   “Promise, Promise you will leave him alone if he goes back. He was only trying to help. No body is perfect so you shouldn’t act like that. Garret…has…has a lot of po…potential”


Reese blinked. Garret had been here? The entire evening? Why? That seemed…odd, to say the least. Following Nate inside, sure enough, there was Garret at the table, just like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Reese’s surprised expression turned to one less than happy.

Having been paying attention to who was arriving, Maggie’s touch to his hand sent Garret’s reflexes reeling. His gaze whipped her direction, and he flinched – the slightest movement he could manage, when all of his muscles wanted to retract and lash out from being taken off guard. Staring at her worried expression, it was perhaps the first time he realized how easily he could harm someone who deserved nothing but mercy.

Without time to dwell on it though, he turned his attention back to Reese, and just left his hand be in Maggie’s care.

Reese sighed. “Nothing has happened – other than this guy’s going AWOL and our dear Agent Young reporting it to his superiors. We’ve got a…” His sentence drifted off as he realized he probably shouldn’t be saying these things in front of Maggie, so he rephrased. “A man who needs to come back to headquarters. Because if he doesn’t, the Elite is as good as done.”

Garret bristled. “I’m not coming back,” he stated calmly.

Reese pursed his lips. “I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice.”

Slipping from Maggie, Garret stood and came to stand in front of Reese, staring him in the eye. “I said I’m not coming back.”

Reese swallowed hard, trying not to believe he should be afraid at this point. “You are coming back.”

Very calmly, Garret turned, picked up his backpack, put his cap on and aimed for the door without looking back at Laura or Maggie. Only after he’d stepped outside and off the porch did Reese come after him. “You stop right there,” Reese ordered.

Garret stopped and spun on his heel to glare at him. “This is the second time today you’ve tried that tactic. How’d it turn out the first time? Gonna draw a gun again?” He spread open his arms. “Go for it.”

Reese’s hand was on his holster already, but he didn’t draw. Yet. “You’re as good as dead if you keep this up,” he warned. “With the FBI on your tail, you won’t get far. They know who you are and what kind of a man you are, and they will not allow you to roam the streets free to kill whoever you please. You’ll end up dead, either by the Agency’s hand or the FBI’s.”

“And you care because…?” Garret shook his head. “No. I already told Nate I’m not going back. You can’t force me unless you shoot me and you don’t have the guts.”

“Don’t push me, Garret!”

“Don’t you push me!” Garret’s voice rose to match Reese’s tone. “I’ve had enough of this!”

“Hey!” A new voice suddenly joined in. No one had noticed Rick come out his own door, after hearing the commotion from the joined house. “What is going on?!”

Garret backed up a step. Nate, Reese, Rick…he was already calculating his moves. Just like a cornered animal, they were triggering his fight instincts, and his whole body was ready to defend himself. He pointed a warning finger at Reese. “Draw that gun or let me go. Your pick.”

Reese’s grip on his holster tightened. What good would it do? He couldn’t pull the trigger. Or could he?

Garret backed up another step but refused to turn just yet. His eyes ricocheted between the three men until landing on Nate. There was more than anger. There was fear. There was pleading to end this.

It Wasn’t Him!

Answering the door Nate couldn’t help that his heart started to race. He wasn’t sure who would be here at this hour, or what they would want. Opening the door and seeing Reese Nate’s heart slowed but still the look that was in his eye made him worried on what was going on.

   “Reese! Garret is here with us. Maggie was working on a picture for him, and he had dinner with us. Come in.”

Having Reese step inside and follow him to the dining room Nate was only a little worried on how Garret would react. He didn’t think he would do anything to hurt anyone but he also new that Garret didn’t want to go back to the Elite. I really was a shot in the dark on what would happen next.

   “Reese says the FBI is looking for you Garret. What’s going on Reese? Garret has been here most of the night so if anything happened it wasn’t him.”

Maggie peeked around Garrets arm from where she was sitting. Something in the room has shifted and she could feel it. The air had gotten thick. Laying her hand on top of Garret’s she kept it there in a comforting manor, her thumb gently ran over the scar that had not gone unnoticed.


Garret did like ice cream. He couldn’t deny that. But to stay? Really? How could he? If he was going to get away, he should go now, right? Make some distance before dark? Despite the strange pang in the very bottom of his heart, he knew he would decline. It was just better that way.

Opening his mouth to reply, he stopped when Maggie asked to be excused. Remaining quiet, he listened to Nate again. Maggie…such a sweet, gentle woman with a child’s heart…being made fun of? It made him mad. He didn’t know why. But it did. All she wanted to do was be nice to others…even him…the worst of the worst.

He finished up the last bite of his chicken and took a sip of water before finally, he gave a reluctant nod. “Okay. I’ll stick around…for a little while, at least until the rain stops.”

He’d barely agreed, when Maggie returned to show him her picture. And he once again wore a look of surprise. “Wow…you’re doing a good job there.” The compliment rolled off his tongue as easy as anything. A brief memory flashed in his mind...one that still struck a chord deep down. One that reminded him of all the things he had not been allowed to do as a child. Now an adult, it felt quite silly, but he couldn’t deny that thinking of childhood activities – whether baseball or having a puppy or coloring a picture – just brought pain. He’d never say it out loud, though.

“I don’t think you want these clumsy hands trying to help you,” he carefully declined. He was anything but clumsy, but it was the only excuse he had. “I wouldn’t want to ruin such a pretty picture.” He gave her a smile as he continued to think on Nate’s words. “But I don’t mind if you keep working on it so I can see it when you’re done…since…I’m staying for ice cream…

…It was an hour later. Laura was clearing off the empty ice cream bowls from the table where Garret still sat, watching Maggie finish up her coloring page. Every once in a while he would glance out a nearby window, finding it was still raining. Maybe it was a legit reason to stay a little longer. Or maybe it was just an excuse. Either way, it worked.

He was just ready to comment on Maggie’s artwork, when the doorbell rang. Immediately, he tensed, the peacefulness shattering. Someone was here. Who was it? He shouldn’t be here. He was endangering this family. He’d been stupid.

All of that went through his mind, even though he sat very still, not letting on that he was concerned. He did listen intently though, as Nate went to answer the door.

Out on the porch, Reese waited until Nate appeared. And he wasted no time. “Do you know where Garret is?” he asked evenly, without so much as a greeting. “Because if you do, please tell me now. The FBI is ready to start a manhunt.”

Coloring Book

   “Don’t worry Garret we will keep you safe.”

Maggie’s response was so matter of fact even if she didn’t know what they were talking about. She went back to eating such seriousness had been in her voice. To her it was just that simple and how things really worked.

As Laura offered ice cream Nate looked to his wife and smiled. He could tell she was leery but he was so thankful she was trying. It meant the world to him and any help he could get was welcomed.

   “I bet with the ice cream we will have some good toppings and some of Laura’s strawberry jam on top. It’s some of the best around, not to mention Maggie is pretty determined to have you stay too. You can’t have two lady’s mad at you.”

Nate hopped that Garret would stay He really did. Maybe he needed this, this time with people in a loving environment. No judgement just being.

   “May I be excused?”

Maggie looked at Nate and than Laura. She was done eating not wanting to leave room for the mention of ice cream. She wanted to show Garret something she had been working on.

Giving a smile to his sister once again Nate nods. Maggie didn’t often eat much but she did always eat till she was full. He wouldn’t make her sit there any longer. Watching her leave Nate shook his head. His sister always amazed him with the things she would do or say.

   “She’s quite taken with you Garret. I’m not sure I can explain why, but she is. Wont you stay? At least to just make her happy? Today was a rough day for her at school as a group of kids through it would be fun to make fun of her. She hadn’t smiled since she got home, but she did when you were here.”

Coming back into the room Maggie was holding her coloring book. Putting it on the table she opens it to a half colored picture of a tiger, with a sun set in the background.

   “Look what I am coloring. Do you want to help me?”