
Wrapping them

Continuing to listen to Rick Katie trys to keep her own emotions under control. She wanted want to alarm Jason or even disturb him from resting. Though she new some of them did slip through to tug on his own feelings.

"How....I mean...will...you need to find something to stop this. Maybe we will have to take the pills again or something."

Katie glances back into the living room where Jason was resting on the couch. If anything happened to him She didn't know what she would do. He was an important part of her life in more way than one and her heart belonged to only him.

"I'll keep him comfortable and call if anything changes. Just call before you come again so I can shut the security off before you get here."

Giving a slight nod to Rick Katie heads back into the other room to sit with Jason. Feeling his question though Katie let out a small inner sigh. She'd let enough emotions slip through for Jason to tell something was wrong. There was no way she could not tell him now.

Rick says your sick from last night. He took some blood samples to check it out closer. In a day or so you should be better though. Don't worry about it now though Babe. I'll take care of all I can.

Still saying so close to Quinn his arms around her Anastasia can feel the warmth and his words float on the wind so soft, so comforting. Tomorrow, what would tomorrow hold and when would Quinn be gone? They were real questions that she was sure when she finally layed in bed and it was quiet she would think more on.

But for now the comfort and warmth, the bond two people had made tonight was an amazing one indeed. A power greater than any other had draw these two hearts together.

Bringing her hand to the one side of Quinn's face Anastasia runs her finger a long his cheek just mapping his face with her soft touch.

"Maybe, for a few more minutes I do, but sadly time will continue to tick afterwords. Some say thought its in those moments when the world does stop that counts the most."

Tightening her arm a little around Quinn Anastasia gives him a half hug as she leans up to kiss his lips softly again just letting the kiss longer. The soft sound of the waves in the background seeming to add to the soft mood. The moon still shinning down on them wrapping them in the soft light.

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