
Forgotten wound

Jade's eyes widen a little as a laugh slips out. "Oh, Dan..." Giggling, she sets aside her broom and stands in front of him, looking down into his eyes. She tips his hat back so she can see him a little better. "You goof... how long have you been thinking about this? I expected maybe an evening at most!" 

Still grinning, she moves to sit down across his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "The day sounds wonderfully perfect. I'll do anything." Another giggle bubbles out. "We may want to skip the sledding though. We'd have to go pretty far and high to get enough snow for that." 

She leans her head down so her forehead and nose are resting against his. "Besides... I wouldn't want to get too worn out before supper." 

Giving his lips as little kiss, her eyes twinkle. "A free for all might involve shopping if I'm gonna need a dress for that fancy dinner. What did you have in mind?"

Jason's laugh is muffled in the kiss as his hands move to the sides of Katie's face.

Man, I shoulda told you sooner if this is the response I get.

His emotions tell of his inner laughter.

Better back off before we make a scene in public.

His eyes dance as he slowly pulls away, staring into Katie's gaze. "I thought you'd like that. I figure we could both use the time off and... hey, it's Christmas. It only comes once a year."

Interrupted by the waiter bringing more to drink, Jason resumes his train of thought once they're alone again. "I saw Ryder and Thirteen the other day in the office... do you know what they're doing, if anything?"

"Mmm... both." Kip closes his eyes again and sighs deeply. "I still am... both." Yawning, he knows he needs to get up, if only he could find the motivation. 

Without warning, he shoots out of bed - the only way to get himself going. Stumbling to the bathroom, he leaves the door open as he splashes cold water on his face in an attempt to wake up. Grabbing a towel, he buries his face in it before remembering yesterday's episode. 

Letting out a little yelp, he looks to the mirror. The swelling was down, but the bruise was a big and nasty one. Leaning his hands on the sink counter, he just stares at it for a few moments, wishing he could hide it. He had Erik's speeches memorized and really didn't want to deal with them this morning.

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