
Don't Care

"You too, Dalton. See ya tomorrow." Scott was grateful for his friend. Yes, he'd needed this day. 

Exiting the office, he aims down the hall but stops at Hope's open office. Rapping his knuckles softly on the door to get her attention, he smiles. "Hey..." Leaning on the door frame, he just studies her for a moment or two. "Dalton invited me to have lunch with him and Dani tomorrow... thought maybe you'd like to come too?" 

Jason couldn't even begin to imagine what Misty must be feeling like, and he wouldn't pretend to. Yet he was still confident that she would be alright. He knew this would be an extremely hard time for her... but he also knew she was strong and too stubborn not to make it. She'd been on her own before - she could do it again, with or without a baby. 

"No, you can't call me." Jason rolls his eyes. "Of course you can. I don't care what hour of the day it is, or what it's for, you can call me about anything - got that?" He was serious too. Whether she needed help or to talk or anything, he wasn't about to turn her away. No, not now, especially. 

Looking her in the eye, he searches her gaze. It was getting late and he knew it. "You gonna be alright tonight? I'll... I'll stay if you want me to."

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