
Chocolate Cake and Whipcream

A smile still on her face Angelica looks across the table her head cocked slightly. Her eyes sparkled in the streams of light that came in through the window. Only giving it thought for a moment Angelica thought about how she felt around Reese, and how it was different then before she had met him.

Since spending more time with him and taking a little of her sister advise she smiled more, laughed, and felt more alive than she had. Though sometimes work was there topic of choose there was just something there now between them that was nice and it felt good.

"Yeah, I am happy. It's nice having someone there to lean on, and look forward to seeing. For being my first serous relationship I am happy..and hopefully my only."

Angelica's cheeks turn a slight shade of red as she can feel the heart crawling up her neck and into her cheeks.

Just continuing to hold Dani Dalton rocks a little with her in a lulling manor his head still rested on hers just letting her cry as long as she needed and not trying to stop her. His arms tightly around her being her shelter and the protection she needed.

Letting Dani nuzzle into him more Dalton's arm goes over her lap holding her ever so close to him almost hoping he could take the pain away for her even though he new he couldn't. Hearing her request Dalton doesn't even hesitate in his answer.

"You don't have to be, You can stay here, and we can cuddle on the couch."

Not knowing how much longer he sat there with Dani and held her Dalton finally shifted a little bit standing but still not letting go of Dani as he holds her cradled in his arms as he stood up. Turning to the couch he gently sets her down sitting on the edge next to her.

Reaching out and brushing some of the matted hair from her eyes Dalton gives her a soft smile his thumb running over her cheek.

"I'm going to get some pillows and a blanket. It wont take me long. I'll be back in a flash."

Standing and heading into his bedroom Dalton grabs on of the pillows from his bed and the blanket that lied at the end. Turning to go back to Dani he stops remember she had said something about work in the morning. He'd wanted to call Carson to let him know what happened with Dani anyways maybe he should mention he maybe not making it to work in the morning too.

Reaching for the phone on his nightstand Dalton dials Carson's number and waits for a long moment till he hears Carson's voice.

"Hey Carson its Dalton. I just wanted to let you know that Dani had some kind of break down of some sorts. I guess something had been bothering her all day, and than tonight she had a dream and she remembered some stuff from her past he mind had blocked out that had to do with your father. She's ok just pretty shook up and didn't want to be alone so I said I'd stay with her. I just thought I'd call you and let ya know one because your her brother and should know, two I did want you to know she had spend the night here and try to pound my face in because I'd hate to have to hurt you, and three I don't know if she will be in any shape to come into work in the morning or not."

Dalton gives a little snicker at his own humor about Carson knocking his block off, not sure if he would laugh or not but he had to try and make light of the situation some how.

Sitting in the car with Alec and receiving his kiss Ryan can't help the smirk that cross her face. The farthest she had ever gone to breaking any kind of law was her racing, but now doing this with Eli and Alec she had to admit there was something thrilling to it.

Her hand finds the back of his head as she returns the kiss not stopping till she hears her brother knock on the window. Pulling away and giving a grin Ryan winks before getting out of the car and joining her brother Alec not far behind. Scanning the area she gives a nod, everything looked good so far.

Not knowing the dog was there herself it makes Ryan jump and back up a few feet. Looking at Alec and than her brother it was clear he had let Alec out of the loop on this one too. She didn't mind dogs but she had to admit this was did look rather mean and might tear anyone's leg off.

Just listing to her brother and Alec go back and forth Ryan stands with her arms crossed finding this whole thing a little crazy and humorous in a way though she wouldn't let Alec know that. As Eli pulls out the steak though Ryan's eyes widen a little. That was one of the steaks she had just bought for a nice dinner for Alec, Eli and herself.

"HEY...I was saving that you know."

Knowing it was to late now Ryan shakes her head her hands now on her hips. Letting out a sigh she watches the dog as he mows down on the steak before looking back at Alec and cocking hear head a little.

"Come on Alec, the dog is busy eating the steak and once he is done he is probably going to be to full to want to eat anything else so you will be in the clear. Not to mention if we get through this would out getting caught there might be some chocolate cake and whip cream for you and me."

Lowering her head a little Ryan looks up at Alec her eyes roaring with a fire in them, and her grine sassier than ever.

One in the same

Reese's eyes move quickly to Angelica's as he feels her foot under the table, and a grin perks up the corner of his mouth as he moves his own foot around in response. "Yeah, well... seems like being around you and happy are one in the same anymore."

Sliding his hand across the table, he takes hers, slowly running his thumb through her palm. "How about you? Are you happy?" His eyes told that it was more than just a general question. He and Angelica went on dates frequently now, even though usually they wound up working or talking about work. But was she happy with how things were going between them?

Continuing to cry, Dani not only clings to Dalton physically, but clings to his words as well, trying with all her might to believe them and not be dragged down by the memories she was now facing. How had this happened? Why now? Why here? She knew that sometimes things like this happened... that one little thing could trigger an avalanche of memories and emotions. But not her... she'd never had this trouble before. It didn't feel good and it was confusing.

Dani didn't know how long she stayed curled on Dalton's lap or how long she wept onto his chest. But it was long enough that exhaustion was quickly taking over. The emotional strain and the effort to cry completely wore her out. Music played in the background... the movie was over... but totally forgotten.

Slowly, slowly, the tears begin to lessen. Not because the pain was any less, but because she just couldn't cry anymore. Sniffing a little, she nuzzles into the crook of Dalton's arm. Her voice was hoarse and quiet. "I... I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Oh, wait, hang on!"

Alec rolls his eyes as Eli heads back into the apartment. "Now what? We gotta get going while the gettin's good."

Eli calls from inside. "Get going then. I'm right behind you."

Alec smirks and slings his arm over Ryan's shoulders, leading the way to her car. "Some plan. We're gonna leave him behind."

"Oh, hush." Eli comes running up to them again, his jacket bulging with whatever it was he'd retrieved from inside. "Ready?"

"What did you get?"

"Just a little treat." Eli aims for a buddy's car that was in the lot. "Come on..."

"Okay... it's right around the corner." Eli's voice crackles through the walkie-talkie as he drove the car in front of Ryan and Alec, both vehicles without their lights on.

Alec fiddles with the walkie and looks out the window, keeping an eye on the surroundings as Ryan drove. "Ah... so this is where it is."

"Pull up to the curb on the opposite side of the street," Eli directs. "Fast getaway if we need it."

Once parked, Alec gives Ryan a sly look before leaning over and kissing her lips. "I'm used to the need to watch my back, and the thrill of the crime... but I must admit... having you in on it presents a whole new element... I think I like it." Returning to her lips, he ignores their surroundings for a moment or two, taking advantage of being in the car with her.

A knock on the window breaks the moment though and Eli stares in at them, hands on hips. "You coming or what?" he whispers hoarsely.

Alec grins at Ryan. "I guess we better go."

Getting out, the night air surrounds them. It was dark at this end of town with only a few street lights about a block away. Everything was quiet, except for the sounds of traffic down at a busier intersection.

The three make their way quietly up to the chain link fence that surrounded the auto garage. The place looked half like an auto shop and half like a junkyard... it seemed to fit Roth's character anyway.

Just as they got to the padlocked gate though, a dog comes out of nowhere, barking and gnashing its teeth as it jumps up against the fence, its hair standing straight up on its back. Eli doesn't move, having known good and well the mutt was there. Alec, however, had been clueless. Giving a jump, he backs up several steps closer to the street, holding his hands up. "Oh no... no, no, no."

"Come on," Eli hisses. "It's just a dog. And I got it covered." He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the steak he'd grabbed from the refrigerator before finally leaving the apartment. "Get back over here."

"No way." Alec shakes his head. "I don't care how many steaks you brought," he hisses. "I'm not going in there!"

"I need you to pick this lock, now come on! You said you'd help!"

"And you didn't say anything about a dog!" Alec's eyes narrow. "You knew he was here, didn't you? And you purposely didn't tell me."

Eli glances to Ryan, then back to Alec, finding way too much humor in this, for the situation they were in. "Aw come on." He stifles a laugh as the dog continues to bark. He had no fear of anyone coming to see what was going on - it was usual for a guard dog to bark at whatever went by, whether it was a person or just a stray cat. Roth's pet wouldn't alarm anybody. The only thing that would alarm someone would be if they had to cut wire or cut the padlock to get inside - then there would be proof of a break-in and this whole scheme would be for naught. "Come on, Alec," he requests again. "Get over here and get us in this place."

"Uh-uh." Alec continues to shake his head and takes another step backward as he stares at the dog's flashing teeth.

Eli sighs and throws the steak over the fence to distract the dog and the barking stops. He looks to Alec once more. "Better?"

"Nope." Alec stands his ground stubbornly. "I don't do dogs."

Eli sighs as the situation becomes less funny and he turns to his sister. "Would you kindly bring your chicken of a boyfriend over here? Either that or we can just call this whole thing off right now and I just wasted a perfectly good steak - which, may I remind you, is halfway gone already."

You too

Feeling Dani crawl into his arms Dalton holds her a little tighter to him. Just creating a shelter for her to snuggle into him and cry as long as she needed. Running his hands along her back gentile he just let her know he was there for you!

Listing to her words Dalton was a little confused at first but he was able to peace things together a little more as she talked understand a little more on what she was talking.


Dalton felt so bad his only heart broke for her. How could anyone do something like this to a person let along a child. Dani had blocked it away to shield herself and in turn it did more harm now that she was reliving it.

"No thats not all your worth Dani. Your worth so much more, and just because someone did something like that in your past doesn't make it any different."

Just continuing to hold her Dalton leans his head leaning against hers. Still just forming the shelter around Dani to block out the world from her right now.

Leaning against Wyatt as they go outside Aerith's own laughter continues. A little softer than before but it was enough to show just how much humor she did find in this whole thing. Bringing her own arm around Wyatt's wast she smiles up at him.

"I think you dad is happy. He seems like he is anyways, and the sparkle thats in his eye when he's with Angelica is just nice to see."

Looking across the table at Reese Angelica smile and a slight nod. She eyes twinkling as she shakes her head a little bit. The display that had just taken place made her heart flutter watching father and son interact. It was nice to see Reese like that.

"He looks very happy. Aerith is a nice young lady."

Finding Reese' foot underneath the table Angelica bumps it with her own running it up his foot a little before taking a drink of her own drink. Looking across at him she smile.

"You look happy too and that makes me smile even more."


Joined by Dalton on the floor, Dani continues to shake all over. It was a little hard not to pull away from him, but she knew who he was... she knew he was safe, so trying her best, she overrides her flight reaction and lets him take her hand.

"No, it's not okay," she whimpers. The longer she was awake, the more real her memory of the dream became. The more real it became, the more it melded with real memories that had been hidden from her own mind... until now.

Her breathing was still rapid as her heart continued to race. "I saw him again... but... but he never did those things... he couldn't have... not to me, he-" A sob catches in her throat. She knew Dalton would have no idea who or what she was talking about, but she couldn't formulate enough words to make any sense. "Carson... he always got me out of the house... always... so I couldn't have... no..." But it was true. And deep down, she knew it was. Carson had saved his little sister from many times when their father had come home drunk, but he couldn't have been there every time... and it was those nights that were now being brought into the light. Those memories were dark, frightening... ugly. And Dani had never remembered what had been done. The marks she bore were not just bruises on her arm... they were deeper... inside where they'd been locked away to save her this horrid pain of realizing what had been done to her by her own father. To now, so suddenly realize that she had been a victim of abuse was a shock she never could have prepared for.

Tears streamed from her eyes as she very suddenly felt broken and weak. Feeling Dalton's hand on hers, she looks at it for a moment before turning his eyes to his face. It was dim in the living room, but she could still see his eyes... those beautiful eyes that never lost their care.

Dani draws a sharp, ragged breath, which again is choked on as her body refuses to calm down. Pulling herself around, she crawls into Dalton's lap, curling up against him like the big teddy bear he really was. Burying her face against his chest, she cries, her shoulders shaking. "I was his daughter," she whimpers between sobs and gasps for air. "How could he do that to me?"

She pulls herself in tighter, begging to be held and protected from these horrid thoughts. Her few words were enough that anyone would begin to understand, even without the details. "Is that... is that all I am... all I'm worth?"

"Oh, no, ugh, no! I'm coming, I'm coming!" Wyatt rises from the table as Aerith tugs on his sleeve. The thought of his dad and Angelica really was not repulsive in the least - it was just too much fun to make a big deal out of it.

Reese grins and tosses Aerith a wink. "Good call. You two go have fun now."

Wyatt turns around and throws his dad a smirk, then looks to Angelica and gives her a little wave, a smile pasted on his face. "You too."

Reese shakes his head and watches the younger couple leave before rejoining Angelica. He chuckles. "I think Wyatt's happy, don't you?"

Outside, Wyatt starts laughing again, slinging an arm over Aerith's shoulders. "Okay... I'm happy now. We did enough damage, we can go eat lunch now."

Still grinning as they get in her car, he gives a contented sigh. "I think my dad's happy, don't you?"