
Not Fair

Ryan gives a nod not to sure she really believed Axel would be ok. It was so rare something like this happened and let it show that in a way it kind of worried Ryan more. But knowing if Axel didn't want to talk about it he wouldn't Ryan didn't bother to push it.

"Yeah I can help you no problem. I just have a few things to tighten on the car I am working on and I'll be over."

Going back to her car Ryan fiddles around for a few more moments before finally closing the hood. Putting her tools back and whipping her hands on her rag Ryan heads back over to where Axel was.

"Ok, so where are you and what do you want me to help with?"

Anastasia giving a smile and an interested nod hearing the back of his car was filled with more old records. Intresting how he transported them, did he just move here or was he passing though. He seemed like a very interesting man to say the least.

"There is always room for one more. Even if another can't fit, there is room to figure it out for good music. I just wish more people could see the deeper meaning in it."

The one corner of her mouth gives a twitch as it forms on softer smile still leaning on the shelf a little. Her eyes seemed to dance with the light in the room, soft, but deep with much mystery to them.

Hearing he was new in town it semi answered her question but still left it open for if he was just passing through or not. Leaving that aside for now though Anastasia looks into his eyes for a long moment searching them wondering what kind of relaxing fun he was looking for. Seeing now really intense party side in him Anastasia stands up and moves down a little bit running her hands over the records shifting some around or back into place.

"A good place to sit and unwind would be Mom and Pop's cut little itailn restront, or you could always go to After hours, It's a bar slash karaoke cafe. The bar is on one side, and the cafe is on the other. Its monitered pretty well so anyone that trys to start a problem its stop before getting out of hand. "

Stopping at one spot in the records she gives a chuckle to herself pulling out an Elvis record and putting it in another spot where it belonged. She could do this for hours just going through and putting everything where is belonged and back in the right spot.

"A lot of the people that go up there to sing are pretty darn good too. You get the bad ones, but even they are fun to watch because at least they are trying and having fun. There are a few good bars around here too so I am told if your into that kind of thing. I couldn't tell you from personal experience though I've never been to one."

Thinking for a moment on what else she could fill the customer in on she stops again looking over the at him again for a long moment. The smile still on her lips, and her eyes still sparkling.

"Outside of town there are a few car races that go on, and sometimes there a few real good bands that are playing. So for good clean, relaxing fun thats about it."

Squinting her eyes for a moment Anastasia train of thought is broken as the bell on the door rings and someone else comes in. Giving a smile and a nod to someone who entered the store Anastasia turns her attachen back to Quinn.

"So I don't think its to fair, you know my name but I still have nothing to call you by!"

Listing to Justin Beth finishes off her pie interested in what he said he liked to do. It didn't seem like it was much involvement himself with people but he still got to do a little in his free time. Maybe he just liked to work a lot, like she liked to surrounded herself.

"That's cool."

Finishing the last bit of pie from her plate Beth just lets the quiet linger for a moment. Her own mind was working thinking of things to say. She wanted to be able to talk to Justin, she wanted to have more things to talk about what she did in her life but she did nothing.

"I was thinking about going to the zoo, or something sometimes. Maybe than I'll have something interesting to talk to you about."

Beth gives a small smile before offering to take Justin's plate and hers to the kitchen. She wasn't sure when Justin wanted to leave and she didn't mind if he stayed she just didn't want him to be bored.

"Did you want anything else Justin?"


Quinn had already spotted the young woman through his peripheral vision, so he wasn't taken by surprise when he heard her voice. What did surprise him though was her obvious love of Ricky Nelson too.

He grins, still eying the album. "You have good taste."

Finally looking up, his eyes smile more than his mouth does, and his gaze seems far away, yet very near and almost probing but not invading. "The trunk of my car is full as it is, but... there's always room for one more record."

Slipping the record back in its spot, he remembers where it is in case he does buy it, and he thumbs through some more titles. Glancing to the employee again, his gaze gives her face a quick study, her leather band not escaping him. Nor did her looks.

Going back to the records, he speaks while sifting through the records. "So... Anastasia... I'm new in town. I've obviously found a hot spot for good music, but where's a body go around here to just sit and unwind?"

Axel looks quickly to Ryan, trying to regain some control over his thoughts, but he wasn't very successful. "No... no it's not," he answers vaguely.

Wiping his hands on a rag, he looks at the car he'd been working on, then back to Ryan. Putting a hand to his head, he runs his thumb over his forehead, trying to concentrate. "I'm fine... I will be. Just... some news threw me for a loop, that's all. I could um... use some help over here though, when you're done with your car."

Justin chuckles, recognizing Beth's awkwardness, though he wasn't quite sure how to solve it at this point. "Hmm, well..." He scrapes off the last bit of pie and sets aside his plate. Turning a little more to be completely sideways on the couch, he draws up his knees and wraps his arms around them.

"I like... taking walks... playing with my two girls... um..." He chuckles again. "I guess I don't give myself much free time in between my work at Brookshire and all the odd jobs I take on. But... it keeps me busy." Maybe someday he'd admit to himself that he enjoyed surrounding himself with work so he wouldn't have time for a social life. At least he did now. Perhaps that look in his eye, the tattoos on his arm and his learned quietness proved that not so long ago he'd had much more of that social life than he currently did.

Definitely Worth

Leaning back in the booth Jess lets out a small sigh as Axel hangs but without her being able to say much more. She couldn't blame him that he was upset. If it was her she probably would be too.

Picking up her book again Jess starts to read she'd call Axel later tonight. No matter how she tried though her mind just wouldn't concentrate. Leaning her head back and closing her eyes for a moment Jess just trys to calm her own heart and mind.

Working away on her car Ryan glances up and catches Leo's eye. Seeing him nod twords Axel Ryan turns just a little looking over her shoulder. Seeing the look on his face it was easy to tell something was wrong. He didn't often show his emotions so to see some of them slipping though it had to be something big.

Standing up and causally walking over to where Axel was Ryan didn't want to draw much attachen to him knowing he liked keeping to himself but wanting to make sure he was ok.

"Axel, is everything ok? You look like you might pass out any moment."

Hearing the small bell on the door jingle Anastasia looks up from the shelf of old records she was putting away. Pushing some of her long honey brown hair off her shoulder she eyes the man that had just walked in.

A black tank top accented her shape making a soft russle as she moved her arm, nice dark jeans accenting the shirt. A black leather strap around her wrist showed she might like a little rock herself, engraved on it were the words He lives!Her name badge hung from her shirt proving she worked in the shop.

Continuing to watch as the man came back to the older stuff Anastasia shifts a little still quiet as she takes in the mans charming looks. The fact he liked older stuff alone made him that much more appealing than the normal riff raph they got in the store.

Seeing him pull out the record of Ricky Nelson a smile cross her face even more. Leaning on the record rack a little bit to look over a little close at the record he was holding she finally speaks.

"Ricky Nelson has some of the most amazing music. That's my favorite album he did. It's definitely one worth putting in a collection."

Continuing to lean on the shelf Anastasia's eyes give a sparkle as she looked up at him. She loved talking about music especially the older stuff. Not to mention this new coming seemed intresting to her maybe it was just because she never saw him before.

"I'll have to remember that saying. It sounds...smart."

Beth goes back to her pie letting the conversation become quiet for a moment. As she eats her mind still wonders trying to find something else to talk about. She liked having the company more than she thought she would but now she had run out of things to say.

"I don't know what to talk about now even though I'd like to talk more."

Beth gives a little nervous laugh before looking down at her plate again. She felt silly, almost like a kid again wondering what to say to someone they just met.

"Ummm...what else do you like to do other than fishing?"

Oh, shut up

Busy at work amongst the teasing, chatter and clanging of tools in car engines, Axel barely hears his cell phone ringing on the work bench. Recognizing Jess' ringtone, he goes to answer it. They were supposed to do supper tonight, but if she was calling him during the day, it might mean a change of plans.

Putting one hand over his other ear to muffle the garage sounds, he answers. "Hey, Jess, what's up?"

As Jess speaks, Axel becomes on edge. Her tone wasn't right. Something was wrong. Still trying to hear her clearly, her words of what had happened hit him like a cannon shot to the gut. Leaning back against the wall, his face pales as his heart skips a beat. Quinn? Quinn was in town? Looking for him? That couldn't be good.

Axel's mind reels and he feels dizzy and sick to his stomach at the same time. He'd figured he would never see his brother again. It hadn't been meant to be. They'd parted ways. Quinn had abandoned him, not even believing he was innocent.

The fear, anger and hurt come rushing back like a wave.

Axel suddenly realizes Jess had paused, and he'd been holding his breath. Sucking in air, everything seems to spin and he tries to focus for Jess' sake. It probably hadn't been easy for her to call and he had to make sure that she didn't think she'd done anything wrong.

"Thank you, Jess. I..." He what? What now? She had a number?

"I don't have a pen... um... a pen handy so... um tonight..." Were they still going out? "Call me... after work, okay? I'll... talk to you more then. Thanks for letting me know."

Ending the call, he doesn't leave room for any more conversation about it. He didn't know what to say, and even if he did, now was not the time or place. Setting his phone aside again, he stares at the car he'd been working on. All of a sudden, he had no idea what he'd been doing or what he needed to do next.

Fooling around with the others and almost done with his car, Leo catches sight of Axel nearby, and he stops, concerned. It looked like Axel had seen a ghost. Leo turns and catches Ryan's eye, then nods to Axel, wondering if he was the only one who thought something strange was up.

Quinn drives to the end of the street, coming to a halt at a stop sign. Without any other cars behind him, he just sits for a moment, his hands flexing on the steering wheel. His heart was still beating fast, and a bit of sweat runs down the back of his neck. His stomach did an odd flipflop and for a moment, he thought he might be sick.

Axel... after all these years... stumbling across him completely by accident. What was he thinking, trying to even contact him? Quinn felt as if he'd panicked. He should have just walked away. Why had he given the girl his phone number? For those few minutes he'd just felt... shocked. Pure and simple. All the anger he'd felt those years before was now surfacing, but moments ago, all he'd felt was shock. Axel probably wouldn't want to contact him any more than he'd wanted to contact Axel these past years. So he should just move on and forget about it... right? Axel wouldn't call him and... he shouldn't go looking for him either. It was a crazy idea that would only end in more heartache anyway.

Getting a grip on himself, Quinn starts out across the intersection, trying to just calm his nerves. He'd seen signs for a hotel somewhere around here, but after stopping for something to drink at the little pizza place, he'd now forgotten which way he needed to go.

Heading down one street then another, he finds himself in a district of shops that looked a bit intriguing. His emotions had been jarred and his mood was not the best... he needed something to unwind... he needed a distraction before the barrage of memories took over. He was just passing through... just passing through.

Seeing a sign that read Disc O Round, Quinn's interest was piqued. Records, instruments and CDs adorned the window display. A music shop. Vintage? That was the kind of distraction he could handle.

Pulling to the curb, he kills the engine and plays with the keys for a moment.
Keep going, Quinn... keep on going. You thought about Axel just the other day - this is no different. You could have been in the same town with him a bazillion times and just never realized it.

Yeah, but I didn't even know he was out of prison.

So? Everybody gets out eventually, even the guilty ones.

Right... so this is no different than any other day... I just gotta ignore the fact that I'm within miles of a brother I haven't seen in years.

But you're angry with him, remember? He betrayed your trust. Look at what he did.

He said he was innocent.

With what proof? You warned him about hanging out with the wrong crowd. You knew he would be influenced and he finally took things too far. It's obvious.

So now what? He's going to have my number.

And? If he's the kind of man you remember, he won't call. He's a criminal and besides, you turned your back on him.

I abandoned him... when he needed me the most, or so Jess says.

One side of the story, Quinn... just one side of the story. Don't forget yours. You got pain too.

Why didn't I just walk away? Why did I tell them that I wanted to see Axel?

Maybe deep down, you do.

You just reminded me of his betrayal and my pain! Why would I want to see him?

You're the one messed up, not me.

"Oh, shut up." Quinn grumbles and gets out of the car, tired of the inner discussion with his conscience. Locking the doors, he heads to the entrance of the store, pausing to look in the window for a moment.

Getting into the shop, the little bell dings and he takes a cursory glance around, seeing new music along one wall, while the older things seemed a little farther towards the back. That's where he heads, clipping his keys to his beltloop and running his fingers along a shelf of classic rock CDs.

Making it nearer the back, Quinn spies the racks of old record albums. The quite rock n' roll music playing in the store seemed soothing today. It had just enough edge to match his mood, but it was quiet enough to not rile him.

Sifting through the record albums, some were new, some were used and most had at least a thin layer of dust. "Mmmm." His finger touches on one in particular. "Hello, Ricky Nelson... you would do quite nicely in my collection, wouldn't you?"

"Hey, that sounds good too." Justin nods as he continues to eat his pie. "They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach... I'm no exception." He chuckles, his eyes twinkling a little in the living room light. In reality, he usually ate very little, but did frequently enjoy a good meal at his mother's or at friends.

Falling quiet again, Justin lets Beth take her own pace. When his pie was done and nothing else was to be conversed, he would make his leave. But if she continued to talk, he would stay.