
Sliver of a Crack

Taking the bag with the fish in it from Justin her hand brushes his. Beth looks at it for a long moment. The warm feeling inside returning. It was soft, warm...and it felt...good!

A the small sliver of a crack grew just a little more.


Looking up at Justin Beth's eyes dart from one to the other just looking into them deeply searching, looking, wondering. There was a kindness there that Beth had not seen before. Coming out of her thoughts though Beth breaks her gaze from his and looks down at the bag she held once more.

"I better get going. It was nice spending time here thought. I'll see you tomorrow at the hosp?"

Sitting over on her side of the couch Destiny waits while Chance makes his phone call. She hated ease dropping but she did listen anyways. Since something didn't seem right she just wanted to find out if it really was Toby on the phone before or not. So listening Destiny trys to decied but in the end she couldn't figure it out if it was or not.

Letting out a sigh she just continues to sit maybe it really was nothing and she was just being paranoid. Why she didn't know but it was possible she was with everything coming up her mind could just be running away with itself.

As Chance comes closer again Destiny gives him a side long glance a grin finally forms on her lips again as she turns to him her arms crossed.

"I don't think I remember..how about a little reminder?"

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