

Now done with his own food Trey sets the plate aside picking his beer up and taking another swig. It tasted good night as he sipped it slowly just savoring the taste and tonight not wanting to have to much and miss anything that might be going on.

"Ah, so you moved around and have been a little bit of everywhere. Moving around is not to bad, but I can see where it would start becoming a bore."

Trey hadn't moved around with his family much except when he went off to another area for school. Taking another sip of the beer and standing Trey goes to the trash and throws his own stuff away. Coming back over to where Ariel was He stands for a moment. A bit surprised by the offer to walk on the pier. She hardly new him and she wanted to walk with him?

Taking a glance around the fire and everyone else that was there Trey takes the last sip of his beer before turning and tossing it into the garbage. Giving a little shrug he sticks his hands in his pockets.

"Sure, why not, its not like I have a people lined up to talk to me."

Coming along side of Ariel Trey gives a little nod that he was ready. Starting to walk he takes in the quiet around him. It was different from the busy atmosphere he was use to, but it wasn't all that either.

Heading to her car with Wayne Jackie lets out a small sigh. Going to say something to him she stops as Erik voice is heard. Stopping and turning Jackie gives a smile to him. He was an easy guy to get along with and out of them all she felt as though they had the most understanding. Maybe it was there closeness in age, or it was just there personalty that seemed to work.

"See you tomorrow Erik, try to keep everyone out of trouble till than huh?"

Shaking her head a little and letting her eyes sparkle with humor as the reflection of the moon shone down Jackie gave a little wave. Turning back to the car and getting in she waits for Wayne to join her. Driving him home was not something she minded and it would help pass the time on the drive back.

Waiting for him to get in Jackie finally starts the car and heads out of the driveway. Heading down the street she is quiet only a few moments before she starts talking.

"Well, I think that went well and we really got a chance to see what the group was like outside the stress. I think it was a good thing to see that, and maybe we can bend a little more to there personalty when we need too. What do you think?"

Seeing everyone coming out of the building Misty new that Carson would be a long inside now. He had said to call but a surprise would be much better. Parking in the lock and using her own key on the front door she enters quickly before making her was to the kitchen.

Standing in the door way and just watching him for a long moment Misty gives a grin before leaning on the frame and giving a smile.

"Herd you wife was working late...Though I might some time in with you before you had to run home."

Misty new Carson would of heard her coming. He was a trained assassin and just because he was retied didn't mean he could ignore his sharp hearing. So she really had no worry about startling him at all.

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