
Good Looking Woman

Continuing to drive Ryan keeps her eyes on the road but hearing Alec killed someone She turns her head to look at him for a moment. Not out of shock or anger but more worried, worry for him and how he might be feeling right now.

Looking back to the Ryan listens to the rest of Alec's explanation before she jumped to any conclusion. Understanding a little more her look becomes soft knowing a lot of things must be going on inside of Alec. This defiantly had to be something he was not use to.

"I bet it feels a lot different killing and having a contentious now, but I guess you have to look at it this way too. If you hadn't of killed him, he probably would of killed you and hurt that girl you guys were with too."

Ryan new her words might not mean much but she hoped it would bring some kind of comfort to Alec. It was different seeing hi like this, down and out.

Coming to a fourway intersection Ryan takes a left following the signs that point to the small beach. It was nothing big like the other beaches around the area but it was quiet and had a little hot dog and hamburger cart there along with a few other things she liked eating at.

Pulling into the parking lot Ryan parks the car but doesn't get out yet. Still sitting there silent for a moment she turns to Alec a little to look at him.

"I can't say I know how you feel because I don't, But I do believe that feeling your having it normal and a few other people at the Elite probably get it too. It dosnt make it wrong what you did because there is a big difference, you were saving yourself and someone else this time."

Once finished with the lawyer Destiny was happy at least one apointment was down. It was just one less she would have to go to yet there will still to many to come. Getting back into the car and riding to the store the journey is quiet but she doesn't mind to much. Though on the outside it didnt look like it bothered her on the inside she was still broken apart about her parents and just going to the lawyer set everything in motions in admitting they were really gone.

After getting to the store and about to get out Destiny stops as Chance asks her to wait. Not sure why it didnt seem like he had spotted anyone that might be trouble so she looks to him with a little confusion.

Listing to everything Chance said Destiny gave a little nod of understanding. Now she saw why he might have lied to her and understood a little better on what was going on. Giving a smile she turns a little more to face Chance, her words were sensear.

"Like I said before anything thats said between you and me will stay here...So you don't have to worry about Reese finding out. Anyways if anyone asks you can just tell them I'm your good looking woman you happen to see every now and than. I think I can play along with that..after all we are living together for a little bit."

Destiny gives Chance a little wink as she reaches over to give his leg a little pat. She wasn't upset, she no longer was confused, and she couldn't help but envie him a little for his under cover work. It sounded like fun.

"I guess I am sorry too. I've got a bold mouth on me that can get me into trouble, and I use what my dad taught me all to well sometimes. So I am sorry if I invaded you space."

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