

Being drawn into Tal's kiss Ryan doesn't resist. Thw soft feeling felt so nice but was matched so much passion it was almost overwhelming. Giving a little mermer Ryan just lets herself melt in Tal's arm. Letting her one hand cradle Tal's face she pushes her other hand under him and to the back of his head just letting the kiss continue.

Listing very intently Ashlee watches and studys each peace Eric takes out and shows her. She loved learning something new, and getting to know what each of the peaces were and how they were used. It was just an interest of hers that had now grown since she had been here.

"Mmmmm....How about this?"

Ashlee points to the metal bit that hung on one of the walls.

"I know it goes into the horses mouth and is used for searing but why? It is because it pulls on the head or because the horses dosnt like it in there mouth or....I just dont get it."

Angelica gives a laugh as she stands and puts her light jacket on. The idea of Reese wanting to play hookie was a funny one, but it was like a once in a life time thing. How could she turn it down when it might not even happen again.

"Hookie deffinitly. I think looking at the lake has to be a lot better than looking at a dingy brown wall."

Linking her hand with Reese's Angelica look down at it for a moment before looking up at him and smiling again. She'd never done that before, but she liked it, and liked the way it felt. Maybe this would be something she would do a little more. Not really caring what anyone else saw.

Beth things for a moment before trying to decied when a good time was. Tomorrow she had to work in the afternoon and than hang out with Justin. The day after she worked in the afternoon, but maybe Friday.

"How about Friday for lunch? I have off that day. Maybe we can walk around the mall or see a movie too or something."

It was odd for her to mention that but hey why not. Maybe Zach wouldn't say yes anyways. Writing her number down one of the napkins Beth holds it for a long moment before finally handing it to Zach.

"Here you go. You can call anytime. If I don't answer just leave a message!"

Next Time

Reese grins and nods. "Yeah. Imagine that. I don't know the last time I really enjoyed real alone time with anybody." He thinks. "Well, I guess I've had a few hours here and there with Wyatt, but that's about it."

For just a moment, his eyes dim slightly. He and his son had always gotten along. They'd always had a great relationship, able to tell each other anything. That is... until lately. And Reese wasn't sure at all what had caused the change. But he didn't like being at odds with Wyatt like this.

Recovering quickly, he stands from the table, offering Angelica a hand. "Shall I take you back to work? Or would you prefer to play hooky and run up to the lake for a few hours?"

Almost more surprised that Beth had accepted his offer more than the fact that he'd offered at all, Zach's eyebrows rise as he smiles again. "Great. What days work best for you?" Did she want to get together soon? Or later? Would she want to do it right away, or put it off until she'd forgotten about him?

"Exactly." Eric nods to Ashlee his encouragement. He loved seeing her fascination with even the simplest tasks. He was so tempted to tell her today that he'd teach her how to ride, but he knew he should wait until her birthday. At least then she'd have the boots Stacy had bought her.

"Leather needs enough moisture not to crack and break, but too much just makes it wet and slimy. Ain't worst thing that can happen, but I wouldn't want to sit in a saddle that had been over-oiled."

He reaches into the mess, drawing out a couple different pieces of tack. "This here is a breast collar... it fastens to either side of the saddle and goes around the chest of the horse to keep the saddle in place." He sets it aside. "And this, is a bridle, but see, it has a hackamore, which is different than a bit that goes in a horse's mouth.... and then this here piece is..." He stops, frowns and turns the smaller piece of leather around in his hand. "Apparently this is part of a back cinch, but looks like it's been busted. I wonder if that's the one Mick broke," he muses mostly to himself.

"Anyway... if you ever got questions about what stuff is, just ask."

"Don't be sorry." Tal tucks a strand of hair behind Ryan's ear. His voice was soft to avoid waiting Eli. "You're worth it all and more."

Shifting a bit more so he's lying on his back, he hooks his legs around Ryan, bringing her down on him so he can wrap his arms around her. He grins and kisses her nose. "Next time we call Scarlet to go take your brother out of here for a while," he teases.

But despite sleeping big brother, Tal slips a hand up behind Ryan's head to bring her lips down to his. Enveloping her in a passionate kiss, his free hand rubs her back gently, just allowing the enjoyment of the moment.


Angelica can't help but laugh as she sits back. Waving to the waiter to come over with there check. They might get enough time together but the time they did get always was nice.

"huh I think I like that idea. Than alone time could really be alone time."

Smiling she didn't mind as much as one may think. She liked working so it didn't bother her but the idea of having more time alone was really a nice though.

Laying with Tal on the couch empty bowls of ice cream on the table Ryan cuddles into him a little more. The night have been a good one and being home with her two favorite boys was even better.

Shifting her head a little to look at Eli asleep in the chair Ryan looks to Tal and gives a smile. Laying here with Tal was so different than with Alec for sure. There was just something softer about it. Moving to get on him just a little bit more Ryan presses her lips against his letting it linger for a long moment, before breaking away.

"I'm sorry to have pulled you into the whole Alec mess, but I sure am happy I did."

Ryan searches his eyes. She'd seen what happened at the track even if she hadn't said anything. She hoped that would be the last of it but something told her it wouldn't be. Ryan's hope though was that Alec was smart enough to leave Tal along less he answer to Eli even more.

Taking the peace of leather from Eric and turning it in her hand Ashlee fingers running over the smooth leather. The feel was nice under her friends.

"I definitely think this peace looks good. Don't want to over oil it right?"

Ash smiles up at Eric happy to know a little more each day!

Beth gives a smile to Zach. Lunch sounded nice and Zach seemed pretty nice. He was sweet, nice, funny, and liked Animles too. He didn't seem so bad after all.

"I think that sounds like a good idea. I would like that."


Reese's smile widens and he lifts Angelica's hand to his lips to kiss it gently. "Then I think it's time we start making a little more time for us."

The cell phone on his belt starts buzzing, and he sighs, not appreciating the interruption. Straightening, he looks at the phone to see who it is, and shakes his head. "Pete. They can't go one hour without me, can they?" He smirks a little, giving Angelica a sorry expression for the conversation having gone full-circle back to the Elite. "We definitely need a new system with a revised chain of command so they can live without me."

Zach smiles a little, sipping his drink. It was interesting that Beth would think that situation sad. It proved she had a gentle and compassionate side. He liked that, especially since everything she said just continued to show that he'd been right about her not being a typical bartender.

Though having no idea what condition her sister was in, he finds himself nodding at her suggestion. "Yeah... yeah, I'd like that, actually. My uncle would probably like a new visitor, even if he wouldn't say so."

Zach was far from a man who dated a lot, and even farther from a man who engaged in socializing with strangers he'd met out of the blue. But tonight felt different. Tonight was fun. Light. Nonthreatening. Peaceful. He'd always been one to be cautious about meeting girls, but for some reason, Beth just wasn't fitting into any of the categories other girls had been placed in. He rather liked the spontaneity of this little date, as much as it surprised himself.

"Would you... like to do lunch sometime, then go visiting them?"

Eric chuckles again, enjoying Ashlee's open honesty. "Okay... I promise."

Turning back to the halter he'd been working on, he holds it up to examine it. "Well, I guess this has had enough tender loving care for a while. What do you think?" He hands it to Ashlee, giving her a chance to look it over.


Angelica can't help but let her smile grow even more. She new part of Reese's heart belonged to Wyatt's mother and always would. If it didn't she would of been disappointed and she wasn't jealous of it. Not in this situation.

"Good, because I would never want to take her place, only share it."

Love was a word not taken lightly but when meant was said. Angelica believe with all her heart she meant it. Even if sometimes work got in the way, or a miss phone call happened. At the end of the day, or when life seemed to slow down for a moment, or simply she needed someone in a moment to talk to Reese would be there and always would be for her.

" And even if I don't show it all the time I think I've fallen in love with you too."

Thinking for a moment Beth gives a small nod but cocks her head too. It was a small world to think maybe Zach new a little how she felt. To go to Brookshire to see his Uncle, but it was kinda sad too.

"It's kind of sad your family trys to keep it hushed. It's not anything to be ashamed about."

Taking another sip of her drink and than putting the empty cup down she runs her finger around the lip for a moment thinking. It was nice, sitting here with Zach, shearing things about themselves. Beth....liked it.

"Maybe you could meet my sister one day and I could meet your Uncle!"

Ashlee can't help the smile that spread across her face. Maybe she did have more than one friend here, someone she could look up too. Even though he was older Ashlee didn't care. Eric was kind, and nice to her and helped her.

"I promise if you promise. I like the way you are, no matter what anyone says."