
Swiss Cheese

Thanking Mary for his own food Dalton looks down at the sandwich and scrunches his nose for a moment at the swiss cheese he does say anything but simply pick it off and lays it to the side. Giving a side long glance to Scott playing with his food Dalton doesn't say anything right away as he leans over to take a bit of his own meal.

Looking up as Mary comes into the room again Dalton looks at her and than look at Scott again raising his eyebrow. The look of irritation was clear on his face and in a way he did feel bad. Once she was gone and Scott vents his frustration Dalton cleans his throat keeping a calm and cool voice.

"Yeah, getting food shoved down your throat is bad, but not eating at all so you body wont even move anymore is bad too."

Taking another bit of his food Dalton looks up quickly again as Scott slams his fists down onto the tray with a loud bang. Not even able to say anything as the applesauce shoots across the room Dalton's eyes go wide. Turning to Scott and than looking to the wall than Scott again Dalton blinks.

"Hey man watch it...whatever that applesauce ever do to you?"

Feeling his lips start to turn into a grin and being a little silly himself Dalton doesn't break his eyes from Scott but his hand slowly goes to his plate where he had put the swiss cheese. Picking it up and giving it a toss the swiss cheese flys across the room and hits the wall with a splat sticking where the applesauce was.

Once finished at the hospital Beth had time to run to the store and pick something up for dinner alone with a few things for the pie. Beth didn't know what to make but finally settled on something easy. Home made burgers on toasted rolls with all the fixings, and season fry. It was simple, not fancy and who didn't like burgers.

Getting home and having time to clean a little before taking her own shower Beth changed into a nice pare of faded jeans and red shirt. Nothing to dressy but nothing to scrubby either. Finally starting the pie Beth waits still a little close to five to start the burgers.

Keeping an eye on the clock Beth doesn't worry that it was now five. Dinner wasn't ready yet and she figured Justin might be a little later trying to find her place. Finally hearing the door bell though Beth can feel her heart start to beat faster a little worry sets in only because this was the first time someone was at her place.

Trying to push it aside Beth goes to the door and opens it giving a little smile to Justin and the dog.

"Hey guys. I hope you find...it...ok. Please...come on in. You can keep you shoes on if you want and no worry about having the dogs walk on the carpet."

Opening the door a little more to let them in and than shutting it behind them the house is filled with the smell of the baking pie and the food cooking on the stove. The inside of the apartment was was small but just the right size for one or two people. The walls were a soft cream color and a few knickknacks and other things hung on the wall. A couch and TV along with a few racks on movie lined the walls. Another shelf with books.

Walking down a hallway lead the way to the kitchen where a tiny table sat with two chairs. and than the kitchen was off of that. Another hallways breaking off where the bathroom and the bed room where.

"I am going to be in the kitchen cooking. You can sit out here or come in the...kitchen with me. Sorry it's a little messy. Would you like something to drink or...something...for...the dogs?"

Turning and seeing Bret Charlotte gives a smile as she leans into him still holding the tiny baby in her arms. Leaning into him a little bit she feels his long along with there new addition and it fills her with joy.

Letting Bret take the bag Charlotte walks along side with with the baby. Hearing his comment about speeding Charlotte looks up at him and with her free hand gives his arm a wack.

"You better not. Not yet anyways."

Giving a smile and a giggle Charlotte looks down at the little once again bringing her finger to his little hand.

"Your going to have an interesting life thats for sure little one."

Sitting on her bed quietly Destiny just pulls her legs close to her and rests her head onto them. Quiet, alone....though the soft sound of music breaks through her thoughts. Lifting her head just a little bit the melody was soft, nice but in a way it kind of sounded sad too.

Standing and going to her door Destiny opens it a little bit to listen more. Hearing Jason's voice it was so lulling but the words he said...they seems to hit home for Destiny. If she closed her eyes she could see her parents...and...Chance. Letting her hand find the necklace she had around her neck Destiny just held it as she leaned against the wall and just listened. Memories passing through her eyes of the short time she had spend with him and how they laughed, how he cared, why...why did it have to get so messed up.

Moving away from the wall Destiny goes back to the bed and opens the small draw on the nightstand pulling out her digital camera. Flipping through the pictures she comes across the one she had taken of Chance standing on the back porch leaning on the railing the sun setting in the background while he had his head cocked looking at her. That smile...his smile...why Chance...why did you have to be involved with all this.

Putting the camera down again and laying on the bed Destiny continues to just listen to the music as it was so soft, so smooth. She'd have to tell Jason when he was done playing how nice it sounded.


Scott hears just the tail end of Dalton's comment about the chair, and a little grin pulls his mouth. He doesn't respond though, his energy having been completely spent. Exhausted and malnourished, he just didn't have any energy left to give, even if he wanted to stay awake.

It's a few minutes before Justin appears in the door again, seeing that everything was now quiet and Scott was sleeping. There would be no session today - not any day until Scott was back into his own room again. The mental exercises would simply be too much of a strain right now.

Looking to Dalton, Justin gives him a slight nod. "Thank you... Dalton. For coming. You're a good friend."

Later on, after Scott had slept a while and Justin had left, Mary, one of the nurses comes to rouse Scott and see about lunch. It doesn't take her long to return with a hearty luncheon of a sandwich and sides for Dalton, and a simpler lunch for Scott. Now sitting up in bed, he sighs as he looks at the bowl of applesauce and the lightly buttered toast. One might think he was jealous of Dalton's lunch, but he wasn't. He didn't want anything - sandwich or applesauce.

Picking up his plastic spoon, he toys with the sauce, swishing it around in different patterns in the bowl.

Without warning, Mary appears in the doorway again, throwing him a glance. "It belongs in your mouth, Scott. Don't make me come feed you like a baby."

Scott throws her a smirk. "Yes, Mary."

"I mean it."

Scott turns his spoon around and threatens to catapult it in her direction.

Mary shakes her head. "I'll be back in half an hour to see if you've eaten anything. And don't think spreading it around will fool me."

Scott smirks as she leaves, then returns to playing with the applesauce. Giving up, he tears a tiny piece of his toast off with his fingers and nibbles at it without much enthusiasm. "They're calling it an eating disorder," he comments dryly to Dalton. "Someone should try cramming food down their throats so they can see what it feels like. Then let's see if they like applesauce and toast."

Frustrated, his hand comes down hard on the tray, accidentally hitting the spoon handle. A spoonful of applesauce is launched skyward, flying through the air as a sloppy projectile before it splatters against the far wall, pieces dripping down onto the floor.

Scott's eyes widen. He'd been mad, but not that mad. Mary would kill him. "Oops."

Justin greets his enthusiastic dogs as they bark and whine, wanting his attention as he arrives home. Letting them loose from their chains, he heads inside his house to do some housework, make some calls, probably grab a bite to eat, then eventually head back out to Beth's. It would take him an hour to get there, so he would have to leave by four and... probably not get everything done beforehand. But, he said he'd go, so he would.

The day progresses as Justin thought, and though he'd had to postpone a few tasks, most were done by the time he had to leave. At least he'd gotten the dogs brushed so they were halfway decent. Ambling to his truck, he calls them and they come running, knowing that they were going to get a ride. All three pile into the pickup and Justin starts the engine, looking at his palm where most of the ink had smeared but he could still recall what he'd written there earlier.

Able to find his way with little trouble, Justin manages to get to Beth's apartment only five minutes late. Acceptable, he figures.

Dressed in his sneakers, black jeans an olive green t-shirt, he gets out of his pickup and make sure both the dogs have their leashes on before approaching the front door. Ringing the bell, he waits, quietly informing his "girls" to be on their best behavior and making them sit beside him.

"Waiting for someone?" Bret had come up behind Charlotte and was grinning by the time she turned around.

Crouching a little to see Nicholas' eyes, his grin widens. "Are you ready to come home, little man?" No response, but he nods anyway. "That's what I thought. So am I. And I think..." He straightens and looks to Charlotte, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "...Mommy's ready too."

Reaching for the bag, he relieves her of it. "Here, let me take that. I'll let you bring our precious cargo and I promise not to speed on the way home." He gives Charlotte a sidelong glance. "That's for later when he's old enough to enjoy it."

Ryder turns the last few pages of the boring magazine, then tosses it aside, missing the table and watching as it falls to the floor. He didn't care. Sighing with disgust, he lies back into his pillows and stares at his leg that was propped up and bandaged. Apparently it wasn't cooperating with JT's wishes. It still wasn't healing correctly, and after two more surgeries, JT hoped now that it would start to show improvement. Unfortunately, because of the extended procedures, Ryder's stay had been prolonged, and he'd been told that his recovery time would be doubled. Once JT was convinced that it was healing well, Ryder would still have to stay off that leg for at least a month, and only after the doctor's approval would he then be allowed to walk on it again.

A sidelong glance proves that Thirteen was still with him. She'd been a little trooper, but now what were they supposed to do? He was supposed to take care of her, not the other way around. Four weeks bumbling around on one foot was going to be murder. Not to mention, he was already bored out of his mind and wanted to get back to work so badly he could taste it.

Jason watches Destiny leave to go to her room and he sighs. There just wasn't anything else he could do. Period.

Finishing his breakfast, he takes his time cleaning up and putting away the dishes. Wandering to the living room, he checks on the cameras, fiddles on the computer for a short while, but then fell into boredom. Or perhaps more not knowing what to do than actually being bored.

Eventually though, he finds his way to his guitar, that he was no glad he'd brought. Settling down on the living room floor with the wall as his backrest, he strums around for a little while, playing nothing in particular. Soon a melody does come to mind though and a consistent tune is played.

His fingers slowly strum his acoustic guitar, the gentle notes flowing through the house. His fingertips expertly pick out a soft melody, even with his eyes closed. Humming for a few minutes, he eventually starts to sing... quietly... softly.

"Twenty minutes felt like forever,
In your arms.
I wanted it to last a lifetime,
But now you’re gone.
All I have are these feelings inside.
All I have are the memories of you.

I see you.
When I look inside my heart.
I see you.
When no one thinks I’m looking for you.
All I have to do,
Is close my eyes.

Thirty minutes felt like forever,
Holding you.
I wanted to be yours for always,
But now it’s all gone.
All I have is a heart in scattered pieces.
All I have are the memories of you.

I see you.
When I look inside my heart.
I see you.
When no one thinks I’m looking for you.
All I have to do,
Is close my eyes.

I can take my heart to places,
I could only dream.
So if I choose to see you once more,
Nothing’s gonna stop me.
‘Cause all I have to do…
Is close my eyes.

I see you.
When I look inside my heart.
I see you.
When no one thinks I’m looking for you.
All I have to do,
Is close my eyes.

Mmmm... close my eyes.
Yeah, all I have to do.
Close my eyes."

Bright Eyes

Seeing Scott was going to fall asleep again Dalton didn't mind his friend needed some rest, and he was sure just the little bit of interaction today had been a lot on his body. Having Scott invite him to stay for lunch Dalton give a nod even if Scott couldn't see him.

"I'll stay through lunch with you. Its kind of peaceful just sitting and listening to the music. If Reese needs me he knows my number."

Leaning back in the chair again and shifting a little bit to get comfortable he closes his own eyes letting the music wash over him. Speaking even if Scott was already asleep.

"I do need to talk to them about there chairs though. Don't they know not everything is skinny as a stick."

Dalton couldn't help but feel like he was going to bust the chair. It was a tight squeeze to get into it but he managed and was some what comfortable now.

Destiny gives a nod pushing off the sink and taking a few steps forward. Maybe later she would watch tv or something but right now she just wanted to lay down again.

"I don't need to go anywhere but I'll let you know if I change my mind. Thanks."

Continuing through the kitchen and down the hall Destiny slips into her room again and closes the door. Going to her bed she sits down laying her head on the pillow sinking into it and letting the softness just wrap around her head.

Putting the little booties on Nicholas Charlotte opts out on putting the hat on as well. It was warm outside and he would be ok without it. Looking down at her son the smile spreads on her face again as she picks him up in her arms and holds him gently. His little camo jump suit making him look even cutter.

Nicholas' bright eyes look back at his mom as he rests his head on her shoulder his little fist coming up to her mouth so he could suck on it.

Grabbing the dipper bag along with a few other things Charlotte looks down the hall to see if Bret was in sight yet. They were able to go home today and Charlotte couldn't be happier. She was tired of staying in the hospital and wanted to get settled at home with the baby.

"Where's Daddy huh? Running late...he's probably still trying to fight with the car seat huh?"

Charlotte gives a small little laugh at the tiny bundle she held in her arms. It was hard to believe she was a mom but it was a good feeling too that Bert and her family had grown.

Wake of sorrow

Scott's bad eye starts to ache and he rubs it without even realizing it had become a habit when he started to grow uneasy. Hope had been sick? He didn't like that. Nobody was there to take care of her. Not that she couldn't on her own, but she deserved something better than that... something better than a lifeless man imprisoned in a mental hospital. There was a part of him that was happy to hear she was still waiting for him. Being loved was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. But he also felt undeserving. Hope needed more than he could give, and all he was doing now was failing her miserably. He wished her to be happy, even if it was with someone else because right now, they were at an unbearable stalemate.

Sighing a little, his head sinks further into his pillow making him seem all the more frail. "Thanks, Dalton..." He really did appreciate the visit today. But even though the laughing was good, his body was still exhausted. "If you want..." His eyes drift shut then open again. "...to stay for lunch, you can. Or if Reese needs you back to TJY too, you can go. I'll... I'll be okay."

"Five it is." Justin would really have to hustle in order to get to Beth's by five, but at this point, he was not going to provide any hindrances. It was all her and she could pick and choose the when and where so she was the most comfortable.

"I will be there... and if I get lost, I'll call you." He chuckles. "I'll bring the dogs too so they won't get jealous."

Spotting his uncle walking towards him, he knows he needed to go. "Got someone I need to talk to, Beth. I'll see you tonight."

Watching Destiny, Jason's heart sank a little more. It was growing more obvious that yes, there had been something between her and Chance. Jason hoped it was nothing that couldn't be mended... nothing that had gone too far, though he was pretty sure Destiny was smarter than that. Unfortunately, her heart was still hurting.

Going back to his food, Jason's mind runs through his choices and he opts to switch the subject back again. "Well, I'll call Wyatt and have him bring Trooper over. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out in the living room unless you end up needing to go someplace. Don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

Chance sits in the shower, the water pelting down on him as he leaned his head into the corner of the slick wall. He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting here, but the water was the only thing that felt good right now. His face stung under the cool droplets as they hit his still-fresh wounds. But it was a pain that he liked. It was a punishment to himself that he allowed.

His phone had been ringing off the hook, but he had yet to answer it. He knew it was the Underground. They didn't dare come to his place for risk of being seen, so he knew he was safe to ignore them for now. He never used to ignore them though. It had always been an adventure... and one that made him money to boot.

He thinks back to when he'd first been approached. Fresh into the Elite, he was trying to work his way up. A man had shown up, offering him a new kind of venture. They'd been watching him and liked how he worked. They liked his skills and knew he was a risk-taker. The man told Chance that the Underground was like a broom that swept along behind the Elite, cleaning up messes left behind or things that had been left undone. And they would pay good money.

Chance had never been a hundred percent convinced about what the Underground stood for, but he hadn't thought it all that bad either. They were still taking out the bad guys, so what could be so wrong, right? The risk was thrilling, he could pit one against the other and gain even more money, and he'd be paid up enough to live a high life.

And so it was. Chance had been riding the fence ever since, feeding information and working from both sides, cleverly disguising his schemes with "undercover" work, just like he'd done with Destiny.

Chance blinks away some water and stares ahead at the lower faucet as the shower continued to wash over him. Destiny. For the first time, he'd seen a very real consequence of what the Underground was doing. Up until this point, Chance really hadn't cared. He was never that closely connected with anyone he pointed out to kill or anyone he ensnared. It had all been a game to him. But getting to know Destiny... living day-to-day with the knowledge that the Underground had crushed her world and seeing that pain in her eyes... Chance's mind had begun to question what he was really involved with. Though he had not been the one to call in her father, he still knew all about it and was still working for the Underground, which made him a part of it. And he had even been willing to drag Destiny into the middle and use her as bait, all in the name of trapping the Agency. Destiny had trusted him with her life... with her heart, no less... and he had done the despicable.

Still sitting in the bottom of the shower, Chance doesn't even feel like moving. He had, in essence, helped destroy Destiny's world, and he wasn't sure how to live with that thought. The Underground might have good intentions, but their methods were leaving a wake of sorrow and hurting families behind. And Chance had not seen that until now. Who was he really working for? Was all this money really worth it?


Continuing to watch Jason and listen to what he said Destiny's heart hurt a little more. She new from how Chance had talked about the Elite he liked working there, and this group he was working for...why had he done that? He though it was right? He didn't realize how bad they were? Destiny didn't know the answer to that but she new her heart was still ripped apart both emotions clashing with each other.

"Yeah, I...guess we did."

So Chance was back in Arizona now far away. Destiny might never see him again even if she wasn't sure if she wanted to anyways or not. Everything just felt so wrong and now it just felt like Destiny was wasting everyone times.

Looking down at her plat again Destiny just couldn't eat anything more. Moving her chair out and taking her plate Destiny takes it to the trash and throws the rest of the food out and putting the plate into the sink.

Ryan laughs and shakes her head again before going back to work on her car. She'd have to make up for some lost time now but it wouldn't be to bad and it wouldn't take to long for her to start with the next car.

Sitting up a light straighter at Scott's question of Hope Dalton takes it as another good sign that he was showing some interest. It meant at least he cared enough to ask and all was not lost. Choose his words wisely as not to lie to his friend, but not break it privacy of Hope either Dalton searches for the words to say.

"She is doing the best she can be. Working from home a little because she's been sick, but she is surviving. As far as I know she's not seeing anyone either. She still loves ya and that just doesn't go away."

Dalton give a smile and a pat to his friends arm. He was happy Scott still cared, and knowing Hope still cared about him should make him feel good. She wasn't going to leave him for this one little bump.

"I'll make sure to tell Susanne hi back too."

Beth trys to think about the movie. Maybe she would pick something funny since Justin liked anyways. Nothing mushy that would just be...not the right idea. This was defiantly not a date and she didn't want to preseve it as that. Just the though made her a little nervous. It was only a friendship thing.

"Ummm...I guess five would be ok. Give me time with Sarah and than go home to start dinner. You can bring the dogs too if you want."

Found someone else

Justin fishes for a pen and quickly jots down the address on his other palm. The movie question throws him of. "Uh..." He didn't really watch movies that often. "Anything really... I guess." He knew well enough how to sit through something he didn't enjoy so it really didn't matter to him. If it was something he liked, great. If not, it was fine.

"I don't know if I'll catch you here today or not - what time you want me there tonight? Anything is fine with me."

Scott listens intently to Dalton about TJY, finding the news interesting. Even if he never said it... and even if he'd resigned... there were days when he missed it. Sounded like things were going well though. He'd always known they could survive quite well without him and he knew Dalton was very capable of handling anything that came his way.

"Tell Susanne I say hi back," he responds. She always was one of the sweetest people he knew.

So tired, Scott struggles to keep his eyes open. There was another question he wanted to ask, yet was afraid to. Why he was afraid, he didn't even know. But this was Dalton... he could talk to him about anything, right?

"How... how's Hope?" His eyes lower as his finger traces a pattern in the blanket. "I..I mean... is she like... seeing... anyone?" While he didn't feel ready to see her, he did wonder if it really was over between them. Surely she had moved on. Surely she had found someone else by now.

Leo smiles and bows. "Of course! No one gets through me."

Grinning, he tosses Ryan a wink. He'd seen her and Alec and it was quite obvious that things were working out. Leo was happy for her and hoped that things would go smoothly for her.

Jason sighs and sets his fork down, folding his hands. He couldn't blame Destiny for asking about Chance. He just knew that anything he said would bring no comfort. But he wouldn't lie. Everything had happened very quickly because of Reese's decisions, so it was hard to think that Chance was gone already. But it was true.

"He was interrogated," Jason responds. "We still don't have everything we wanted, but he wasn't going to give away information on the Underground. He... is no longer a part of the Elite... has been stripped of all his rankings and connections."

He searches Destiny's eyes for a moment. "And he was flown back to Arizona to be released. The Elite is watching him in case he goes back to the Underground. If he doesn't, then he's clean. If he does, then we catch him and... there will be consequences."

Pausing, Jason just continues to watch Destiny. "I'm sorry. You two got close... didn't you?"

Your Good Like That

Thinking for a moment Destiny gives a tiny nod. She didn't mind dog and if Jason wanted to bring his dog over she wouldn't say no.

"Yeah, thats fine if you have someone bring him here."

Looking down at the food again and taking another bit Destiny new her stomach wouldn't be able to handle anymore food as it bubble and churned. Thinking a moment before looking up at Jason again Destiny just study's him for a moment before saying anything again, when she did speak she wasnt even sure why she asked what she did.

"What happened to Chance?"

Being turned around to go inside, but than back around once again to receive Alec's kiss that was a little bit more his style Ryan's own arms go around him taking in the kiss and returning whole heartedly. Her one hand on his back holding him close to her and the other finding his hair.

As Alec pulls away Ryan's own first had been reignited in her eyes as the grin spread on her lips. Everything was looking alright again, she had her kindred spirit as Leo called it, she had her friend, her brother everything seemed perfect or pretty close to it.

"I'll see you tonight, and will call before hand."

Being turned around for one last time and receiving the wack to her bottom Ryan looks over her shoulder with a laugh before heading back into the shop. The smile on her face a little bigger, and the fire in her eyes bring once again.

Getting to her car Ryan takes a look before turning around slowly to look at the other guys before starting before her eyes fall on Leo.

"You made sure they didn't sabotage my car...right Leo because your good like that? Thanks."

Giving a grin and a nod Ryan goes back to her car moving a little faster than before now having a reason to get done with work.

Seeing Scott continue to laugh makes Dalton feel that much better and gives hope. It was really good to see Scott laugh and the tears in his eyes from doing so. Finally gaining a little control himself Dalton sits back in the chair the smile staying on his face.

"It would have made a good blackmail picture thats for sure. Once you get out of here I'll try and reenact it for ya."

And he would too just for Scott. As Scott asks about TJY Dalton thinks for a moment before finally answering.

"Things are going ok. Kinda lonely still with out you around but I am managing. I don't know how you ever did it a lone. They are all so needed with there computers."

Dalton gives a small chuckle.

"..But I've started showing some of them how to do things so when it break they can try to fix it. A lot of new changes have been happing too. Nate's been out because Laura had her baby, Alec isn't staying at TJY anymore, We got a new guy in there now. I think he's Angelica's cousin and his parents sent him up here for protection from Mexico. Other than that its been pretty same old same old. Oh yeah Susanne told me to tell you hi too."

Dalton tried to fill Scott in on everything he could with out over whelming him to much. It had to be a good thing Scott was asking how things back at TJY were, at least he still cared.

About to hear inside Beth hears her phone ring. Stopping and looking down at the number seeing it was Justin Beth turns and goes back down a few steps away from the building answering the phone.


Hearing Justin's voice on the other end Beth gives a very tiny smile. So thats why she had not seen him this morning he was in a completely different area. Walking down a few more steps Beth takes a seat on one of them out of the way a little bit. Hearing Justin would come over tonight Beth could feel a tiny bit of excitement. Nothing to big but a little rush. It had been a long time since anyone had been to her apartment if ever so having a friend there would be nice.

"Oh yeah, I guess that would help. The address is 367 Cherry Wood Street. I's only twenty minutes from here off of main road exit 5. If you get lost you can just call me. Are there any cretin kinds of movies you like?"