
There is always....

Just continuing to watch Alec Misty's heart continued to go out to him. She really did feel bad and he did look like complete crap. Though Misty would keep that bit to herself she really did feel bad for the young man. And all she wanted to do was help him out.

   "I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't meant it. I don't mind if you stay for as long as you need. There is food, warmth, and I don't have anyone else to share it with."

Picking up her own tea and taking a sip Misty is quiet for a second. She had another thought running through her mind as well but would wait. She wanted to see if Alec would take her up on her offer first and see where it went from there.

Reaching across the table Misty lays her hand on top of Alec's. It was cold, but looked warmer than when he had first got there and for that she was thankful. Rubbing his finger across the top of his hand Misty smiles. 

   "No matter what happens with Carson and I you will always be family Alec and I will always see you as that. Family sticks together in time of need and leans on each other. It's a good lesson to learn and remember."

Hearing that Hunter would at least think about her offer Katie was pleased. It was a step in the right direction and with out even asking she new Rosetta and Mick would agree to it. They would never turn someone away when they needed a new start.

   "I'm....taking it day by day and remembering that there is always a sunrise as long as I wait for it."

It was nice to talk to Hunter again. He'd been her friend, the one she poured her soul out too. Someone she trusted, and had proven to take care of her when a silly mistake had been made. There was something there and now...she missed it.

   "Being home is nice, and spending time with my dad is nice too. I always have liked working in the barn but I miss The Elite too. I'm trying to think of it as an expended vacation though. I do miss a bunch of things from back there though thats for sure."

   "I'm happy you came into the bar and became my friend Zach. I've learned much from you."

And she had, she'd learned to open up to someone else and went out to a few different places. She had learned that being in a group setting was ok and he'd opened the door to the animle shelter for her too. For everything he'd done Beth was thankful.

    "I am happy we get to stay friends too. Your one of the few people I get to hang out with so to lose you now would kind of suck."

Unanswered Question

Hearing that Carson no longer lived there, Alec's gaze shoots up in surprise. What? Carson and she were separated? Was that what Carson had meant when he'd implied his life wasn't so grand? Alec was truly shocked. He knew his brother could be a jerk but he'd never expected them to part. Not that he knew it was Carson's fault, but that would be his first guess. He wondered what on earth had happened, but he doesn't ask... not now anyway. Maybe later he'd find out more, but for now, the conversation moved on, so he let it.

Having a second bowl of soup offered, he doesn't complain. This was his first good meal in too long, and he wasn't going to take it for granted. Giving Misty a look of appreciation, he nods his thanks. She really was being too kind.

After another coughing fit hits and he calms down, he nods to her question. "I've tried at a couple construction places - one place didn't like my record and the other just wasn't hiring right now. Sounds like there might be another place or two I can look into though..." He pauses to eat some more. With his stomach filling, the cough medicine kicking in, and his exhaustion lingering, he was becoming quite drowsy. "I guess I'm just so tired of running into brick walls that my motivation is lacking at the moment." That much was true. He was downright depressed is what he was. Not a day went by now that he didn't regret his past decisions. 

Falling silent, he works on his soup, while his mind still processed what he was feeling and trying to say. "I... I wanted Reese to send me to prison," he admits. "That's why I was getting into trouble after..." He keeps his eyes focused on his spoon. "After Ryan wouldn't take me back." Stifling a cough, he takes another couple spoonfuls of soup. "I didn't expect him to just set me loose. It's what I was always fighting for, ya know?" He eventually glances up at Misty again. "And now that I got it... it's a living nightmare." 

He shrugs lamely and polishes off his soup, now full and satisfied. Pushing the bowl aside, he sighs deeply. A few more quiet moments pass before he lifts his eyes once more. He was so low. So beat down. So tired. 

Thunder shakes the house as a reminder that it was still pouring rain outside. He really didn't relish the idea of walking back across town. "Did... did you really mean it about me staying here?"

How Katie had figured out so quickly that he'd gotten drunk after the accident, Hunter would never know. Either he was much more obvious than he thought, or she was smarter. Maybe both. 

Folding one arm across his chest, he settles back into his motorcycle seat and grins a little. He'd missed Katie's voice and was glad now she'd decided to call him when he hadn't had enough guts to make the call himself. 

"In need huh?" He wonders if that were really true. Maybe he was. Maybe he'd been in need for longer than he'd admit. He was fine on his own, living life and surviving well. It wasn't like he was out on the street or struggling to live. And yet... inside... he'd been struggling to stay afloat for a long time now. He'd thought returning to Nevada wouldn't matter. He'd been wrong. This place was full of old memories and old friends that just proved to make his inner battles worse. And now... just as a little bit of light was forcing its way through the cracks, he was afraid of what might be exposed: his own selfishness, recklessness and pride. 

Realizing he'd paused too long, he sighs. "Well... I'll think about it. I guess I kinda miss you too... maybe... sorta." He chuckles, knowing that Katie would know he was teasing. "Good food is always a plus. And I'm not afraid of helping out. So... I'll carefully consider your offer. But first, you haven't answered my question about how you're doing."

"Okay." Zach agrees to finishing out the night. He gives Beth a small smile, doing his best to still make this enjoyable. He was disappointed, but that didn't mean he had any less respect for Beth, or that he'd want to make her feel badly. She'd had a choice, and had chosen. Period. 

"Maybe that changes a few of my plans..." He thinks of his planned kiss again. "...but that's alright. I'm known for going with the flow."

Mustering up another smile, he lifts his water glass. "To you... one of the brightest, most fun, prettiest women I know. To your honesty... and to our friendship." And a friendship it would remain. Zach knew that they probably wouldn't be spending quite as much time together, but if he continued to drop by the bar, and if she did volunteer at the shelter, at least he'd get to see her then.


Giving a thoughtful nod everything Alec described what was what she'd heard but she wanted to hear it from his mouth. She wanted to hear him tell her what was going on and why he needed help. Nothing was left out, he held nothing back, and he was honest with her. That was what she wanted to hear.

   "There is no need to worry about Carson finding you here. He doesn't live here anymore so you can stay as long as you want till you can find your own footing again."

Giving a soft smile to Alec Misty meant what she said no matter what happened, or what was going to happen just like Dani would always be family so was Alec. If he could get himself right, and at least have some kind of foothold than it was worth it for Misty to let him stay here for a little bit. 

Getting up and taking Alec's bowl Misty goes to the stove and pours a little more into it before returning and placing it in front of Alec. She wasn't sure how hungry he was but at least a little more would help warm and and fill his belly. If he was full already than he didn't have to eat it but she new he wouldn't ask for it himself.

   "So...have you looked into any construction work, or road work. They higher a lot of people in positions like yours. It's hard work, long hours, but they pay good and always have work waiting for them. Maybe thats something you can look into?!"

Standing Katie starts walking across the yard to the mess hall for something to drink. Hearing Hunter's excuses she rolls her eyes. If she was next to him she would of waked him over the back of the head for sure. He thought he was being smooth but he wasn't and Katie wouldn't fall for it.

   "There are city slickers who come to visit all the time, and the only think you'd have to pay for is the gas to get here. As long as you help out around the ranch you wouldn't be charged. Thats how this place works for those who are in need, and you sir are in need if I ever saw it."

Getting to the fridge and pulling out the pitcher of lemon aid Katie wondered who made it today. Still holding the phone with her shoulder and getting a glass she pours some. Sipping little the silence on the phone linger she can't help butt smack her lips. It was Becky who made it this time around. She could always tell because it was on the sweeter side just the way she liked it.

   "And the food is the best here too."

Leaving the kitchen now and heading back outside Katie takes a seat on swing deciding this would be her spot now till bed. Not to far away to put her glass before heading back to her bunk and a comfortable to chat with Hunter more.

   "As for your barstool, seeing as you almost killed yourself and someone else than thought it was smart to get drunk afterwards, I'd say it needs to be lonely. So....how about you stop trying to find an excuse that I'll continue to counter and just get you but out here eh? I miss seeing my friend." 


Misty's response to Alec was confusing. What could she possibly see in him? And yet... what had Ryan seen when she'd come to visit him at TJY? He takes a spoonful of soup and lets it slide slowly down his throat. It felt oh so good, and seemed to taste better than anything he'd ever had.

Her prompting to know more wasn't surprising, but Alec wasn't completely sure what to say. He takes another bite of soup to stall. Letting his eyes just study his food, the silence lingers to an uncomfortable level before he musters up the courage to respond. 

"Just failing miserably." His tone is quiet... defeated. "Ever since Reese let me go, I can't find a job... nobody wants anything to do with me. Everything with Ryan is over for good. Everybody who owed me anything is all paid up, so I've got nothing left." 

He concentrates on his food again for several moments, only now realizing just how hungry he'd been. "I've got a little while left before Reese kicks me out of my apartment, but... I don't know what I'm going to do then." It sounded pitiful, but it was true. The reality of being homeless was much closer than he'd like to think. He'd been trying so hard to find work and it was just impossible. "I'm broke. Nobody at TJY wants me within fifty feet of them... Dani wants nothing to do with me... your husband hates my guts."

Finally looking up at Misty, Alec's eyes reflect his weariness... his pure exhaustion. He had fought so long and hard, and now... his fight was just... gone. The spark had been snuffed out by cold hard reality and the realization of how wrong he'd been. But with nowhere to turn, he was simply stuck where he was. "I just..." He shrugs lamely. "Guess tonight I got... lonely." 

As tears fill his eyes, he glances back down at his soup before forcing another spoonful into his mouth to try and get a grip on his emotions. "You were the only person left I could think of that might not turn me away." 

At the end of his bowl of soup, he makes sure he gets every last drop with his spoon. "I know I can't stay long though." His eyes remain downcast. "If Carson finds me here, he'll have my hide, and I don't want him mad at you too." 

Having Katie not even answer his question about her, Hunter realizes that she had indeed read into his voice more than he thought she would. She was good, no doubt. 

Sighing, he looks out at the lake. "Nah... I'll be fine." It was a lame excuse if ever he'd heard one. He really wasn't quite sure what to do with himself at the moment and getting away did have an appealing ring to it. But to Texas? Where he knew no one? Going to a strange place? A horse ranch no less? Seriously? Although... he did know Katie... and he did miss her company...

"You might regret a city slicker like me coming to visit," he teases. Declining her offer was best, right? "Besides, if I'm not racing, I gotta save my pennies. A vacation to a ranch wasn't planned into my budget." It was probably pretty expensive to go stay at that ranch, from how Katie had described everything. They had to make their living somehow, and Hunter really couldn't afford that right now. And yet... the thought of some fresh air was nice... getting away... She'd already invite him once. But.. was she really serious? Or was she just being nice? He wouldn't want to impose if she was just offering to make him feel good.

"I wouldn't want to leave my barstool at Mickey's for too long anyway." He chuckles, although he wasn't going to tell her about how drunk he'd been the other night. "They might miss me." And... that was another lame excuse. He knew Katie would see right through him, but he did it anyway.

Jeff sits on the edge of his bed, leaning forward on his knees, his head bent. It had taken him a while to walk back from Cindy's house. Partly because he was so tired, and partly because he just didn't want to be back here too quickly. Now that he was here though, tired or not, sleep was not what he wanted.

Cindy's words continued to play over and over in his mind. It would probably be best if you stopped hitting on the same women you pity. Is that what Jeff had been doing? He hadn't meant to but...

Yes, she was right. That's exactly what he'd done. He'd felt sorry for Stacy and so had tried to help, winding up on a path that was going to lead to him asking if she'd like to date him. That had been cut short by Eric's interference. Now he'd gone to Cindy - someone else he felt sorry for. He hadn't had bad intentions. He didn't mean any harm. He wasn't out to get someone or take advantage of any woman's position. That thought alone made him sick. But perhaps... someone in need... was the only type of woman that Jeff thought might want someone like him. He was weak. If he were to seem strong to a woman, she would have to be weaker than he. Was that the real issue here? Was that why he'd been doing things he had? Had he been attracted to Stacy just because she'd been dealt a tough hand? Had he gone to Cindy just because he felt badly about her loss?

Rising just to crawl into bed, Jeff buries his head in his pillow, sighing a deep sigh. Maybe this was simply his lot in life. Always careful. Always on guard. Always worrying and making those around him worry. If that were true though, it was hardly the kind of life he wished for. 


Sitting down with her own bowl of soup as well Misty hadn't been hungry till she started cooking. Just thinking for a long moment while taking a sip of the soup Misty wondered if she had an answer for Alec. It was just who she was. 

   "Though you have done things wrong you have never done anything wrong to me and there is just something...I don't know what it is but there is something I see in you. Maybe its the same thing I saw in Carson so long go but I only hope you grow and learn and don't let me down."

Putting her spoon down for a second Misty looks across the table at Alec. Just searching his face Misty couldn't help but feel bad for him. He'd been delt a rough hang and from his own doing she new was true but she still felt bad. He'd been lost, and now getting back up was hard.

   "So tell me whats been going on."

Beth gives a smile to Zach. She could see the look of disappointment in his eyes, and could see maybe somewhere there was a ach in his heart. Beth couldn't help but feel bad but she was thankful that it seemed Zach was understanding. 

   "No I'd like to finish out our night...as long as it wont be to strange for you."

Giving another soft smile Beth still wanted to enjoy the nice meal with her friend though if he said he though it better to leave now she would understand as well. They'd come all this way, got dressed, and started a nice meal she would hate to rune it completely.

Still sitting on the porch leaning against the railing. Listing to everything Hunter was talking about Katie had to say something like that was bound to happen sooner or later. She still couldn't help but feel bad for him being able to tell in his voice it really bothered him.

   "Maybe you need that bad rep ruined eh?"

Katie's voice was laced with a little bit of humor though she really meant what she said too. Hunter had hit that point where he almost killed someone and his self. And now he was in the depression stage and she could definitely tell it.

   "You know...maybe you should just get away for a little while. Your still welcome here if you want. There is enough room and its a great place to regroup, and recover."

Truth be told there was part of Katie that wished he would come. She missed her friend, and was a little bit home sick. Though she loved the ranch spending time in Nevada for so long it was a little hard to revert back again. So it would be nice to have something from home, come to her.