
Bare minimum

Getting off the phone with Rebecca, Justin realizes he'd missed a separate call. Seeing it was Beth, he wonders for a moment if anything was wrong. Listening to her message though, he understands.

Flipping his phone shut, he leans his head back and thinks for several moments. Dinner and a movie... and she was making his favorite pie. While he was thrilled that she was busying herself with an activity and actually trying to do something different, it felt an awful lot like a date. Going fishing was one thing... but dinner and a movie? Was that such a good idea? He didn't want to hold her back... didn't want to make her feel like he didn't care... but he didn't want to give the wrong impression either. He could go and just be casual though, right? If he assumed there was nothing more here than the usual, and he acted as such, then there should be no misunderstandings, right? And if anything else came up, he'd just have to be honest. But he could at least go ahead and see what would happen.

Figuring she'd answer since she just called, Justin dials her back. "Hey, Beth - I was on another call, sorry. I'm actually here - just in a different wing today."

He pauses, still hesitant, but he forces his tone not to show it. "Tonight sounds just fine. All I'll need are directions to your place."

Having Dalton try to take the part of the cheerleader sends Scott further into his fit of laughter, winding up making him cough and need a glass of water, but he didn't care.

Once finally under control again, his head sinks back in his pillow once more, his eyes watering from laughing. It had been a very long time since he'd laughed that much, and it did feel good.

"Thank you." He grins. "I really wish I would have had a camera though."

Still curled on his side, he calms down, the classical music still playing softly. Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly, feeling very tired, but trying stay alert.

"Hey, Dalton..." His eyes drift downward as he fingers his blanket again. "How's... how's things at TJY?"

"Yeah... yeah, I do." Justin grins. "Trooper's a big brute, but he's a good dog. Had him on duty for a while, but he got in trouble with the boss." He chuckles.

"I thought if you were ok with dogs, I might have Wyatt bring him over and introduce you. Having him around makes it even easier to get out and about too since his ears and nose are better than electronic radar any day."

"Mmm..." Alec shakes his head and gives Ryan a wry grin to her question about Reese. "Long story. It's been an interesting last couple days though."

His grin widens. "Pizza and wings sound great... you may want to bring a pillow to sit on or something though... we're talking the bare minimum here right now. But I gotta walk to the store anyway, so I'll pick up a few things too and we should be set."

Giving her hands another squeeze, he knew she needed to go. "Call me before you come."

Backing away, he turns to go, then stops. "Aw, why not."

Spinning back around, he grabs Ryan and pulls her into a rough, passionate kiss before pulling away, his eyes twinkling. "I just wanted to make sure it would last you until later."

Pointing her back to the garage, he gives her bottom a swift but light kick to send her on her way before he turns too, to amble across the parking lot and back towards the street.


Walking up the walkway like to many times before Beth stops at the little bench that had become her's and Justin. Looking around and not seeing him in sight at all she can't help but hope everything was ok. She wanted to talk to him and ask him to dinner, and maybe a movie tonight if he'd like. She was ready to take the next step...it was hard, she was scared, but she was ready.

Not knowing if he had missed Justin or not Beth figures at least a phone call would be sure to get through to him. Dialing his number and getting his voice mail Beth almost guessed thats what she would get.

"Hey Justin, its Beth. I was wondering if you didn't have anything to do tonight if you would...like to come over for dinner and maybe a movie. I...was making you favorite pie again too. Let me know, thanks."

Hanging up the phone Beth makes her way into the hospital to see Sarah like she had many times before. Maybe today she would take her out to the gardens or make had a picnic. It was a nice day out and Beth would hate it if Sarah was cooped inside for it.

Sitting continuing to listen to the music and hear Scott's works Dalton new he must be awfully tired of hearing everyone tell him it was ok, and that he had to get better. Right after his own parents death He'd hated when people told him that all the time too.

Hearing about Scott's vision of him as a cheerleader all Dalton can do it look at his friend and blink for a few moments. Seeing the smile that forms on Scott's lips and hearing the chuckles that start to come out of him Dalton perks up a little bit as a smile comes to his own lips and a chuckle comes out as he jumps up. Lifting his arms in the air.

"Give me an S....give me a C....give me a O....give me a T...give me another T...whats that spell? My little Buddy."

Sinking down in the chair for a moment Dalton has a look of confusion on his face as his spelling and what it ment.

"Ok, so I am not as graceful as I would like to think. but I can try again if you want!"

Dalton starts to laugh again happy to see Scott smiling. If nothing else that alone made him feel like his mission was accomplished.

Hearing Jason's question Destiny gives a little sigh not really wanting to talk but not really having that option. She might as well attempt to maybe it would help her feel a little better but she doubted it.

"Yeah Dogs are ok. You have a dog?"

As Alec leans in and kiss her lips softly Ryan returns the kiss. It was softer than she was use to but filled with just as much passion and for once Ryan didn't mind it. The light tenderness of his embrace was nice and seemed to fit the moment. Not something Ryan would always want but it was a nice change, and a good feeling to see this lighter side of Alec.

As Alec pulls away a little Ryan keeps her arms around him. She had to get going back to work even if she didn't want to. Maybe they could meet up later though. Feeling his hands slide down her and lock with her own Ryan give them a little squeeze as she looks up into Alec's eyes.

Hearing about Alec's apartment a bigger smile spreads on Ryan's face as her eyes dance, and sparkle. Squeeze Alec's hands a little tighter it was easy to see how excited she was for him.

"You finally got your own apartment? Oh Alec....I am so excited for you...wow. What made Reese decide that one? Yes I will totally come over tonight, I'll even bring some pizza and wings too."

Sitting in the hospetil waiting room Hope sits quiet keeping her eyes down. They were tired and sunken in today had been a bad day on top of being worried. She hadn't been feeling worse over the last few months but she hadn't been feeling better either, The cancer seemed to be growing still at a very slow rate and the Dr's were worried they would have to do surgery after all.

Today she was here to talk over options and get a white blood cell transplant, but her mind was not on that today. Today she was thinking about Scott and how much she missed him. She hoped he was doing ok, and still getting better. Mostly her days were filled with working a few hours, coming home and playing with Domino before getting to tired and going to bed for an hour or so, but not a day passed she didn't think of Scott and miss just a little more.

Dalton in a skirt

Returning Ryan's gaze, Alec's expression turns to one of sheepishness. "I haven't felt this stupid in a long time, ya know." He smirks along with a little sigh. Living outside of the Agency... it was harder than it looked sometimes.

Alec's thumb runs along Ryan's cheek, his eyes softening into a gaze gentle and warm. Leaning down, he kisses her lips softly, then returns with more passion, though it was still softer than normal. Pulling back, his eyes return to hers. "Yeah, I missed you," he confirms quietly.

Letting his hands wander down from her face, they slide down her arms until they've found her hands to hold. "I know you gotta get back to work, and I gotta walk to the store but... after work..." He shrugs. "My little housewarming party last night was pretty lame since it was just me." He hoped that not only would she come over tonight, but that she would be excited too, that he had his apartment now.

Jason wasn't surprised by Destiny's response, but he still felt badly anyway. Continuing to eat, the wheels in his mind turn.

"Hey, Destiny... do you like dogs?"

Another little grin quirks Scott's mouth in a wry manner, his eyes, though clouded, showed his mind was still sharp. "Anybody but you, Dalton, and I'd tell 'em off. Between you and everybody else, I'm gonna have to start a collection of phrases." He sighs wearily as his strength lacks. "Thanks though... I know you're just trying to cheer me up here."

His eyes drift shut again, then open wide as if a thought has just struck him. "I just envisioned you as a cheerleader."

Blinking, he looks to Dalton, a new smile starting at the very corner of his mouth and slowly, slowly spreading across his lips. Something rises from the depths that was maybe, perhaps something close to a chuckle. His eyes brighten past the haze and that same tiny chuckle evolves into a laugh that is caught behind a closed mouth. The whole mental image though is too much for any soul, no matter how depressed, and soon that trapped laugh had been released, followed by another and another.

Out in the hall, Justin leans back against the wall and grins, shaking his head. Dalton probably wouldn't have any problem beating him up. Why the giant didn't like him was yet to be proven, though Justin still hoped maybe someday they could at least come to a mutual understanding.

Continuing to listen, he smiles as he hears Scott laughing. If nothing else good happened all day, this one moment was worth it. He was a firm believer in laughter being the best medicine and hearing it from Scott provided hope... a hope that he would not let this man down.

Sighing, Justin turns and heads down the hall to a bench to sit for a while, leaving the room be. This whole ordeal was getting to him. It always did. He knew he needed to separate his cases from his personal life, but sometimes it was hard.

He glances at his watch. Beth would be around any time now. If he didn't find her at their bench, he'd hunt around and see if he could find her. But right now, he was too weary to get up and look. He was tired too, but he knew Scott was so much more tired than he.

After a few moments of inner debate, Justin retrieves his cell phone and searches for the right number before dialing and waiting to hear the answer. "Hi, Rebecca... this is Justin. What are you doing tonight? I could use someone to talk to."

Willing to Try

Listing to the music Dalton's closes his own eyes for a moment letting the soft melody of the music just flow. Opening them again and looking down at his friend slowly. He was responding well to him and that was important to Dalton.

Hearing Scott's words Dalton think so for a moment before speaking again. He wanted to choose his words wisely, and be a friend to Scott without a lecture.

"I know you are little buddy, I know you are. I'm so proud of you for how far you've come so far. Every little step counts and over the last few months you have take some big steps."

Giving his friends arm a pat and just letting him know he was there Dalton takes note to how thin Scott was and it made his heart break even more. It was so hard to see anyone like this let alone his friend.

"Don't give up though Scott, you have come so far to give up when your so close would be a horrible thing. We all miss you very much, and we are all rooting for you. Not to mention if you did than I'd have to come back and put you into a headlock and I think your friend Justin out there might not like it, and I'd end up hurting him too."

Dalton gives a little laugh trying his best to keep the mood a little light. Not saying the words Scott can't because he was sure he had heard that way to much. So he twisted his words into a better way, a friendly way and kept the mood light.

Looking down at her plate again Destiny takes a tiny bit of her eggs her tummy giving a growl that she was hungry but at the same time she wasn't. Destiny hated this feeling she felt inside but she just didn't have what it took to pull herself out right now.

"No, I don't need to go anywhere today. I'll just stay inside."

Taking another bit of her eggs Destiny puts her fork down and just sits there for a moment before picking up her drink and taking a sip, only to look down at her food again.

Feeling Alec return the hug Ryan just bury herself into his chest more. Just to feel his arms wrap around her felt so nice. Ryan really had missed it a great deal. Hearing he never stopped caring sent her heart into a race as well. He really did care about her? The confirmation felt good though Ryan felt a little silly thinking it.

"I wasnt trying to keep you on a leash Alec, you can do whatever you want anytime you want. But I was tired of the fighting, and having to listen to you both go back and forth because that does affect me. I care about you a great deal, and Leo is one of my friend I dont want to have to worry about keeping you two apart all the time because thats no fun for me. It makes me feel like more of a babysitter than anything else."

Feeling Alec's hand on the side of her face Ryan leans her head into it the warm on her skin. Continuing to look into his eyes and search them Ryan took them in and let them warm her soul again. Her own pride, and thick hardheadedness needing to put aside.

"I'm no sorry for what I said that night because I meant it. But I'm sorry that I yelled. I should of found a better way to express what I was feeling. So for that I am sorry too."

Just continuing to look up in Alec's eyes Ryan could get lost in them. Leo had been right, she missed him, and last would of been willing to go back and be happy, but now having Alec standing here still knowing he care she felt willing to at least try again.

I thought...

The corner of Scott's mouth upturns as he sees Dalton - the first hint of a smile in days. His other eye opens to see the CD and he reaches out with his thin hand to look at what songs were on it. "This is better than the stuff they play around here," he muses quietly.

Shifting a little, he stays curled up, but a little higher into the pillows so it's easier to see Dalton, watching as the CD is put in the player and the volume turned up. As the soft notes play, Scott sighs deeply. It was nice. The music was soothing, and so was seeing his friend.

Though his eyes drift shut for a moment, he opens them again, just looking at Dalton for the longest moment. He knew Justin must have called him, and had he known prior, he would have argued, but seeing a friend brought more comfort than maybe he'd admit.

Noticing that Justin had slipped back out into the hall, Scott's bony fingers toy with the edge of the green blanket. "I'm tired, Dalton," he says softly. His sunken eyes drift downward. "I'm just... tired of fighting all the time." He should have died while with the Agency... had he known the road would be this hard afterward, he might not have had the will to live in that dungeon.

He was improving little by little at controlling his brain's reflexes when faced with triggers - he had to admit that Justin's little memory game had really helped. He was far from being able to face more than little photos, but there was definite improvement. He didn't mind that work... it gave him something to do, and the more he improved, the closer he was to mental freedom. But his body was just so tired of it all. His mind was being stretched beyond its limit and his body seemed to simply be saying it had had enough.

"I'm too tired to do this anymore," Scott continues in almost a whisper. "I just... I just want it to be over."

Jason smiles and nods that yes, he would sit at the table with Destiny. Once settled in, he bows his head for a quick, silent prayer before taking a bite of eggs. Hearing her thanks, another smile is offered. "You're welcome. I figure... the whole world can be falling apart, but at least something can still taste good."

Cocking his head, he looks to her with question. "Anywhere you need or want to go today?"

Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Alec hates this awkward feeling. It was quite rare with him and no wonder - he despised it so... especially around someone he shouldn't feel awkward with at all.

Biting the inside of his lip, he wonders if this was even a good idea. Was Ryan still mad at him? He couldn't really tell. Was Leo right? Should Alec have waited a while longer?

His unvoiced questions are answered as Ryan comes close and draws him into a hug. A little surprised, it takes Alec a moment to figure out how to react, but it's only a short moment. Slipping his arms around her, he pulls her close, loving the feeling of her buried in his shoulder.

Leaning his head down against hers, one hand wanders up to run his fingers through her hair. "I missed you too," he admits quietly. "I never stopped caring." It felt like he was having to forcefully drag the words out into the light as they kicked and screamed, wanting to stay back in their safe, dark corner of his heart. "I thought you were still mad at me."

Kissing the top of her head, he hugs her tighter. "I didn't mean to upset you when I took on Leo. I thought..." What did he think anyway? The whole thing seemed lame now. "I guess I thought it was just my fight and I was mad that you wouldn't just let me do my thing. I felt like you wanted me on a leash or something."

Biting his lip, he forces himself to stamp down his pride, even though it was hard. Pulling away a little so he can see Ryan's face, his hands slide up to cradle each side. "But... I guess stuff I do affect you too and... I didn't realize that. I'm... I'm not sorry about the fight but... but I'm sorry I upset you... and I'm sorry you thought I didn't care anymore, 'cause that wasn't true."