

Feeling Kip's comfort and his gentile arm around her Karla doesn't resist as he directors her to the bed. Just looking up at him as he tells her to wait Karla's eyes follow him out of the room till once he was gone they go to the ground.

Her stomach gave a growl but she wasn't hungry. Emotions bubbled and churned, pain and hurt coarse through her. It hurt even more than telling people where she lived, or that she was pretty poor.

As the door opens again Karla looks up quickly with a little jump being pulled out of her thoughts. Seeing the clothing in his hand it made Karla hurt just a little bit more as she took them from her. What would she do now?

Getting into the bathroom Karla closes the door and looks around the big bathroom for a long moment. It was roomy, and big defiantly able to tell a it was a man's bathroom but it was still neat. Going over to the shower Karla opens the curtain and looks for a moment on how to operate it still finally the water was running.

Getting into the warm shower the water felt good on her cold skin. But as the water warmed her it seemed her strong wall broke. Letting out a sob the tears finally came as they ran down her cheek mixing with the water. Just standing there for a long moment she finally pushed her face under the water to let it wash what remained of the dirt and tears away.

About 10 minutes later the door to the bathroom finally opens. Her hair wet, but the soot makes were gone, and the dark dirty trails the tears had left were gone as well. The clothes were a little big on her as she hadnt eaten much lately so she had lost a little bit of weight. But they were comfy non the less. Entering into the room she looks at Kip, her eyes were still sad but at least she was clean, and felt a tiny bit better.

"Thank you. I'm sorry to have come here so late...I...just...didn't know where else to go."

Going back over to the bed Karla sits down on the edge her arm around her again as she looks at the ground. She hated feeling this way, and she new not to worry but she couldn't help it. So many things ran through her mind and she felt so alone.

"Wha...whats going to happen now?"

Her question was more of a whisper, maybe to Kip or just to herself out loud.

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