
Dalton in a skirt

Returning Ryan's gaze, Alec's expression turns to one of sheepishness. "I haven't felt this stupid in a long time, ya know." He smirks along with a little sigh. Living outside of the Agency... it was harder than it looked sometimes.

Alec's thumb runs along Ryan's cheek, his eyes softening into a gaze gentle and warm. Leaning down, he kisses her lips softly, then returns with more passion, though it was still softer than normal. Pulling back, his eyes return to hers. "Yeah, I missed you," he confirms quietly.

Letting his hands wander down from her face, they slide down her arms until they've found her hands to hold. "I know you gotta get back to work, and I gotta walk to the store but... after work..." He shrugs. "My little housewarming party last night was pretty lame since it was just me." He hoped that not only would she come over tonight, but that she would be excited too, that he had his apartment now.

Jason wasn't surprised by Destiny's response, but he still felt badly anyway. Continuing to eat, the wheels in his mind turn.

"Hey, Destiny... do you like dogs?"

Another little grin quirks Scott's mouth in a wry manner, his eyes, though clouded, showed his mind was still sharp. "Anybody but you, Dalton, and I'd tell 'em off. Between you and everybody else, I'm gonna have to start a collection of phrases." He sighs wearily as his strength lacks. "Thanks though... I know you're just trying to cheer me up here."

His eyes drift shut again, then open wide as if a thought has just struck him. "I just envisioned you as a cheerleader."

Blinking, he looks to Dalton, a new smile starting at the very corner of his mouth and slowly, slowly spreading across his lips. Something rises from the depths that was maybe, perhaps something close to a chuckle. His eyes brighten past the haze and that same tiny chuckle evolves into a laugh that is caught behind a closed mouth. The whole mental image though is too much for any soul, no matter how depressed, and soon that trapped laugh had been released, followed by another and another.

Out in the hall, Justin leans back against the wall and grins, shaking his head. Dalton probably wouldn't have any problem beating him up. Why the giant didn't like him was yet to be proven, though Justin still hoped maybe someday they could at least come to a mutual understanding.

Continuing to listen, he smiles as he hears Scott laughing. If nothing else good happened all day, this one moment was worth it. He was a firm believer in laughter being the best medicine and hearing it from Scott provided hope... a hope that he would not let this man down.

Sighing, Justin turns and heads down the hall to a bench to sit for a while, leaving the room be. This whole ordeal was getting to him. It always did. He knew he needed to separate his cases from his personal life, but sometimes it was hard.

He glances at his watch. Beth would be around any time now. If he didn't find her at their bench, he'd hunt around and see if he could find her. But right now, he was too weary to get up and look. He was tired too, but he knew Scott was so much more tired than he.

After a few moments of inner debate, Justin retrieves his cell phone and searches for the right number before dialing and waiting to hear the answer. "Hi, Rebecca... this is Justin. What are you doing tonight? I could use someone to talk to."

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