

Rick nods as Misty speaks, agreeing with her about Scott's condition. When she looks at him, he takes his cue to pick up where she'd left off and he places his attention back on Justin. "In essence, we believe Scott doesn't even realize when he's hungry. Whether his stomach is telling his brain it's hungry or not, I don't think his brain registers it anymore just because of all the trauma he's been through. Like Misty said, it's like he's still starving."

Justin purses his lips, the look in his eye more than just gathering information - he was processing it and trying to solve it. "Do you think it's something that can be overcome?"

Rick is doubtful. "In all honesty? I don't think it is. I think this is something that will follow Scott the rest of his life. Which is why it's important he have at least one person close to him who is willing to help keep him on track, because he doesn't even know when he's skipping meals." He pauses, trying to sum it up in his own mind. "I think Scott was abused to the point of no return on this one."

Justin can hear the sadness in Rick's tone, and can see it in Misty's eyes too. These people weren't just coworkers or just Scott's doctors... they were his friends and they cared about him very much. "Is there anything else you believe is irreversible?"

Rick leans back in his chair to think, exchanging another look with Misty. "His immune system is shot. Some of that can be built back up, but I doubt he will ever be a hundred percent healthy again, even if we can get him to eat right. So far he hasn't gotten too sick, but if he catches a cold or virus, he'll go down pretty quick and hard just because his body has nothing left to fight it. Which again... is why his eating habit is important so at least he can be getting the nutrients he needs. Right now... he has nothing to fight with, not even extra weight."

"Yeah, I noticed that." Justin makes a couple more notes, then just sits for a moment, thinking. It was hard not to notice Scott's extremely thin frame. "Okay, well... anything else you can think of that might be helpful for me to know?"

Rick shrugs, really not sure if there was or not. "You know about his eye."

"Yep. That was included in the report about the initial incident. He seems to have adjusted well."

"He has - better than I expected. Some days I think he wishes he were normal, then other days he'll scare Susanne on purpose with it." Rick chuckles. "He's got a good sense of humor there - just hasn't been seen much lately."

"I noticed him rubbing his wrist yesterday."

"Mmm... yeah, he cracked that once a while back, before the Agency deal. Had a quarrel with another guy here over a girl."

Justin raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah..." Rick shakes his head. "Other guy had a temper, blamed Scott for stealing his girl and beat him to a pulp."

"Ouch. How did he respond?"

Rick remembered it well. "The only thing he wanted was for the girl not to know. She was close to the other guy too and Scott didn't want to hurt her. He was scared of the other guy for a while but never angry that I could see."

"Didn't get the girl anyway though?"

"No..." Rick grins wryly. "Scott did get engaged to her but... it just wasn't meant to be. She ended up with the other guy."

"Nice." Justin smirks a little.

"Surprisingly enough... Scott and this guy are pretty good friends now. Both of them have managed to put the past behind them and call a truce. I think a lot of it's for the girl's sake."

"He's got guts."

"Scott's got more than guts," Rick states flatly. "He's got honor. Respect. And more endurance than anyone gives him credit for. He deserves a medal for making it this far."

Justin nods thoughtfully. "So then he wound up with Hope?"

"Yeah. Rick made him see a counselor and she was it. I guess technically it was after Scott's sessions were over that they started dating. But he's refusing to see her, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Justin taps his pen on the notepad. "I think it's a temporary state of mind though. The Scott that's at Brookshire right now isn't the real Scott. He was doing well though, wasn't he?"

"He was. At least we thought he was. He was eating well... picking up weight... happy. Then the Agency garbage cropped up again and it sent him on this downward spiral."

Jason takes a few more notes and converses for a little while longer with both Rick and Misty, gleaning all he could. They were a wealth of information and he was glad they'd been on his list to talk to. Finding he had just about exhausted this resource, he's almost ready to close his notebook. "Thank you both very much for sharing with me - it's been extremely helpful. I do have one question left..." His gaze is aimed at Misty first. "If you had to pick three things that made Scott happy... what would they be?"

Eli watches Scarlet take off, keeping an eye on her bike until it was out of sight.

"Yo, Mr. Popular..."

Eli turns around quickly at the sound of Tal's voice. "You talking to me?"

Tal gives him a little smirk. "Yes. You got brains enough left to help me finish on this Mustang or do I have to report it as a late job?"

Eli is quick to shed his jacket and aim for the small locker room. "I will be right with you."

"Uh-huh. Bring your brain back when you come."

"Who says it was gone in the first place?"

"Man, your brain was on that bike with that girl."

Eli throws Tal an inquisitive look. "That obvious?"

"Yes. Now hurry up."

Eli grins and does as he's told. Keeping busy would be a good way to end the day quickly. Then he'd have plenty of time to go home and get cleaned up before heading to Jimmy's after supper.

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