

"Okay." Gage nods his agreement. "Movie... and making out. Yes... it sounds like a good plan to me." 

Grinning, he stands and offers Sapphire a hand up. "Thanks, Saph... for everything. You know, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. All this I've got... what I've accomplished... I'm actually in my own apartment now - I never thought I'd have that, and... well, I don't think I would have, if you hadn't had faith in me. So..." His hands clasp around hers. "...all kidding aside... thank you." 

Dani growls and grabs an extra chair, flopping down in it. Taking a deep breath, she lets it out slowly, trying to calm herself. "It's just like I said... Carson left Misty for another woman. He's moved in with Jaz already and just told me about it this morning before I got off work." 

Now that she'd gotten all her anger out, she found that hurt resided underneath it all too, and tears sting her eyes. "I'm sorry I yelled, I just... I'm still in shock and I can't believe he'd do something like this but... but he did." 

She sniffs and swallows hard. "I told him I was gonna quit my job too. I just can't work for someone like him... who lives a lie like that."

Hearing all of this, Scott's heart sinks a little. He had his problems with Carson because of the Agency, but nevertheless, he'd thought the man had changed. At the very least, Scott had known how happy Misty had been, and that made this whole thing even sadder. 

Reese despised divorce. It was not of God and it tore apart families. But in this case, there was no way he could condemn Misty for her decision. She had the grounds, and with her past history with Carson, this was simply the last straw. Reese didn't need to know details - anybody else he might question as to whether or not things could be worked out, or he'd encourage counseling. But looking at Misty now - he had no doubt that this was one situation that could not be resolved.

He nods slowly. "I understand... and I don't blame you." He keeps his arm around her, wishing there was some way he could make all of this go away for her. In a way, he was glad she was taking action so quickly - it would help get things over with faster and maybe she could finally move on from Carson's despicable behavior.

"You're right - it's not you. Carson developed his bad habits and... and this sickness... long before he met you. You did all you could and I'm sure that none of this has anything to do with you - it's him and his giving in to things he shouldn't." Reese knew there were always two sides to a story, and it wasn't like he lived with them to see how they functioned as a married couple. But he knew good and well that Misty had tried her very hardest to be a good wife, and that was proof enough for him.

"If you need any time off work for anything, just say the word. I don't want you overworking yourself and jeopardizing that baby." He gives her a new smile. "You know you're gonna be watched like a hawk now, right?"

My Brain

Sapphire laughs as the roll and accepts Gage's kiss. She never tired of feeling his lips pressed against her and his sense of humor was always just as good.

   "I think I can do dinner tomorrow with you and a movie as my place sounds good too."

Returning yet another kiss Sapphire laughs again as she finally sits up. It was moments like this she had learned to cherish. Time went by way to fast not too.

   "That was if we wanna continue the kiss....we can do that too."

As she Uncle comes around and puts his arms around her Misty was thankful for the comfort. It felt nice to be sheltered and told they were there for her. Even if Misty if it just the confirmation right now was nice too. It helped her remember she wasn't alone, and things in the end would be ok no matter what.

   "I'm...I'm not going to wast anytime. I already called this morning and set up and appointment for tomorrow with a lawyer to write up devours papers. I can't keep going back and forth back and forth...not now, with the baby. I just can't."

Letting out a sigh and leaning into her Uncle for a moment just saying it hurt. She new it was something she had to do but it still hurt. She'd given Carson many chances and she had told him if he ever lied, or cheating on her again it was over. If he hadn't changed by now than he never really was going too.

   "I still don't get it...I tried to keep him happy, and I know its not me but it feels like it."

Busy working away Dalton was completely wrapped in his work when Dani burst in. Giving a jump Dalton could see the look on her face and it was pure anger. His heart raced wondering what on earth was going on.

Continuing to listen Dalton tried to say something several times but is cut off and can't say anything. Just sitting back in his chair his eyes wide her glaces at Scott and gives a shrug before looking back at Dani. He'd never seen her this mad before and he hoped he never did again. Everything was was saying thing all blended together and it was hard to follow but if he was correctly his heart hurt. He had respect for Carson and now...it was shattered.

  "It's...it's ok...ummm...So first off I want to say I hope I never make you that angry and second can you give a short slow verson for my brain to handle on whats going on please?"


"Mmmm... I don't know." Gage doesn't let go of Sapphire just yet. "Sometimes pushing the limits is worth the fallout." 

Rolling over to reverse their positions, he grins down at her, propping his elbows on either side of her. "But I'll let you go if you promise me dinner tomorrow night." 

Leaning down, he gives her another long kiss. "And a movie..." He kisses her again. "Here." Pausing, he thinks for a moment. "Wait. I don't have a DVD player." A teasing glint reenters his eyes. "I guess we'll just have to have some more of this." After one more kiss, he finally sighs and sits up, releasing Sapphire from the floor. "Unless we go to your place," he reasons. "Then we could do the movie thing."

Sitting behind his desk, Reese was speechless. All he can do for several moments is just stare at Misty. One second he was elated at the news she was pregnant, and the next, he was dumbfounded and horrified to hear about Carson leaving her. Seriously? Carson had left her for another woman? After all this time? After being married? After all the promises and the life change ,and everything? And when Misty was going to have his baby? 

Anger burned deep within him, but he keeps it at bay... for now. For Misty's sake. He wasn't upset with her in the least, and just looking at her so small and weary and broken, there was no way he could express his anger in front of her. No... no, she needed compassion right now - that was more than obvious. 

Getting up and moving around to sit beside Misty. "I am... so sorry to hear that Carson did that to you. I never would have imagined it, to be quite honest." Even after all Carson had done before, Reese had truly believed he'd changed. Obviously Carson was still a good liar. 

Slipping his arm around Misty's shoulder, Reese gives her a little hug, then smiles. "But congratulations about the baby. I couldn't be prouder of you." That much was true. He didn't get to spend a lot of time with his niece, and maybe he kept his feelings to himself too much but... when it came right down to it, she really was the daughter he'd never had. 

"Anything you need... anything at all... you just ask, okay? I mean it. I obviously don't know any details about what's going to happen now with you and Carson but no matter what, I'm here, okay?" 

Instead of heading home to change clothes as planned, Dani aims straight for TJY. Dalton would just have to take her in her work clothes that smelled like the kitchen. The more distance she put between her and Mom and Pop's, the more her anger grew. Her brother... Carson Banks... had just proven what a jerk he really was. All this time she'd thought he'd really got his life together... really wanted a good life with Misty. But no. No, he had to flush it all down the toilet, and for what? Another woman? Who was to say this Jaz woman would hold his interest any longer? She got what she deserved, for sure. A while down the road, she'd be the one left with nothing and Carson will have moved on to the next new thing.

By the time Dani parked in the TJY parking lot, she was livid. Slamming her car door, she stalked inside, ignoring everybody who tried to greet her. Making a beeline for Dalton's office, she doesn't even knock. Bursting inside, her glare permeated the air. "Of all the stupid, low down, dirty, rotten...!"

She shuts the office door behind her with a bang, throwing her purse in the corner. She doesn't even notice Scott's wide-eyed figure behind the other monitor. She only saw Dalton, and he was the sounding board she chose.

"Can you believe it?! I mean really?!" She throws up her hands in disgust. "Carson... my own dear brother! How could I have believed him? How could any of us have been so stupid as to think that he was really sincere about his life?! All he really does is throw it away!"

Pacing the office, she doesn't even give time for any response, barely even taking a breath. "And for what? For what?!" Approaching Dalton's desk, her anger only heightened. "Do you know what he did? Do you know what that ignoramus admitted to me just this morning?! He's moved! That's right! Moved! Without his wife!"

By now, Scott was leaned back as far as he could go in his chair, just a bit worried Dani might start throwing things or try swinging at fist at the nearest target.

Dani holds her glare on Dalton. "And do you know why he moved without his wife?! Because he's got another woman!! That's why!!" Her hand slams down on the edge of the desk. "You should have seen him tell me. All cool and calm like he was telling me he bought a new stereo or something. Well let me tell you, that half-wit's got another thing coming if he thinks I'm gonna approve of his ludicrous behavior!"

She resumes her circle of pacing as her hands do just as much talking as her mouth. "I'd like to take a shotgun and blow his moronic brains out is what I'd like to do. But even that wouldn't do any good, seeing as though his brain is obviously not what he's been thinking with." She scoffs. "Maybe there's a better target for that shotgun."

All of a sudden, she realizes that not only has she completely dominated the office, but Dalton...wasn't alone. Her cheeks grow red and she finally pauses long enough to catch her breath. She doesn't let go of her poise though, and she simply nods to Scott as if having known he was there all along. "Scott. Sorry to interrupt you two." Her tone was quieter now, and her eyes dart back to Dalton. "I just... needed to get that off my chest... before I really did go get a shotgun."


Being pulled down on the ground with Gage Sapphire gives a laugh and braces herself up on her elbows so not all of her weight was on Gage. Just looking down into his eyes the smile spread across her face she couldn't help but let her own eyes twinkle. He sure had a way of making her feel special, and she liked it.

   "Ohhh...you don't HAVE to let me go. I mean I work in the morning, but thats about it. If I go in with tired eyes I don't think my boss would mind TO much."

Leaning down Sapphire presses her lips to Gage's for a moment just letting the kiss linger and letting her emotions pour out. She'd missed seeing Gage all day and now that it was late she new she had to go but really, she didn't want too. She enjoyed her time with him, she enjoyed talking to him and hearing about his day. But the reality was she did have to go.

Finally pulling away and rubbing her nose against his for a quick second she gives a long sigh. If she didn't go she would be tired tomorrow and that would not be acceptable.

   "I guess I should go though...Don't want to push my limits to much right."

Once Jason was gone and Misty cleaned up from dinner sleep did not come easy. Getting up again and going to the kitchen she cleaned it more top to bottom even scrubbing the floors. Thinking maybe now she could sleep Misty headed back to bed.

Just laying staring into the dark the bed felt so big, so lonely. Carson's aftershave lingered on the pillow how Misty longed to hold him but new she could not, how she wanted to feel him kiss her good night, but those lips were not her own anymore. And so the sleepless night continued and morning came all to quick but Misty was happy because now she could wake and go to work where the news would have to spread.

..."I figured you would be next in line to know that...your going to be a great Uncle."

Misty's eyes were heavy and tired but work is where she found herself to drowned away thoughts, to become wrapped up in work and forget memories. But she owed it to a few people no matter how tired and sad she was that they should know. Her Uncle would be the first.

   "Carson's left me. I got a note from him yesterday when I got home that said over the last few months he'd been cheating on me and now he was moving in with another woman. Thats why I didn't came back from lunch yesterday...I just...couldn't."

She tried her best to be strong and not let her pain show but she new the more she tried the more it would and her Uncle would know better. Misty might be a strong woman, but her heart was on her sleeve and she human like anyone else.

   "So....thats all thats going on right now."

Two Weeks

Gage grins slyly as Sapphire nudges his foot. Like lightning, he rights himself, grabs her arms and pulls her down onto the floor with him, using himself as a cushion. On his back with her on top of him, he puts his arms around her so she couldn't leave.

"All you gotta do is be around and you're useful," he teases. "Keeping me company is a big job."

Lifting his head, he kisses her lips softly before resting back on the carpet again. His eyes twinkle as a laugh makes her bounce on his stomach. "But I suppose I have to let you go, don't I?" It was his day off tomorrow, not hers.

Not receiving a solid answer from Misty, Jason lets the matter drop. Eventually, everybody would find out what happened - he just wanted to make it the easiest on her as possible.

Pausing at the door, he nods. "Yeah. If I don't see you at work I might give you a call or something." For the first time in too long, he had someone else to focus on besides himself and his own worries. Looking down at her for a moment, his eyes linger on hers until he finally pries himself away. "Goodnight, Misty," he comments over his shoulder as he steps out onto the porch. Stopping at the bottom of the steps, he glances back, throwing her a half smile. It was all he could do.

Driving home he takes his time, his mind full of the day's events. Never would he have guessed this would happen.

The next morning when he goes to work, he doesn't make mention of any of it to anyone, still unsure how Misty wanted to handle it, and not wanting to overstep his bounds. He did keep an eye out for her though, wondering if she'd make it in or not.

Scott smirks at Hope and shakes his head. "Naw, I got a file folder full of phone numbers." He taps his head. "One of these days I'll get a cell phone again too - just gotta figure out what my finances are gonna allow once I start working again." The Elite had been helping him because of the original cause of his situation, but once he began work, that extra support would greatly lessen - as it should. He just wasn't sure what all that would mean.

"I'll, um... I'll see you tomorrow then." Giving her a little wave, he turns to leave. He'd spent a bit of time with her lately... lunch sometimes... going to the park... things like that. Each time though, he just wasn't so sure about where they were going or what she expected from him. Would he ever feel ready for more than friendship? He just didn't know.

"Look, um..." Carson shifts his weight from one foot to the other, leaning back on the counter at Mom and Pop's. It was late morning and Dani had come in just for a little while before taking a lunch break. She didn't usually get to have a normal noontime meal out so she'd taken advantage when Carson had said it was alright - especially when she got to see Dalton. Carson had asked her to wait before going though, so he could talk to her. She'd asked him a lot lately if everything was okay and so far, he'd told her nothing. But after moving yesterday, she needed to know. She had a right to know.

Dani waits, feeling an odd little churn in her stomach. It wasn't like her brother to beat around the bush, and he'd been acting so strangely lately. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"I just... I need to tell you that... I've moved."

Dani blinks. "I don't understand."

"I, um... Misty and I... we're... we've separated."

Dani's eyes widen and her jaw drops slightly. "Separated?" She couldn't believe it. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even know you guys were having problems." She reaches out to lay a hand on his arm. "Is it serious?"

Carson swallows hard. He turns away and starts to clean the counter with a towel, even though it had already been cleaned. "I've moved in with another woman, Dani."

The silence that followed seemed to last an eternity. Dani couldn't believe she was hearing this. Carson... her brother... was living with another woman? It was absurd! "You mean to tell me that... you left Misty... for another woman?"

Carson keeps his back turned and nods. "Her name is Jaz. I just... wanted to let you know in case you heard something from somebody else. I can get you the address tomorrow if you want it." Hearing no response, he finally looks over his shoulder, only to be met with the most piercing glare he'd ever received from his sister.

"Why? Why, Carson?! How could you do that?"

He sighs and looks back at the counter. "It's a long story."

"So tell me!" Dani gives his arm a whack. "Are you stupid?! How could you just up and leave your wife? For another woman?! What is she, another one of your long lost tramps?"

Carson whirls around, now with a glare of his own. His hand balls into a fist as he fights the urge to physically react. "Jaz is not a tramp," he hisses. "Things happen, alright? I know you don't approve and you probably think I'm a jerk, but it's my life. I didn't tell you so you could blow up at me. I told you because I respect you and I wanted you to know before hearing it from someone else."

Tears cloud Dani's gaze as she unties her apron. "So that's it, huh? You just met another woman and Misty's out?"

"It's not like that," Carson defends, his frustration rising. "It's just... it..."

"How long have you been cheating on your wife?"

The question hurt. Carson's eyes narrow. "I'd rather not go into details."

"I bet you wouldn't." Dani shoves her apron at him. "So much for showing your daughter what a happy family is all about, huh? So much for trying to change your life around. You just couldn't resist, could you? You just had to go back to your old ways."

Carson turns to catch the apron. Now was not a good time to tell her she was gonna be an aunt again. "C'mon, Dani... let it rest, okay? Just... leave it alone. I don't need a lecture."

"No... no, you need more than that. You need a good hard lesson and I'll be hanged if I'm not the first to start." She stalks over to a nearby table and grabs her jacket off the back of a chair. "I'll see you tomorrow, Carson. And when I do, I'll be giving you my two weeks' notice. I can't work under a man like you."

"Dani, wait." Carson starts after her. "Don't go like this, please! It has nothing to do with you! It-" The door opens and closes again with a jingle of bells that was far from cheerful today.


Hope's smile grows as she gives a nod. She could see some of the worry in Scott's eyes but she new he'd be ok and it would work out. Weather he was able to work long or not just trying was a good thing.

   "I have faith in you Scott, and no matter what take steps forward is a good thing. I'm proud of you."

And she was. Every step ward was a step. Even if Scott found out work was not yet something he was ready for it was still a step forward and she would still be proud that he had tried. He deserved to have this little ray of Hope.

   "Oh, and my number is the same so you can just call me on the cell. Do you still have it or do ya need it again?"


Misty thinks for a long moment as she stands along with Carson. Who did she want to know? Everyone...no one? Sooner or later she would have to tell people and everyone would end up knowing. So maybe it was better to let them all know now and not wait. 

   "Alright, I'm not sure if I will feel up to going into work tomorrow or not. I guess it really depends on how much sleep I get. Might be in a few hours later."

Walking with Jason to the door again Misty was thankful for his thoughtfulness and just his kindness. No matter what, no matter what he was going through he was still always there and she new he would continue to be as long as she needed him. And that was what Misty was thankful for the most, Jason's continues friendship.

   "See you sometime tomorrow?"

Sitting in the loan chair by the small card table Sapphire can't take the smile off her face. It was so great to see Gage so excited, and happy. He'd come a long way and was doing a great job keeping his head above water. Sapphire was happy to help where she could for him too without making him think he couldn't do it on his own. 

   "Wow, thats really great Gage, I am so happy for you."

Looking down at Gage and pushing her foot against his  Sapphire gives a laugh. Hearing him mention the car and license she nods a little. She new that was something he had wanted for a little while and she had been helping him when she could. He wasn't doing that bad either.

   "All in due time...till than I don't mind driving it makes me feel useful."


Scott smiles a little and nods to Hope. "Okay. I'll call you in the morning and let you know what's happening. I'll, um..." He shifts his weight a bit awkwardly. "I'll be working the morning so... yeah."

He knew that she would see this as an accomplishment, but wasn't sure if he wanted it to be a big deal or not. He didn't want to disappoint anybody if he found out he really wasn't ready to start work again. "I talked to Reese," he explains. "And he's gonna let me work again... just a little, ya know? See if... if I can handle it and stuff." 

Jason returns a smile to Misty, wanting to stay for her, but glad to see her determined enough to go for it alone. "You better not let him win... Otherwise, you're not the Misty I know." He gives her a wink before reaching over and giving her leg a pat. 

Standing, he stretches and yawns. "Okay well... I should get home. Don't forget to call if you need anything and..." He pauses, thinking before looking back down at her. "If you want me to help tell some people at work tomorrow, I will.

"...and so I got a pay raise and they went ahead and gave me these hours permanently. And then later, Professor Deitrik told me he'd like to see me in another class, so I'm gonna see if maybe they'll let me." 

Excitement was not something that anyone would have ever heard in Gage's voice, had they known him before. But tonight, it was unmistakeable. It was getting late, but it was the only time he'd been able to get together with Sapphire today after he'd finished work, and he'd been dying to tell her about his day. After another janitor at the school had quit the month before, he'd taken on the extra work, but knowing it might only be temporary. Even so, he'd finally made plans to find his own place and he had - and now today it was confirmed that he'd actually be able to stay here and start a real future since his job was secure. 

Lying on his back on the living room floor, the apartment was still quite bare. But he didn't care. He was paying for it all on his own and last week had been his first week without an Elite allowance. And it felt... good. The building wasn't too far away from where he'd been, and still within walking distance to work - he'd gotten used to taking the forty-five minute walk every day. The apartments weren't the most fantastic but they weren't the worst either and at least the landlord was nice.

Smiling, he turns his head on the carpet to look up at Sapphire and he laughs. "Now I just gotta get that driver's license and find me a car so I can start picking you up for dates instead of the other way around." 


Hearing the knock on the door Hope looks up and gives a smile when she see Scott. She thought earlyer she had heard his voice but hadn't gone to look. She was trying to give him space and figured if he wanted to see her he would.

   "Hey there Scott!"

Just searching Scott's face for a moment Hope couldn't help but smile a little bigger. Today though Scott was still thin he seemed to have more color to it today. There was a light, a little spark in his eye and it made her pleased very much.

   "I don't work tomorrow but I'd love to have lunch with you guys. If you let me know what time I can meet you here or at the restront."

Misty gives a laugh at Jason's comment. She new she could always count on him, but asking for reasurance made her feel better in taking his help. A small smile spreads across her lips...it felt good to smile. Leave it to Jason for that one.

   "Alright, I wont ask again if its ok. Thank you Jas."

Taking the last sip of her pop Misty lets out a long sigh looking at the clock. She new it was late and the time for sleep was drawing close. She couldn't keep Jason here longer she new he had to work tomorrow. If she could make it through the first night than she could make it through many. She had to at least try even if sleep did not come.

   "I don't know if I will be ok, but I must try. I can't....let Carson think he's won..right?"

Misty trys to give a smile but its comes out a sad one if anyone ever saw one. But at least she had tried.

Don't Care

"You too, Dalton. See ya tomorrow." Scott was grateful for his friend. Yes, he'd needed this day. 

Exiting the office, he aims down the hall but stops at Hope's open office. Rapping his knuckles softly on the door to get her attention, he smiles. "Hey..." Leaning on the door frame, he just studies her for a moment or two. "Dalton invited me to have lunch with him and Dani tomorrow... thought maybe you'd like to come too?" 

Jason couldn't even begin to imagine what Misty must be feeling like, and he wouldn't pretend to. Yet he was still confident that she would be alright. He knew this would be an extremely hard time for her... but he also knew she was strong and too stubborn not to make it. She'd been on her own before - she could do it again, with or without a baby. 

"No, you can't call me." Jason rolls his eyes. "Of course you can. I don't care what hour of the day it is, or what it's for, you can call me about anything - got that?" He was serious too. Whether she needed help or to talk or anything, he wasn't about to turn her away. No, not now, especially. 

Looking her in the eye, he searches her gaze. It was getting late and he knew it. "You gonna be alright tonight? I'll... I'll stay if you want me to."