

Justin watches Rebecca drive away and gives a wave before heading back in the house. His mother is already in the kitchen starting on the dishes, so he joins her, grabbing a towel to dry.

Lydia's eyes remain on the soapy water as her hands keep busy, but her speech is aimed at Justin. "So did you like her?"

Justin had known the question was coming, so no irritation surfaces. He grins a little as he dries off a plate. "Who?"

His mother smirks. "That beautiful, single, nice young woman who was just here. Or did your eyes not notice?"

Justin hides a laugh. "Well I'm not made out of stone, if that's what you mean."

Lydia pauses her work to throw him a look, but ends up shaking her head. "You look just like your father when you try to hide that smile of yours."

Justin chuckles softly and stacks a second plate. "Rebecca is nice," he finally answers. "I think she's attractive and fun to be around."

"I have her number."


"Alright!" Lydia throws up her hands, flinging soap suds in the air. "But should you want to call her, her number is on the refrigerator. She doesn't work on Fridays."


...It was a while later that Justin finally makes it home. Thought he was exhausted, he makes sure to take time to play with the dogs and feed them before sacking out in the living room for the night.

Once settled with the television on though, he suddenly realizes that he hasn't checked his answering machine. Getting up again, he wanders over and is a little surprised that there is actually a message. Caller ID indicated a number he didn't recognize.

Listening to the message, he slowly sits back down on the couch, very surprised that Beth had called him. Her voice sounded a little more strained than normal... tired, perhaps. It was the first time she had made any steps towards him on her own, and for a moment, Justin hopes that she really is okay. It might be nothing, but it might be something more too, that had triggered her to reach out. He couldn't tell without seeing her eyes.

Thinking for a long moment, he looks up at the clock. It was past eleven by now. He wished he would have had the sound on so he could have answered the call earlier. Would she still be up? Should he try calling or wait until morning? He'd hate it if she really needed someone tonight and he neglected to call her back.

Finally, stands again and goes for the cordless phone, dialing the number she'd given and waiting until he hears her voice. "Beth, it's Justin, hi." He paces in his living room, scuffing his bare toes into the carpet. "I hope I didn't wake you. I just now got your message - was a crazy evening. Is... everything okay?"

Hot date?

Jason turns and grins at Katie slyly.

Mmm, I'd say about the hottest I can get. That is, if she's willing to go for a motorcycle ride down to watch the sun set over the lake, followed by an evening ice cream, followed by a movie, snuggled up on the couch with a snoring dog by our feet.

Reese holds his stance in the doorway, not impressed with Trey at all. "No wandering until we're sure of your situation. Right now your world exists of this room, the bathroom down the hall and the break room, right down there." He points. "We don't have henchmen here - they're called agents or officers and you'll be pretty hard up to find anyone to report them to since you're the one with illegal connections. There's a refrigerator with sandwiches and drinks in the break room - you can help yourself until we make other arrangements." He knew the goal was to move Trey downstairs where there was a bigger area to roam, but right now, he'd just keep that card hidden.

"No smoking allowed inside this building. If you're not strong enough to kick the habit, you may call on Hal in the control room right down there." Reese points again. "He'll escort you outside and back in again."

Pausing, he searches Trey's face. "No one's going to force you to stay here, Trey. If you decide to pack up and leave, that's your choice - but once you leave, we will be forced to make an arrest, and then there will be a whole lot less luxury. Your parents wanted you safe and that's what we'll do - other people's safety is riding on this too and I'm not willing to turn my back. So you're just going to have to put up with what you've got."

Nodding with finality, he turns to leave, glancing at Angelica. She could stay as long as she wanted, but he would leave the young man be for now. "I'll be in my office."

Having Ryan put her arm around him, Alec suddenly realizes that it's not the same. It wasn't the same as a cuddling on the couch or when she wanted a kiss or to play. It was... an offer for something else... something warm something... Comfort. Yes, it was comfort. ...And it felt so very foreign.

Alec hadn't felt this way in years... he was feeling guilt, wanting freedom and now with Ryan, it was as if something deep down like a little boy was screaming to get out. He'd never let it out before... never bent to anything below his tough exterior because he could always handle everything. But right now... with just him and Ryan... in this atmosphere where no one could see... it was safe.

And a wall crumbles just a little bit more.

Slowly leaning over, almost awkwardly, Alec leans into Ryan, resting his head against hers. This time it wasn't his arm around her, but hers around him. But today... in this moment... it was okay. He was not ready to say what was on his heart - to utter the words about what he was feeling. But the stillness and quiet was okay this time.

Looking out at the water, Alec says nothing but just watches the few rippling waves, wondering what it would be like on the other side where there were more trees.

An engine revs down the street. A loud engine. A motorcycle engine.

Eli had gotten Scarlet's message a couple hours ago at work but had decided not to call her back right away. Instead, when he got out of work, he'd headed over to her place. Unable to help the smile that creased his lips, he parks and takes off his helmet, squinting to the porch.

"Hey!" he hollers, not caring if anyone heard. "If I'm sexy, what does that make you?"

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