

Though Alec had teased about the fire in Ryan's eye, he'd never seen such anger as he did now. But somehow he'd lost the sense to stop, rethink and back off. Her words were like sharp arrows coming from all directions. Alec could feel the eyes of the other guys but ignored them. Despite the cockiness in his own gaze, he was not proud of the things he'd done, and she spoke of them too easily.

About ready to retort as she begins to turn, Alec doesn't even have time. Before he realizes what's happening, his head is whipping to the side, his cheek and jaw taking the impact of her fist. In a moment of shock, all airs are lost - his sideways glance towards her was one of a whipped puppy. But it only lasts an instant.

Having let go of her arm when hit, he straightens, his own eyes beginning to blaze.

The other four men had all seen what Ryan did, and all respected the fact that it was not their fight... but all remained as they were, ready to step in should anyone dare harm a hair on their Ryan's head. There was, however, something they all saw that Alec did not, which also kept them in their places.

With a glare that could kill, Alec says nothing, but recoils, his body shifting back, ready to physically regain the upper hand.

"Don't even think about it."

The fearless demand is enough to stop Alec's reflexes and he turns to see a very tall, very angry looking man. The man from the apartment.

Tal glares at Alec before taking one small step to the side and pointing to the parking lot. "Unless you want to leave by way of an ambulance, I suggest you leave."

Alec scoffs. "You've got to be joking." His eyes roam the room to find that the other men had all taken at least one step closer - they looked like a pack of wolves ready to attack, and by now, none had empty hands. Alec was outnumbered to say the very least. His eyes go back to Ryan. "You may have won today with your little party of friends. But mark my words, you'll take me back." One last glance is thrown at Tal before Alec finally turns and stalks back to his bike.

The other guys all relax, and though never having said a word, now begin to go back to their work.

Tal nears Ryan quickly, setting a gentle hand on her shoulder. He'd wanted to surprise her to pick her up for lunch instead of just meeting her - his timing had been less than perfect. Or had it? His eyes search hers - his gaze full only of compassion for her, his anger stored only for Alec. "Are you okay?"

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