

Sleep. More sleep. Gage stops chewing, his eyes narrowing at sapphire. "Is that all you think about anymore or what?" He frowns, clearly agitated. "I mean, every time I want to do something, you tell me to go sleep instead."

Finished with his sandwich, he crumples up the paper and stands to throw it into the waste basket. "If you don't want to do anything tonight, just say so. I'm beginning to think you'd rather have time alone."

Sighing, he grabs his pop and aims for the door. "I'll be outside."

Once in the fresh air, Gage glares at the sidewalk and kicks a pebble into the parking lot, wandering to Sapphire's car. Leaning back against it, he waits, not sure if he was more upset with Sapphire or with himself for snapping at her like he had. Either way, it wasn't a feeling he liked.

Axel chuckles softly. "Me and coffee, huh? I'll have to remember that. Maybe next time I'll make a bad pot so you like me best."

Ruffling her hair, he stands up again, headed back to the kitchen. "I still got that toothbrush for ya in the bathroom and there's towels if you wanna wash up or anything."

Once in the kitchen again, he grabs the bag of bagels and pulls out the toaster to make breakfast.

A few minutes later though, his mind is far from food once again as he leans back against the counter. In one hand was the phone and in the other the number he'd been given. He should wait until later... wait until after breakfast. But why prolong it? Why not just get it out of the way?

Caught in indecision, he just stands, even when the bagels pop up out of the toaster, warm and crispy.

I got it

Katie puts the fruit down on the table for know seeing Jason was finished for eating for now. At least he had a little and it would help register his sugar. That in itself should help him a little if nothing.

J, just relax and keep relaxing. I've got the security and stuff under control. Just rest for now, you don't need to worry about it.

Giving him a smile Katie brings her hand to his face and runs her fingers over his over his cheek before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips.

Standing Katie brings the plates into the kitchen rinsing them off before heading out to the computers and looking at the cameras checking everything over and making sure all was well.

I know you would do the same for me too. Anyways I love ya to much not to stay with you.

Sitting across from Gage and munching on her own food Sapphire gives a small laugh that he wanted to hang out again. They had been doing a lot of that lately not that she minded at all. Sapphire's only worry for Gage was lack of sleep.

About to say something Sapphire falls quiet as Gage knocks the napkins and than bumps his head. He seemed a little more irritated than normal today. Maybe he was over tired.

"I'd love to spend another day with you, you know that. Maybe you should try getting some sleep today though? I don't want you getting sick from being over tired."

Sapphire gives a smile. She was just trying to look out for him in making sure he stayed healthy. She would feel horrable if anything ever happened to him because he didn't have enough sleep.

Stretching a little Jess slowly opens her eyes hearing Axel's voice. Looking up at him she gives a smile. It was nice to wake up to his smiling face. He was so sweet, and his eyes sparkled it was just nice.

Sitting up Jess leans up and gives Axel a little kiss on the lips before pulls away again her own eyes twinkled.

"Did you say coffee? That seems almost two good to be true, you and coffee. What a way to wake up."

Sitting all the way up on the couch Jess sits next to Axel and gives a small yawn. She wasn't sure what Axel was going to do with his whole brother thing but she'd stayed for him and had fallen asleep comfortable last night. What he deiced today Jess would be wit him all the way no matter what.


Quinn sets his half-eaten cinnamon aside, along with his partially-drunk coffee. Swinging his legs off the hotel bed, he wanders in his bare feet over to the window, his toes scuffing in the soft carpet. Looking out the fourth story, he looks down on the street then out to the morning sun. He'd hardly slept a wink last night. Surprisingly though, he was wide awake.

Most of the sleepless hours his mind had ping-ponged back and forth between thoughts of Axel and thoughts of Anastasia. Both subjects were relentless, giving him way too much fodder for dreams which thankfully didn't come.

Sighing, he turns back around and flops down on the bed again to stare at the ceiling. No phone call. Nothing yet. Would a call even come? He glances at the clock. He had nowhere to go at the moment. All he had to do was stay here and be stuck with his thoughts.

A small grin creases his lips. At least he had a fairytale to think of.

Axel sets the coffee pot and yawns, wandering back into the living room, his bare feet padding on the cool floor. He'd already called down to work... he would not be going in today.

Easing back down on the couch to sit, he reaches to gently tuck a lock of hair behind Jess' ear. He'd slept soundly all night with her in his arms - probably more soundly than he had in a long time. "Hey, sleeping beauty," he croons. He knew that most likely she hadn't intended on spending the night, and though it was perfectly innocent, he hoped she didn't feel too uncomfortable this morning.

Running a soft finger down her cheek, he smiles warmly. "Got some coffee on," he offers quietly.

"Maybe we can like hang out for supper again or something." Gage munches on his breakfast sandwich they'd picked up from Burger King, nodding to Sapphire after she'd picked him up once he'd gotten home from work. His eyes hurt a bit and he had a headache, but otherwise he was staying quite alert.

Moving a little too quickly, his elbow hits his napkin, sending it to the kitchen floor. Sighing, he grumbles and picks it up, only to bumps his head on the table on the way back up. A curse slips out with another grumble until everything is righted again and he can continue with his sandwich, not even realizing how out of character it was for him to be so irritated with something so small.

"And... maybe a movie again?" He grins at Sapphire. Last night had been fun having her over, just the two of them like usual to cuddle and watch a good drama.


Jason wasn't sure he believed Katie that it was everything, but he'd let it go. Rick would be honest with him when he returned.

Managing to eat a few more pieces of fruit, he started feeling a little bit better as his body responds to the sugar. Drinking a bit of water, that helps too, though he's still exhausted and felt very hot.

Thanks for sticking around, Hero.

Having eaten as much as he could for now, his hand slips down to find hers. His palm clammy though his face was warm.

Check out the security okay? Give me a few minutes and I'll be up and going again but for now, can you make sure the perimeter is good?

Tomorrow Hold?

Dropping Quinn off and sharing in the last light kiss that might be really the last so in her own mind she would hold onto it forever. Continuing to drive Anastasia glances down relizing the Elvis CD was in her stereo still. Giving a laugh and a smile She push it in letting the music play once again.

Meeting Quinn and having this whole day unfold like it had was defiantly not what Anastasia had expected when she woke up the morning. The day had been one of the best and put closely to the top.

What would tomorrow hold? After today Anastasia didn't know nor did she even want to guess. The surprises that had been around the corner today were great and to face that again tomorrow gave her something to look forward to.

Helping Jason eat the fruit she had cup up for him Katie lets her good emotions pull at Jason's just offering the warm feelings flow through him. Feeling him teasing her Katie's smile widens more as she laughs.

"I guess whoever that lucky person is, will be double lucky."

Katie's eyes twinkle a little as she helps Jason take another bit. Keeping his sugar up and the liquids in him was important.

Hearing Jason's question Katie gave a little nod. It would be normal for him to want to know if there was more, or to even wonder what was going on with his own body.

Yes, your sick J and your body doesn't like what happened to it last night more so than normal. Rick doesn't know everything yet and thats why he is running tests. He thinks it might have something to do with keeping your emotions locked up for to long of a time. He's going to stop by a little later and by than I am sure we will know more.

It make Katie worried to think about the affect this could have on Jason though she kept it looked away not letting any negative emotions go twords Jason till he was feeling better. She always got worried when he was not ok, thats just how it was because she cared. She always hated seeing him sick or in pain.

Again one day

The corner of Quinn's mouth turns up and he nods. "Lunch sounds like a good idea. Can't promise but... as long as things don't blow up in my face, I'll come."

If anything happened with Axel in the morning, there was a good chance that lunch plans would be dispelled. But if he didn't hear from his brother then Quinn had nothing better to do, and the prospect of hanging out with Anastasia some more was rather appealing.

Letting his arm slip from around her, his hand slides across her shoulders until he steps away to go around to the passenger side of the car. Tonight might be the end. Or it might not be. Maybe "the end" never really happened anyway... stories could always be picked back up again.

The ride back to town was again filled with music, singing and a bit of laughter too. Only when they approached the coffee shop where Quinn's car was does the atmosphere grow quiet again. Parked and ready to get out, Quinn glances out the window and sighs before looking back at Anastasia. For a long moment, he simply looks into her eyes.

"Thanks," he mentions quietly. "This has been a better day than I've had in a very long time." His eyes prove that he's telling the truth... it really had been way too long since he'd had genuine fun with such good company. If nothing else, he'd been reminded that there was more to living than work and being on the move.

Reaching over, he brushes her cheek with his finger before he leans in close an gives her lips a brief, oh so soft kiss. "If I can see you tomorrow, I'll come to the store about noon. And if I don't come... maybe our paths will cross again one day."

After another pause, Quinn gets out of the car, giving Anastasia a little wave before ambling over to his own car. Getting in, he starts the engine and watches as she pulls away, keeping an eye on the taillights until they disappear. Putting his own car in gear, he starts down the street, only to realize that he's left his CD in Anastasia's car. It makes him smile though. Maybe that was the only reason he'd need to stop back at the store tomorrow. And if not... it was hers to keep.

Jason had drifted off to sleep again and was no roused by Katie. Opening his eyes a little, he sees the fruit and nods. He knew he needed to eat something too - he just didn't seem to have the energy. But he had to.

Pulling himself up takes a little effort, but finally sitting up with his feet still on the couch, he accepts the little plate of fruit. "Thank you," he manages a bit hoarsely. "You'd make somebody a good wife."

Though his face is straight, his emotions are teasing, prompting Katie to share in the humor.

Taking a bite of orange, it was a little more sour than he thought but he eats it anyway.

So is that really all Rick said?