
Attempted comfort

Eric's heart went out to the young woman before him, and now he knew without a doubt who it was. At first he thought surely since she was here, she now knew Trent was her father, but her words proved otherwise.

Seeing more tears, he immediately sets his bag down and moves closer to her, but is careful, not wanting to scare her. "Hey, it's alright," he croons. "The people in there - they're just trying to be nice." He really had no idea what had gone on, so he was winging it, pulling out everything he could think of to comfort Thirteen and get her back inside.

"When they ain't had a hole in their hearts like that, it's kinda hard for them to relate, ya know? So they just go on and try to patch it up best they know how." He reaches in his back pocket to pull out a faded bandanna. Slowly extending it to Thirteen's face, he wipes away a few of her tears.

"Well I'm Eric, and it's nice to meet you, Thirteen. I'm right glad I came around when I did, otherwise you mighta been a frozen popsicle if I'da come later." He grins a little, cocking his head. "But it is cold out here, whether you can feel it or not, and there's nothing about tears to be ashamed of." He winks at her. "Next time though, take my advice go straight for the barn. With everybody else inside, all the barn's got is a bunch of horses who don't mind a bit if someone cries in front of them. Matter of fact, I think they kinda lend a hand on the feeling better side of things." He lowers his voice almost to a whisper. "I know that from experience... but don't tell nobody."

Drawing back he tucks the bandanna back in his pocket and offers a hand instead. "They're probably not expecting me," he explains. "Probably think I'm not gonna make it for Christmas, bein' so late, so I'm a little scared to walk in there myself and break up the party. You wouldn't walk in there with me, would you?"

Feeling Dalton put him in a headlock, Carson gives a yell, trying to battle back, but it's hard around the furniture, not to mention Dalton's size.

Once the couch is free and Dalton is seated, Dani runs and jumps in next to him, sideways so she's leaning back against him with her feet taking up the rest of the couch. Laughing at her brother, her face flushes a little, the amusement in her eyes.

"I'll be a lassoed mongoose." Carson puts his hands on his hips. "I can't believe you-" He gets cut off by Misty's invitation to the big chair and he quirks an eyebrow, sauntering over to her. "I don't know about you, but I don't plan on getting squished. C'mhere you crazy sheila."

Yanking Misty out of the chair, he swings her out of the way and picks her up off the floor. Setting himself down in the chair, he lands Misty in his lap and swivels the chair around to face the television. "Now behave yourself or I'll kick you off."

Dani can't help her laughter and she shifts around to get more comfortable on the couch that was now hers and Dalton's. Resting her head on his shoulder, she steals a kiss to his cheek before slipping her hand into his.

Slipping his good arm around Jess, Axel lets her lean into him, giving her a sidelong glance and a faint smile, letting her know he was quite content in this position as well. "Now that we're all comfortable..." He clears his throat. "Someone want to start the movie?"

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