

Trey gives a small smirk at Ariel's comment about socializing. He was pretty horrible at it, but in time that would become easier too...right? Putting his hands into his pockets he gives a little sheepish grin before looking to Pete.

"Maybe if he's not to busy we can get special treatment too."

Giving a wink Trey turns to head out but stops heading Ariel wanted to ride alone. Cocking his head a little bit he wondered if it was anything. Giving a small smile he nods, he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. She was meeting them there that was good enough.

"Sounds good to me....That just gives Pete and I some time to see what kinda trouble we can stir up."

Turning again to head out once more another crack formed on the wall around his heart..forgiveness. Tonight was turning out pretty good all in all. Better than Trey had expected.

Not to far away Stacy was making one of her mid afternoon rounds. Even though she was sticking around for Dylan she had to still take care of her normal stuff too. Hearing the commotion over in the yard though Stacy stops for a second and listens. Heading that was she walks quickly to see what was going on.

Just getting to the yard Stacy see Dylan break free of Mick's hold and her walks becomes a sprint. Getting to Dylan Stacy grabs him by arm and pulls it around to his back but not hard enough to hurt him only to keep him from running. Taking his other hard in her hand Stacy hold it firmly. It was hard with Dylan's power of adrenalin behind him but she tried to stand from taking a few steps back here and there.

"Dylan you need to calm down. This will be a lot easier on you if you do."

Still trying to hold Dylan Stacy looks over to Mick. She hopped he was ok. Normaly she would of checked on that first but her first instincet here was to get Dylan before he hurt himself. Now it was just trying to get Dylan back to the house before many people saw him that she was worried about. He didn't need that much attachen on him.

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