
Friendly faces

Looking up at the waitress as she comes to the table and than turning his head just slightly to Pete a smirk cross Trey's face once more. He could read's Pete's mind and thought it was quiet humerus. This TJY agent as Reese liked to call them seemed much different from the other ones.

A smart comment lay on the tip of Trey's tong and he so badly wanted to ask the waitress if he could order her but something makes him refrain from the comment. Giving the waitress his order Trey waits for her to leave before turning to Pete again.

"That waitress was eye balling you man. She had the looks but... I don't know if she had the personalty for you or not. She defiantly didn't pass up giving you a once over yourself though."

Straightening in his seat a little and looking around the dinning area once more Trey's eyes moves the room just taking everything in and his surroundings. Coming back to Pete though he is quite surprised when he was now told he could go smoke alone. Just studying his face for a moment Trey wonders if Pete was stupid, or very trust worthy not to think Trey would run.

"Alright, I'll be back than."

Getting up from the booth Trey makes his way back how they came stepping outside passing an attractive blond on the way. Stepping out onto the sidewalks and moving around to the far corner of the building he pulls out his pack of smokes and his lighter. For the moment nicotine was his out.

Entering the dinner a medium high woman enters. Pushing one side of her short blond hair behind her ear she lets her bright green eyes scan the dinner almost as if looking for someone. Letting her eyes rest on Pete her face lights up a little more a smile spreading across her lips. It was just her luck and surprise that he really was here today.

Walking over to Pete's table the woman only hoped it was really who she had been looking for. She was ninety percent sure it was him because his looked hadn't change that much but it had been ten years so some stuff did seem different.

"Peter Kriston? It's Nikki, Nikki Keller....its been a while. How are you?"

Nikkie waited for his reply waiting to see if it was Pete and if he even remembered her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waiting hoping she didn't look to foolish.

Turning from the photo's on the wall and taking the water Beth gives a small smile and her thanks as she takes a small sit. Looking around the kitchen some more and watching as Justin starts to cut the watermelon she gives a little jump to the phone but recovers when knowing what it was.

As Justin goes for it Beth does her best to mind her own business till finally she wonders to one of the stools by the counter and pulls it out to site on. Sitting her glass down she raises a hand in a no thanks manor to the watermelon. She really wasn't all the hungry at the moment.

Just continuing to mind her own business she gives Justin a smile once he was off the phone other than feeling slightly bad that she was in the middle of keeping him from being with his....friend?

"It's ok. Was...that the girl your mom is trying to set you up with? You could of went with her...and we could fish another time. I wouldn't have minded to much."

Beth didn't want to stand in Justin's way and if he would have more fun with someone else than by all means she would want him to go with her. She was a stick in the mud who was trying new things and she new it. Maybe if she broke out on her own first than she could be more fun to hang out with.

Finally leaning over the counter just a little Beth takes a peace of the watermelon and pops it into her mouth before giving a small smile.

"Mmm...not bad."

Continuing to listen to Alec Dalton goes back to his own work on his computer though keeps his attachen on Alec as well as he works away on the other. He might as well continue to work a little bit on his own work and not put it aside completely right now.

Hearing thought that someone was hacking into there system through a back door though Dalton's head shoots up as she wheels his hand in one stride over to Alec again looking over her shoulder.


Leaning over Alec's shoulder for a moment Dalton types a few things into the computer pulling up a few more screens only to come up empty handed. He was going to really have to dig more to be able to do anything.

"Who ever it was covered there tracks. I'm doing to have to do some real chipping work on this. Here....I'm going to link up the computers for a second and transfer that to here, so I can work from my own computer."

Opening his drawer and pulling out a cord Dalton hooks it to his computer and than to the computer Alec was at. Entering a few things into his computer he walks Alec through a simple steps on that one till the files, information, and all over stuff Alec had done to that computer was now replaced on his screen so he could work on it more.

"There we go now I can work on this from the comfort of my own desk. I need to tell Reese about this though. If you wanna keep working there you can."

Taking out his cell and dialing Reese's number Dalton got the voice mail like he new he would since he was out with Angelica at the moment but leaving a message in this case was no problem.

"Boss, we got a problem I need you to call me as soon as you can."

Hanging up the phone he looks over at Alec for a long moment before giving a nod.

"Thanks Alec, if it hadn't been for you we never would of known."

Pulling away a little and giving a smile to Ryder Thirteen was happy he'd let them work on his leg again. Not for her own personal gain but for Ryder. If he couldn't walk anymore she new how miserable he would be. Ryder didn't like to sit still and to be stuck not being able to walk it would kill him.

"Ok, as soon as they say your released we can get out of here, and start life again. Maybe...I'll even cook dinner for you if your nice to me."

Thirteen gives a little laugh as she leans her head on top of his for a moment and than gives him a strong hug.

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