

Reese's eyes widen as he crosses his arms. Alec? How? Listening more to Ryan, he furrows his brow, confused and annoyed with the whole situation.

"Well first off, it's impossible that it was Alec, and secondly, even if it was and we knew about it, we would certainly not allow it!"

Heading down the hall, he motions for both Eli and Ryan to follow him. "Come on. I'll show you." Hal had been watching the monitors last night, and the tracers were always played back later to ensure nothing had happened. Reese had heard nothing from Hal, which meant nothing had happened.

"Hey, Hal? We need a minute."

Hal swivels in his chair in the control room and looks with curiosity at the small group. "Eli... Ryan..."

Eli simply nods.

"Last night - Alec." Reese points to the computer monitors. "Where was he?"

Hal quirks an eyebrow, confused, but checks anyway. He gestures to the screen which showed a minute-by-minute scan of Alec's whereabouts that could be printed if so desired. "He was in his apartment." His finger follows the timeline. "All night."

Reese looks back to Eli and Ryan. "I don't know what's going on here, but our equipment has not been proven to be faulty so far. Alec went to work this morning and we saw his every move. It was not a tracing failure, and he cannot remove his ankle bracelet without us being very blatantly warned."

Eli scowls, setting his hands on his hips. He looks at his sister, not questioning her own statements, but rather Tal's. "Could he have been wrong? Was it dark? Is he positive it was Alec?"

Tal tries to keep his head as still as possible, glad the side of his face was numb now but still feeling the pain of stitches. With Rick and Misty hovering over him as he lay on the table, he was feeling rather embarrassed about this whole thing and being the center of attention. He was grateful... just not quite sure how to feel.

Rick cleans off the third and last deep cut on Tal's face, prepping it for Misty to stitch. "Go ahead and finish that up, then I want to get a couple x-rays to see if anything on his spine or ribs is broken."

To anyone

Help Eli with Tal Ryan shuts the door and locks it behind them as they continue to the car. Getting there and sliding into the back Eli didn't have to tell her twice as she gentile put Tal's head in her lap and took his hand.

Feeling his hand tighten around her with every little bump Ryan new how much pain Tal really was in more than just looking at him. With every bump it hurt her a little more and a little more. She didn't understand how anyone could do this to another person. It only fed her anger even more.

Once inside Ryan dosnt leave Tal's side as Rick checks him over. She offers him a soft smile though her anger was still under the skin with every wince Tal made it only made it grow more and more. Looking up as Reese enters the room Ryan gives Tal's hand a gentile back before letting it go.

"I wont be far. I've just got to talk to Reese with Eli for a second...ok?"

Leaving Tal's side and going with her brother outside Ryan let her anger now show on he face. Reese had said he made it so if Alec went anywhere other than were they wanted than why had they not known Alec was at Tal's, why didn't someone come and stop.

"It was Alec! Tal said he broke into his house and told him to stay away from me or he was going to get worse next time than he did this time."

Ryan was trying not to let herself get anymore upset than she already was but she just couldn't help it. The more she talked about it the more her anger grey and the more it hurt her.

"He can't get away with this. He could of killed Tal Reese, and if there is a next time he just might. Something has to be done. Alec can't be aloud to do this to anyone."


Eli can feel his anger building, but he keeps it under the surface for now. There was no point in losing his temper here when neither Tal or his sister were to blame. But she was right - Alec would pay.

Seeing how distraught Ryan was, Eli's heart aches. It was rare she was this upset, and even rarer that she would allow any tears to show. Reaching out, Eli sets his hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "It'll be okay... somehow... I promise."

In the living room, Tal manages to get himself up and slip on his sneakers. He'd go, but only because he didn't want to cross Eli. Whether anybody knew it or not, besides Ryan, Eli was his best friend. Tal wouldn't force him to drag him to TJY. And at least it was there and not the hospital. He hated hospitals.

Managing to find his keys, wallet and cell phone, the latter two really matter but he never went anywhere without them. Leaning against the wall, he closes his eyes, wanting to just slide down on the floor right here and call it a day. But he knew he couldn't.

A strong arm comes up under his own and he winces before turning to look at Eli, willingly shifting his weight to lean on him. "How bad do I look?"

Eli smirks. "I won't tell you. Come on," With his arm around him, he heads slowly for the door, nodding to Ryan to follow. Once outside and to Tal's car, Eli helps Tal ease into the backseat, though it was obviously painful. "I'll drive. Ryan, you sit in back with him."

The ride to TJY doesn't take long, but it felt like it. With his head in Ryan's lap, Tal felt every little bump in the road. He didn't utter a sound though, keeping the pain to himself. The only signal that it hurt was his grip on Ryan's hand...


Gunner turns from his desk to see Eli and his sister, helping another man down towards the hall. "Whoa. What-"

"Have Reese come to the infirmary," Eli orders.

Gunner's eyebrows rise. "Well what do I-"

"Just do it!"

Gunner blinks as the three pass, but obeys, dialing Reese's office.

Making it slowly down the hall and finally to the infirmary, they push the door open. Tal is about ready to collapse, leaning more heavily on Eli with each step.

Rick turns from the counter, his eyes going wide. "Eli?"

Tal finds it rather strange that people around here knew Eli that well. He knew that Eli had kept an eye on Alec for them a while back but... was that really all there was to it? He sure knew his way around here well.

Eli nods to Rick. "Doc. This is Tal. You know Ryan."

"I do." Rick is quick to approach, gesturing to the table where Tal can lie down. "What happened?"

"He got beat up last night."

Rick immediately starts checking Tal over. "Why didn't you take him to the hospital?"

"Long story."

Poked and prodded, Tal winces, hating every moment. When Rick tries to roll him onto his back though, he stifles a cry of pain.

Rick wastes no time in pulling up the back of Tal's shirt.

Eli turns away for a moment, closing his eyes to maintain his composure. Did Alec know what he'd done? Had he been so vicious to harm someone to this degree on purpose? It made him sick.

Rick cringes at the sight of huge bruises on Tal's back. There was obvious swelling as well, but it was what was deeper that Rick was concerned about. Someone had done a good job with what he guessed to be hefty kicks. "Alright, stay on your side, it's okay." He turns to Eli and Ryan again. "This is going to take a little while to get him cleaned up and to check everything. You're welcome to-"

"What is going on?" Reese enters the infirmary, stopping short at the scene.

Eli swings around and immediately his temper flares. Stalking up to Reese, he stops only inches from him, just tall enough to look down into his eyes with a glare. "So much for keeping your dog on a leash," he hisses. "I hold you partially responsible for this."

"Whoa, whoa." Reese holds up his hands. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Can we-"

"Would you please take your conversation elsewhere?" Rick didn't mean to snap, but this was hard enough without an argument going on behind him.

Reese looks between Eli and Ryan and nods to the hallway. "Please explain what happened. Out here."

Once in the hallway with the infirmary door closed, Eli tosses his sister a look. "Go ahead. You know more than me."

Not Fair

Coming back to Tal once she was off the phone Ryan places a fresh cloth on his face. She new Eli would come and he would make Tal go get looked at. If she wasn't so angry she could of done it herself but she felt to horrible for many different reasons right now.

As Eli comes into the apartment Ryan stands. She didn't have to say anything yet as Eli talked to Tal and made him go with them. One way or another he was going Ryan just hopped it would be with his own free will.

Getting pulled into the hallway Ryan looks up at her brother her eyes still a blaze but also the look of sadness, and pure terror in them for Tal's own safety.

"Tal said Alec wanted him to stay away from me and thats why he did it. My guess would be he though if he beat Tal up enough it would scare him away and than he could get me back. But he's very wrong, I can't stand him even more now than I did before."

Ryan's hands clenched at her sides. She couldn't remember the last time she was this mad. It had been a very very long time and she wished she'd never had, had to have thing anger come out again but this...Tal he was someone she loved, part of her family and someone had hurt him.

"Alec can't get away with this Eli, he just can't. Tal is lucky to be alive in there let alone the wounds we can't see. I don't know what the heck is wrong with Alec's head."

Looking back into the living room Ryan can feel a hold tear run down her cheek as she looks at Tal. This wasn't fair, it wasn't right and he shouldn't have had to go through this. He'd done nothing wrong. It had been Alec that was wrong, about everything and with everything he did. So why did Tal have to pay?


Eli didn't usually keep his phone on him at work, but today he had, hoping he'd hear from Ryan about Tal. His friend's lack of communication this morning was a bit worrisome, though Eli figured there must be a good explanation.

Feeling his pocket vibrating, he sets down his tools and answers it quickly, covering his other ear to keep out the loud sounds of the shop. "Yeah? Ryan? What's up?"

Hearing her tone, a chill runs down Eli's spine. She was angry, and he could tell. But why would she want to kill Alec? And why did she want Tal to go to TJY? It didn't make any sense. Unless...
His heart skips a beat. Had Alec done something to Tal? There were too many questions to ask over the phone.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Sit tight and don't do anything stupid, whatever you do." He still had no clue what was going on, but he knew his sister - the same blood that flowed through his veins flowed through her too, and once a McKade was angry, it was awfully hard to keep a lid on it.

Heading out of the garage, he clocks out immediately, still talking on his phone. "I'm leaving right now. Be there in ten minutes."

....Arriving on his bike, Eli is quick to dismount and head to Tal's apartment. He doesn't bother knocking. Getting inside, it only takes one sweeping glance to notice Tal lying on the couch. And even from here, it was obvious that he was in bad shape.

"Have mercy..." Eli approaches quickly, taking a knee next to the couch. "Holy cow, Tal... what bus ran you over?"

Tal pries open his eye enough to give Eli a withering look. "Funny."

"No it's not." Eli removes the cloth Tal had been holding and forces Tal to turn his face for Eli to see. "You need help."


Eli gets to his feet and gives Ryan a look that was angry, worried and determined all in one. Looking back at Tal, he sets his hands on his hips. "You're in no shape to argue. Even if you try, all I gotta do is pick you up and carry you and there's nothing you can do about it. So get up, get whatever you need and we're going to the Elite infirmary."

Grabbing Ryan's arm, he drags her into the hallway, leaving Tal to make up his mind. "Alec did that?" he hisses. "Why?"


Hearing that it was Alec anger burns even more through Ryan. Did her really think this would get her back? Did Alec really think this would cause her to love him again? He was wrong because all it was doing was confirming why she didn't want to be with him anymore. That the choose she'd made was the right one.

"One good hit is better than no good hit specially when it comes to someone like Alec. I hope Trey your not going to listen to him."

Ryan turns her head a little bit. She new her gaze held a fire that maybe Tal had never seen before but it was not for him. She held compassion, love and worry that he would be ok. The anger, that McKade fire was for Alec, that dangerous flam burned so bright she wished she could just smash a hole into him and if she was to see him she new she would do it.

"Wait here ok, I am going to go see if I can get you some more ice. I need to call Eli too, to let him know your ok. When you didn't show up this morning I had called him to see if he saw you."

Letting go of Tal's hand Ryan goes to the kitchen and leans against the counter for a moment before bringing her fist to it in a swift punch that sent its own wave of pain through her arm.

Finally pulling out phone and dialing Eli Ryan paces the kitchen waiting for him to pick up. When he finally does Ryan can't help the growl she lets out thinking she had waited to long already.

"Eli I need you to come over to Tal's apartment right now. If you don't your going to be less one sister because I killed Alec. I also need to try and get Tal to go to TJY to get looked at and he wont come with you. I know you can convince him. Please come and hurry."


Tal should have known better than to think Ryan couldn't guess who his attacker had been. Right about now, he'd like to get up, growl a little, pace and hit something. But he hurt too much to even move, let alone get up. And all it did was feed his frustration.

His one eye stares at his hand that was held for several moments before finally daring to look up into Ryan's gaze. She was so worried... In a strange sort of way, it felt good, knowing that she cared that much about him to be that worried. But her worry changed nothing. The fact of the matter was that he'd been beat up by some jealous bully and Ryan knew exactly who it was.

He finally nods slowly. He was a horrible liar to begin with - he might as well not even try. "Yeah... yeah, it was him. He, um..." He moves his thumb to rub Ryan's hand. "He wanted me to stay away from you."

He gives a quiet scoff. "I never even saw him coming. I got off one good..." He pauses as a new wave of pain rushes through him. "...one good shot and that was it. So much for... being able to handle myself."

Was it...

Continuing to look at Tal Ryan's heart ached for him. It hurt her so much to see him in so much pain. Someone who wanted to get back at him? There was only one name that came to mind for that. Tal wasn't a person who had to many enemys.

"Who would want to get back at you Tal? It was Alec it wasn't it?"

Ryan softly takes Tal's hand in her own. Cocking her head a little more to look at him she almost wanted to cry for Tal. Just seeing him like this was so hard.

"Tal you have to tell me. We can't let him get away with this. Was it Alec Tal?"

Bad liar

Tal doesn't like the idea of going anywhere, and his expression showed it. "It'll be fine," he mumbles. "Please... I don't... don't wanna go anywhere." All he wanted was some more pain killers, but he'd already reached his max dose and didn't dare take any more yet.

Ryan's adamant question causes him to look away again. Closing his eyes, he swallows. Even that hurt. "I dunno... it was dark... I guess it was just somebody who wanted-" A muscle spasm in his back causes him to suck in a sharp breath. "...wanted to get back at me for... for something."

Feeling a little trickle down his cheek, he realizes the movement of talking must have disturbed one of the cuts, causing it to bleed again. Reaching to the table, he grabs one of the cloths he'd used earlier, and holds it lightly to his face.


Watching Tal as he talked, moved, walked and sat down she could tell Tal was far from ok. He was injored pretty bad and he needed medical attachen and Ryan new it.

Following Tal into the living room Ryan sits down on the table in front of Tal. Her heart raced and her anger rawred for whoever had done this to Tal. He was one of the nicest, sweetest people in the world who wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Tal your not ok. You can hardly sit without being in pain. Not to mention a bunch of the gashes on your face are going to need stitches or your going to have scars. Not to mention the stuff we can't see. I just want to take you some where to get looked at..."

Hearing Tal once again mention someone had broken in Ryan takes a quick look around the room. It didn't look like anything was disturbed or stolen. So why would someone break in, beat up Tal and not take anything. A sicking feeling hit's Ryan's gut as she squints a little. She hopped she was wrong.

"Who was it that broken in Tal? You had to have known his voice, or at least from what he said he wanted? How would ever want to hurt you? That makes no sense. Tal you need to tell me who it was!!!"


Tal inwardly cringes at Ryan's reaction. It could have been worse, though, right? Slowly closing the door again, he shakes his head....slightly.

"No..." He hadn't spoken a word in the last few hours and only now does he realize how much it hurts is jaw and face to talk. "I'm... I'm fine." Maybe it was a good thing he hadn't talked to her on the phone - his slurred speech made it sound like he was drunk, not hurt.

Finally catching her eye, he feels the stupidity he knew would come. He'd been beaten up in his own home. What kind of a wimp did that make him?

Saying nothing more yet, he slowly shuffles back to the couch, easing down carefully. He winces. No... sitting didn't feel good. It hurt his back too much. Sliding back down onto his side, it felt a little better.

"It was just some guy," he mumbles. "Broke in last night... I'm fine... really..."