
Better Time

Hearing Tal's voice and than seeing him Ryan breaths a bit of relief. After hitting Alec she wasn't sure what would have happened next and it scared her to think about it. But Tal had stopped that from happening and he made Alec leave.

Once Alec was gone Ryan melts into Tal's arms burying her face into his chest. A few tears slip out. She was hurt, angry and embarrassed this whole thing had to even happen at work. Making sure the tears were gone before she pulled away Ryan looked up at Tal searching his face.

"Thank you Tal. You couldn't have come at a better time."

Leaning up Ryan gives Tal a soft kiss on the lips Ryan doesnt let it linger. She might even say it but she had been scared and Tal calmed that fear though Alec's threat still made her worry.

"How about we grab some lunch? I am almost finished with this car so I think Darrel will be ok with it."


Though Alec had teased about the fire in Ryan's eye, he'd never seen such anger as he did now. But somehow he'd lost the sense to stop, rethink and back off. Her words were like sharp arrows coming from all directions. Alec could feel the eyes of the other guys but ignored them. Despite the cockiness in his own gaze, he was not proud of the things he'd done, and she spoke of them too easily.

About ready to retort as she begins to turn, Alec doesn't even have time. Before he realizes what's happening, his head is whipping to the side, his cheek and jaw taking the impact of her fist. In a moment of shock, all airs are lost - his sideways glance towards her was one of a whipped puppy. But it only lasts an instant.

Having let go of her arm when hit, he straightens, his own eyes beginning to blaze.

The other four men had all seen what Ryan did, and all respected the fact that it was not their fight... but all remained as they were, ready to step in should anyone dare harm a hair on their Ryan's head. There was, however, something they all saw that Alec did not, which also kept them in their places.

With a glare that could kill, Alec says nothing, but recoils, his body shifting back, ready to physically regain the upper hand.

"Don't even think about it."

The fearless demand is enough to stop Alec's reflexes and he turns to see a very tall, very angry looking man. The man from the apartment.

Tal glares at Alec before taking one small step to the side and pointing to the parking lot. "Unless you want to leave by way of an ambulance, I suggest you leave."

Alec scoffs. "You've got to be joking." His eyes roam the room to find that the other men had all taken at least one step closer - they looked like a pack of wolves ready to attack, and by now, none had empty hands. Alec was outnumbered to say the very least. His eyes go back to Ryan. "You may have won today with your little party of friends. But mark my words, you'll take me back." One last glance is thrown at Tal before Alec finally turns and stalks back to his bike.

The other guys all relax, and though never having said a word, now begin to go back to their work.

Tal nears Ryan quickly, setting a gentle hand on her shoulder. He'd wanted to surprise her to pick her up for lunch instead of just meeting her - his timing had been less than perfect. Or had it? His eyes search hers - his gaze full only of compassion for her, his anger stored only for Alec. "Are you okay?"


Having Alec come right it front of her Ryan looks up at him squinting. Her first instance was to move backwards from Alec but she stands her ground. She wasn't going to let Alec bully her around. If this was his way of saying sorry, and he wanted another chance than he hadn't learned anything at all.

"I forgot everything we had the moment you got into bed with another woman. You reasons or not you still slept with someone else."

Ryan new her words were sharp but she didn't care. Her sadness was now turning to anger since Alec was not listening to her.

"As for living for today I am, and my today is not wasting my time. Sorry if I don't think sleeping around is fun, and I guess thats one risk I'd rather not take...Because I am smart."

Turning to go back to the car Ryan stops at Alec buts his hand around her arm rather tight. Her anger, sadness, and pity taking over. Turning again Ryan brings her free hand's fist to Alec's face. Jerking her arm free she looks down at him.

"I don't want you back in my life. I've moved on."


Alec's grin finally fades and he closes the gap by one more step. "So that's it, huh? A guy makes a mistake and you just tuck tail and run, is that it? Forget about everything we had?"

By now, all of the guys had stopped their work. Though still at their vehicles, the eyes of all the men there were on the scene. It wasn't out of curiosity though.

Leo's hand tightens around the large wrench he held. Jed sets a hand on his shoulder to keep him from doing something stupid, but he's tense himself. Miles is on the other side of Ryan, having been fixing a flat tire, but now is poised, ready to pounce. Axel remains in his corner, but his eyes never leave the scene. All four men were just waiting for an excuse.

Alec's eyes narrow. "You know why I did what I did and you still can't accept it, can you? What ever happened to looking past mistakes and living for today? Or was that the old Ryan? The Ryan that used to be fun - the risk taker?"

One last step and he was standing directly in front of her. "Just one chance. That's all I want. Just one chance to prove I belong back in your life." His hand goes to her arm. Come on."

Someone else

Ryan stands her ground her arms still folded not amused at all with Alec's little show. Her face stays firm, her irritated expression now changing.

"No Alec you don't deserve a second change when your the one who messed up to start with. And far would of been you having the guts to tell me to my face you didn't want to be with me anymore than to just go sleeping around."

Giving a quick look around the shop Ryan didn't want to make a scene but she didn't want Alec here either. She didn't care who new what he had done, and she didn't care who new she wanted nothing to do with him now.

"I have lunch planed already with someone else. Just leave Alec like I said before your not welcome here."

Angry Fire

"Mmhmm..." Carson seemed in his own little world again. "Thirsty for an adrenaline rush, that one," he muses.

The oven timer alerts him that the customer's small pizza is finished and he takes care of the order, handing it off to Dani before returning to his and Misty's pizza. Rather than going out to a table to eat, he sits with Misty in the kitchen, needing only do one or two small orders with Dani's help.

Carson seems to be a little more with it, keeping up with small talk about the day, work, and the like. Soon though, he needs to concentrate on work again, promising he'd see Misty later.

Dani is handling a few orders and cleaning up the front counter, staying out of the way and letting them have their lunch together without her bothering them.

Alec would never admit just how much Ryan's words stung. Even after getting a cold shoulder the last time he'd seen her.

A grin creases his lips and he takes a step inside. "You always were sexy with that angry fire in your eyes." One more step...two... he keeps his arms folded, his grin remaining. "I should at least have another chance, you know. I mean, my visit to your place wasn't all that fair. I came by to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me."


Giving a blink and looking at Carson again Misty was puzzled by his switch in topics again. It was like his brain was all over the place. Misty didn't understand it maybe she would ask Dani if she noticed it later.

"From what I can tell they are doing good. You see Thirteen here more than I do. She seems like she is getting along good though. I think he's really enjoying his job at the zoo too now that his leg is healed."

Smelling the pizza Misty's stomach growls. She didn't realize how hungry she really was. Now that she was here though she was really craving it. Than again she always love Carson's pizzas.

Busy working Ryan didn't hear the sound of the motorcycle. She was lost in her own little world. A good world, but a stressed at work world. Today had been a busy day by far and Darrel had been ridding everyone. It had been a while since the people had been flowing in like this, and there way no way he wanted to turn them away.

Feeling like someone was watching her Ryan looks up and to the bay door. Seeing Alec standing there Ryan can feel the hair on her neck stand up. What was he here and what did he want? Hadn't she made herself clear last night? What did he want now?

"What do you want Alec? You're not welcome here."

Ryan whips her hands off and folds them across her chest moving away from the car she was working on. She was not amused to see him here. The look on her face was irritated, as mixed emotions coursed through her.


"Hmm?" Carson had already been lost in his own thoughts. "Oh. Nothing." He shrugs and pushes off the counter to clean up a spot near the sink he'd just noticed. "Ryder was asking me about an old case the other day and I couldn't remember the details so I just wanna look up the report. Speaking of which, do you have any idea how he and Thirteen are getting along? When I asked him, he didn't say much."

JT chuckles. "Yeah... I'd forgotten how much I enjoy camping out. Used to be a yearly event - if not more often - with Bree and me. Guess maybe it's time to get back to that tradition."

The sound of a motorcycle engine outside the auto shop turns a few mechanics' heads but it was a busy day so most eyes remain on task. "Axel! How long?" Darrel calls from inside the waiting area.

Axel glares at the engine he'd been working on for the last two hours. "Don't know," he yells back without looking.

"I need an estimate!"

Darrel's irritated tone didn't help matters, nor did Axel's hand slipping, giving him a nice cut for his efforts. "I don't have one!" he barks.

The door closed again.

Axel mutters under his breath and goes to clean his hand up.

Leo and Jed exchange looks as they work together on a van. "Is it just me or has he been a grouch all day?" Jed asks quietly.

Leo nods. "He has. What worries me though, is that usually his grouchiness only comes out through him being extra quiet. He never snaps at anybody, let alone Darrel."

"I know. Any idea what's up with him?"

"Nope. He was fine yesterday."

Jed shrugs and goes back to working on the engine. "Guess it's none of our business if he doesn't say anything."

While they were chatting amongst themselves, a shadow crosses the floor. Alec sets his sunglasses up on his head and folds his arms, leaning on the open bay doorframe. His eyes roam the shop before landing on Ryan.

Leo glances up and blinks. Almost immediately, he bristles.

"Hey." Jed bumps him. "I said I need that wrench." Not receiving a response, he follows Leo's gaze to the door then quirks an eyebrow. "Well look who the cat dragged in."

Alec doesn't say anything but simply stands, watching Ryan.

Again Sometime

Returning to the little table in the corner Misty sits down waiting for there pizza to be ready and letting Carson just continue to work and talk. Hearing his question about coming to TJY Misty cocks her head a little.

"If you had a good reason for it I don't think he would mind at all. Why whats up?"

Misty couldn't help the cerosity that was peeked. Carson's hardly ever asked about using the computer at TJY for something let alone information. Misty couldn't help but wonder if everything really was ok.


Amanda cuddles close to JT and rests her head on his chest. Just watching the crackling fire and feeling the beat on his heart seemed so soothing. It was almost like something might read for a fairy tail.

"Staying here sure does sound nice. Something tells me though if we dont return that might get Gunner and Bree in a whole heap of trouble."

Moving her head for a moment finding and even softer spot Amanda lets out a sigh. She'd like to stay just like this with JT not seeming to have a care in the world. If only it was possible that would be perfect. If they had to go back though it was alright, it just ment more trips like this.

"I guess this just means we will have to do this again someime!"


Gazing into Amanda's eyes, JT's heart continues to race. He'd had no intention of getting close to her in this manner while out here camping. But he'd acted on impulse in the heat of the moment and... he was glad he had. The could have found out this didn't feel right at all and it would have ended everything right there. But it hadn't. Instead, in those few blissful moments, they had grown even closer - and it was obvious they both knew it.

A soft smile emerges and he runs the back of his hand along her cheek. "I'm happy too." He really wasn't sure what it all meant for their future but...there was no point in trying to foresee beyond tonight. They were here, now, and enjoying each other, and he was perfectly content with that.

Shifting around and sitting up a little straighter, he tucks Amanda under one arm so she can lean her head on his chest, while his free hand finds hers to clasp gently. Kissing the top of her head, he rests his head on hers, staring back into the glowing fire.

"Let's never go back," he muses quietly. "Let's just stay here forever, okay?"

Carson nods to Misty's information about Jason and Katie. Though not highly involved with them, he was rather intrigued with the whole connection thing. And though he and Jason weren't the best of friends, he was glad he would be okay.

Taking the pizza, he slips it into the oven too before turning to lean back against the counter and wait. "Hey, you think Reese would mind if I came in and used one of the computers tonight? There's some stuff I wanna look up."

Bad Boy!

Being pulled against the log Amanda doesn't resist. In this moment it was warm and nice, a place she could stay forever. It had been far to long since she felt emotions like this but now that she had there was no stopping it. It just felt right.

Wanting this to last forever she know it can't and finally she breaks her lips away from JT's but not far enough to break his arms from being around her. Looking up into his eyes she searches them for a long moment. When they got back home would these moments happen more or would they fall back into there same old busy life. She hopped the answer was the first one.

"It's hard to believe both of us were to blind to see this till now. I admit though I am happy we finally did."

Giving a nod Misty continues to work on the pizza. Just a little more cheese and she was almost done. Hearing Carson was alright she continued to work though his answer was a bit strange she brushed it off.

"Works pretty good. Jason and Katie's connection does seem to be gone. There handling it alright from what I can tell. Though I have to think it must be pretty strange. In a way I kind of feel bad for them."

Putting the finishing pit of cheese on top of the pizza Misty turns around and gives a smile to Carson. Even if it was there own pizza she enjoyed helping out.

"Alright, all set. Lets get this bad boy into the oven."