

Hearing that Kip wouldn't let Karla go back out in the cold wasn't a surprised yet in a way it did anyways. Maybe it was the state of shock she was in that kept what she new at bay, and was replaced by the feeling of dread that Kip seemed to sooth.

Feeling Kip's arms around her Karla doesn't resist as she is pulled into his lap. Just leaning her head on his chest Karla puts her hand under her face. His arms around her felt so warm, the comfort was nice and it helped her feel good but Karla couldn't help the tears that starts to come again. Not as song, but they were there are her mind wondered.

"Why? Why did this had to happen? Things seemed to be going so well...and now...its not fair Kip."

Taking her flowers with her and walking hand and hand with Sparky back to the bunk Faith couldn't be happier. Though she was worried about tomorrow she felt a tiny bit of comfort knowing there was someone who cared.

Getting into the bunk the last kiss from Sparky lingers as she looks out her window just watching him walk away. It felt strange missing him already when he had only just left, but the feeling lingered. Maybe this was how it was meant to feel being away from someone you cared about so much. Maybe this was love.

Hearing that Gunner loved her too Bree looks up at JT a bit surprised  that Gunner loved her let alone had told JT.

"He....he said that?"

Thinking for a long moment Bree just looks up at the sky again her face straight with the lack of emotion. But if one were to look close, the small smile that was hidden behind the pain was there. A tiny warm feeling entering her heart giving her a bit of hope.

Her jacket pulls around her Angelica was warm despite the cold treat she was enjoying. Her own bowl held mint chip ice cream with a tiny bit of carmal on top. Taking a bit Angelica cant help the small laugh that escapes her lips.

"This is the best place around to have ice cream."

Thinking about David's question Angelica thinks for a long moment. She hadn't been to Cali since the meeting she had gone to. She missed home from time to time maybe it would be nice?

" It would be nice to come for a visit. Seeing my mom again would be nice, she's been lonely since grandma passed away. I think it would be pretty nice to see how the ferm is doing under you too. I am sure its great but seeing old faces is nice."

Another bite of her ice cream is eaten as she thinks once again.

"I do have some vacation time coming up. Maybe I will come out to Cali and see ya.  So...I have an extra room at my place if you want to stay there, or we can find you a nice hotel to stay in while you are out here."


Kip is fooling around in the corner when Karla emerges from the bathroom. Turning around, he's glad to see she's cleaned up, but the look in her eye is gut wrenching.

Sitting down next to her on the bed, he bites his lip. He didn't know what to do or how he could help her. But he did have an answer to her question. "I don't know... but we're not gonna send you back out in the cold."

A little hesitant, his conscience reminds him that he'd been caught with a girl in his room before and it had ended quite badly. This was very different though, and he wasn't going to leave Karla alone or rouse the house. If they thought he was wrong, so be it.

Taking Karla's hand, he scoots up to sit at the head of his bed, bringing her with him. Sitting against his pillows, he pulls her up between his legs so she can lean against his chest. HIs arms wrap around her in a strong embrace, not caring that her hair was still wet.

"It's going to be okay," he assures. He felt sick, thinking about what she'd just gone through and what she'd lost. "You're alright. You got out safe and that's the main thing. It's going to be okay."

Sparky gives Faith's hand a squeeze. "Everything's gonna be alright with that. I know it is." Though in the pit of his stomach he suddenly had a great fear, he didn't let it show.

"Come on..." He guides Faith from the stall then shuts the door and latches it. "I'll walk you to your bunk."

Grabbing his hat, he puts it back on, then hands her the flowers once more. Heading out of the barn, he checks on a few stalls and shuts of some lights, then walks beside Faith to the bunk houses. Once last kiss goodnight, and he's on his own again, meandering to his own bunkhouse. It felt just a little darker and a little colder tonight.

JT rubs Bree's arm comfortingly. Her words surprised him just a little. He knew she had strong feelings for Gunner, but wasn't expecting her to admit it aloud yet.

"Gunner loves you too, ya know... he told me so."

Looking at his niece, JT is suddenly overcome with the realization that one of these days, it might be Gunner taking care of her and not him anymore. The other man in her life that had just been a friend was becoming more and more, and soon, JT would be looking at her from a distance. He knew they would always be close but there was an element there that hurt just a little. And for the first time, he maybe felt just a small part of what a parent might feel.

Bree was as grown woman, no doubt. But they'd shared such good times during the last few years that it was hard to imagine anything changing.

"You'll see him soon... soon."

A smile spreads on David's face at Angelica's acceptance. "Well alright then - ice cream it is. But I have a feeling that after that, it's going to be awfully close to closing up for the night."

Putting away his own papers, it doesn't take long to be ready to leave Mom and Pop's. He gathers his bags and follows Angelica, at her mercy as far as transportation went.

Soon, they have arrived at a little ice cream shop and wind up outside under the lights, even though it's a bit chilly after sunset. David has a small dish and sucks on his spoon thoughtfully. "Mm... it's been a long time since I've had good ice cream."

Eyeing Angelica a moment, a smile surfaces. "So after we've won this case, how about coming back to California for a visit?"


Feeling Kip's comfort and his gentile arm around her Karla doesn't resist as he directors her to the bed. Just looking up at him as he tells her to wait Karla's eyes follow him out of the room till once he was gone they go to the ground.

Her stomach gave a growl but she wasn't hungry. Emotions bubbled and churned, pain and hurt coarse through her. It hurt even more than telling people where she lived, or that she was pretty poor.

As the door opens again Karla looks up quickly with a little jump being pulled out of her thoughts. Seeing the clothing in his hand it made Karla hurt just a little bit more as she took them from her. What would she do now?

Getting into the bathroom Karla closes the door and looks around the big bathroom for a long moment. It was roomy, and big defiantly able to tell a it was a man's bathroom but it was still neat. Going over to the shower Karla opens the curtain and looks for a moment on how to operate it still finally the water was running.

Getting into the warm shower the water felt good on her cold skin. But as the water warmed her it seemed her strong wall broke. Letting out a sob the tears finally came as they ran down her cheek mixing with the water. Just standing there for a long moment she finally pushed her face under the water to let it wash what remained of the dirt and tears away.

About 10 minutes later the door to the bathroom finally opens. Her hair wet, but the soot makes were gone, and the dark dirty trails the tears had left were gone as well. The clothes were a little big on her as she hadnt eaten much lately so she had lost a little bit of weight. But they were comfy non the less. Entering into the room she looks at Kip, her eyes were still sad but at least she was clean, and felt a tiny bit better.

"Thank you. I'm sorry to have come here so late...I...just...didn't know where else to go."

Going back over to the bed Karla sits down on the edge her arm around her again as she looks at the ground. She hated feeling this way, and she new not to worry but she couldn't help it. So many things ran through her mind and she felt so alone.

"Wha...whats going to happen now?"

Her question was more of a whisper, maybe to Kip or just to herself out loud.