
How long?

Feeling Chad's hands on her face, Rosalyn stares into his eyes. And quite suddenly, it's as if all of a sudden she realizes that he really is here - right here in front of her. Blushing, her excitement is joined by shyness. It had been a little while since he'd been here, and having been so close to him for such a very short time prior, it felt almost like a dream - like she'd forgotten what his touch felt like. His words were so sweet... and he'd come... just to see her. 

Despite the sudden nervousness, as she's pulled in for a kiss, she feels as though she might melt right there. His kiss was sweet... passionate, but tender. Slipping her arms back around him, she can't resist returning the kiss. It still felt just a little awkward as she has to figure out once again how it should work, but as the world around her fades, the awkwardness does too. It didn't matter if she was nervous seeing Chad again or not - he made her feel safe, wanted and warm all over.

As he draws away, she looks up at him, biting her lip as a new smile emerges. She felt like a little girl who just wanted to curl up in his strong arms and stay there forever. "Of course I'm happy... I was afraid when I didn't hear from you again that maybe you'd forgotten about me." 

With her arms around his waist, she nuzzles her head into his chest and closes her eyes. Was this real? She hoped so. Oh, how she hoped so. 

As she hears someone clear their throat, her head snaps up and she looks to the side to see Mick standing just feet away. Her face grows even redder as she remembers they're standing in the middle of the barn - she'd forgotten about watching for other people's eyes. "Um... Mick... this, um... you remember Chad, don't you?" 

Mick can't help a smile, although there is just a little bit of concern in his eyes - not from any fear for his niece's decisions, but for the reaction of someone else in particular. He knew about Jim's opinion. He knew about the father/daughter discussion after a certain bouquet of flowers had arrived. He obviously knew about all of the secret letters as well. 

Stepping forward, he extends his hand to Chad. "Howdy. Good to see you again."

Rosalyn sticks like glue to Chad, almost afraid to let him go. Her eyes plead with her uncle for help, and she doesn't realize that her grip had suddenly tightened around Chad's waist. "He... just came to visit." She swallows hard, knowing that if Mick knew his brother would be unhappy, he had every right to turn Chad away and tell him he couldn't stay. "We have plenty of empty bunks.... right?"

Mick purses his lips and studies her face, seeing how badly she wanted Chad to stay. How could he say no to that? He didn't understand how these two could be this close after one encounter and a few letters, but who was he to say it wasn't possible? "Yeah... we do." He gives her a wink before looking back to Chad. Did he know that Rosalyn's father was not happy about her relationship with him? If he didn't, it wasn't Mick's place to tell - this man would find out soon enough. "How long you planning to stay?"

Jason grins as Misty approaches,  tossing her a wink. "How 'bout we take my truck? That way I get you the whole time instead of just part of it." 

Opening the passenger door for her, he stops her right before she can get in, to wrap his arms around her and pull her close for a passionate kiss. Drawing back, his eyes twinkle. "My mom tried to teach me dessert was for after supper... but I've always been rebellious."

"Mexican. I think I can handle that." Hunter nods and dons his own helmet before mounting up on his bike. Waiting until he feels Katie get on behind him and get settled, he fires up the engine. Aiming for the street, the bike lurches a little as he shifts gears. 

Smiling to himself, he reaches one hand back to give Katie's leg a teasing squeeze. "Hang on." 

The best Mexican restaurant really wasn't all that far from TJY, but for some reason it takes at least twice as long as it should have to reach their destination. Perhaps it was all the back streets and meandering that Hunter did, just to have Katie hanging on to him a little bit longer. 

Finally getting to the restaurant and going inside, Hunter chooses a nice quiet table off to the corner. It was a little nicer place than they usually went, and neither were dressed up, but he didn't care one bit if he got a couple funny looks from still wearing his leather and boots. 

Getting settled and ordering, Hunter leans his elbows on the table and just studies Katie in the dim light, a soft smile on his face. Quiet for a few minutes, he finally breaks the silence. "I'm glad to be back." His hand slides across the table to take hers. "I think I was supposed to stay in Texas that long though. I, um... thought through a lot of things after you left." 

Ariel cocks her head and takes a sip of her water, still trying to figure out Trey's motives. Was he saying he liked how things were, or he wanted to date, or...? Once again, she couldn't tell. He was being cryptic, whether he knew it or not. 

She takes another bite of food before giving him a teasing sort of grin. "You talking more casual hanging out like we have been or... something more than that?" Her expression didn't reveal if she preferred one over the other because in reality, she really wasn't sure if she wanted more or not. But she did want to know Trey's intentions.

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