
Didn't call

Giving a knock and opening the door April steps inside the people with her following. Seeing the man and woman at the desk that seemed to be caught up in something she wondered if maybe now was a bad time or maybe they should have called first. As Mick comes over to them though April gives a smile it didn't seem like they minded to much.

   "Hello, you must me....Mick and Rosetta? I've heard lots about you."

Looking up from her desk Rosetta was a little surprised. She studied the woman for a long moment but she didn't seen to know who she was. That alone put her on edge for a moment Not many strangers came here knowing who they were and with the Agency run ins it was something to be leery of.

Relizing just how what she had said might sound April shifts a little bit looking to Rosetta and than back to Mick again. Giving a softer smile she continues.

   "My name is April, and this is Chad, Mark, and Tina. We know your niece Katie, we go to church with her in Nevada and she told us lots about the ranch in case we ever wanted to have some time away. So we were hoping we could stay for a night or two if you guys had any room."

Looking behind her at her friends she gives a small nod. She new everyone was a little nervous but she liked the way it felt here. It had a bit of peace and love in the air. Seeing the smiling faces of Rosetta and Mick alone seemed to set the tone and put a good start on things.

   "Sorry we didn't call first it was kind of a late moment kind of thing. If you guys don't have any room right now we completely understand and wont be offended."

 The laughing was contagious and Katie couldn't help but laugh right with the other too. But than again Kaylee always had that knack for making people laugh when they were having the darkest of days. The little girl was just good like that and she almost always wore a smile on her face.

   "It's only Kaylee we can share him as long as in the end I get him back."

Returning the kiss to Hunter Katie doesn't let it linger to much knowing there were other people around and Kaylee was surly still watching them. The small kiss was enough though for now and Katie leans into Hunter just a little bit feeling his comfort close to her. She hoped her last few days here would last a while but she new they would go quickly and than the ones till Hunter return to Nevada would come slowly.

   "Mmm...I sure hope its not to soon. I think she's still to little for that."

Looking down at Kaylee and than back up at Hunter she smiles again. It had been a nice sight seeing how he'd taken with the little one. Jason had been like that too quick to pick up on how to act with kids that was something Katie found very pleasing.

   "How about we get some grub? I'm starving."

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