
Better Idea.

Looking back at her brother as he told her than there was no text from Alec Ryan's look turned even more angry as tears started to well in her eyes. Glancing down at her own phone her eyes scanned the messages. She could see Alec's replys. They were right there, as clear as day and yet Eli still insisted than no one was keeping anything from her.

   "You are a lier. I don't know why everyone is lieing to me. There are texts from him right there...I can see them."

She couldn't help but feel trapped, turned around, and everything just felt wrong. Why was this happening to her, and why now? Tears rolled down her cheek as she just shook her head and looked at Eli.

   "Please just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Being called over by Carson Aerith takes a small taste of the sauce before making her own funny face. It seemed a little bitter for her taste. Talking some of the suger, and a little bit of garlic Aerith put some in before motioning for Carson to stir again. This time tasting it she nods with a smile.

   "Much better I think."

Shaking her head a little and going back to the pizza she was making Aerith just continues to smile. It was nice to see Carson in such a good mood again. It had been quite a while since she had seen him joke around, or even semi act like his old self it was just good to see.

  "Well...I got the first pizza in the oven. I'm working on the second and third and we just have another 4 people come in. So take you pick on where to start first."

Not exspecting Reese to call him Nate gives a jump. The tone in Reese's voice was urgent and he new it. Standing and making his way across the phone he multitasked.

   "Hey babe, boss man needs me. I better let you go. If I'm not going tonight I'll call and let you know but I should be. Love you!"

Hanging up the phone Nate meets up with Reese half way still making there way to the holding cells. He could only guess this had to do with there newest prisoner. He really didn't have much to do with him but he'd kept his ears open on what was going on.

   "Whats up Boss? How can I help?"

Thinking for a long second as she watch everything on the window pass buy she contemplated Aaron's ideas. They were good ideas but she wasn't sure they would work, or work how they wanted them.

   "Those are good idea's Aaron, but honestly, I doubt The Elite would trade anyone for Garret. Knowing he is one of the people closest to my grandfather is not something that would come along every day. I be they would sacrifice someone for him."

Looking to Aaron Victoria new he wouldn't be happy with her own idea, or even that she was going against him. He was an arrogant man and that she could tell just form looking at his reactions. But she was in charge and she only hoped he'd follow her lead without to much complaining.

   "I know if I get in, I can get out. Even if Garret is not there I know I'd be able too. Not to mention if Garret is in there, and we both can get a good layout of everything, and maybe even get rid of some of that information Alec took upon himself to set them he will be a little more forgiving on Garret for being caught. Really...thats the best option I see at the moment and I need to know you are with me Aaron."