
Different Meaning

Continuing to watch Carson for a long moment Misty could see the pain in his eyes. Part of her wanted to say good to his face. He's made her suffer so much what goes around comes around, but part of her new as a growing Christian that was not the right thing to do and she felt a little compassion. She did feel bad for him, and she did wish things would of gone differently but he'd done this to himself for not being honest and make her believe something that was not true.

   "Home is a funny word after you decide to toss it all away Carson...no matter the reason."

Dropping her hands from Carson's Misty goes back to the counter and gets some bandages to wrap up his hand to keep it clean. Letting out a small sigh Misty could feel her own tears building in her eyes. It was still hard to see him and not think about everything that happened. On top of that with the life growing inside her she was starting to get moody and more emotional.

Turning around and going back to Carson Misty takes his hand again and start wrapping it. She tried to do it quickly but that made her hands shake more than they already were. So many emotions still ran with her because of this man. Love, hate, anger...she hated this, and she hated how she felt when Carson was around.

   "I'm truly am sorry things didn't go how you thought they would Carson but I can't just brush that under the rug. I can't do it anymore."

Finishing with his hand Misty takes a few steps backward looking up at Carson once more. He looked horrible, she felt bad, but she had to hold her ground. This had gone on enough and if Carson hadn't changed would he ever? He seemed like he was start to now but he seemed like that before too. On top of that she had Jason now, and she was falling for him. He was so good to her, and his company was wonderful. Life seemed right and the way she had wanted it for a long time. She couldn't just throw that away.

   "Ok, you are all set."

Feeling Jared's finger on her face Grace leans her head into his hand a little bit looking up at him. Her eyes sparkled as she looked back into his own. She loved this feeling he gave her and the softness of him. She could never thing he had been any other way.

   "Anything with you is worth a kiss."

Listing to Gunner intently Bree just sipped her rootbeer float. When she had come over this afternoon she could tell something was wrong. Gunner just didn't seem himself and the long look on his face confirmed it. Now hearing everything he had to say she understood and wondered if this was the end resalt to what was bothering him all week.

   "Seeing Hope is not to bad. I like her, she is nice, smart. and really enjoys helping people even with the littlest of problems."

Taking another sip and searching Gunner's face Bree did feel bad for him. She new how much this bothered him and and she wish there was more she could do. But if this had been the problem than it should be fixed so it didn't torcher Gunner anymore.

   "So, I want to help you with your mission. If you had told me sooner I would be already. Next time tell me...ok? I'll love you no matter what."