

Getting out of work Beth lets out a long sigh coming around the bar and standing for a moment before making her way to the door. Her feet hurt today, and she was tired. Her bad day this morning had gone to worse while at work.

The laughter of someone at a table stops her though. Looking over at a group of people smile on there face and how they got along it put a pang in Beth's heart. So much of her life was gone, and time like these people were having she never felt before. Her face was stone, and never smiled or laughed.

Company...the words enter her mind....and for the first time Beth felt more alone than she ever had before. Continuing her rout to her car Beth's arms wrapped around herself. Sitting in her car for a long moment she just sits. It wasn't to late, some people would still be at the hospital.

Heading there Beth doesn't stay long and visits Sarah again while she is there. It was always good to see her sister again but today this visit it would last long and she promises tomorrow she will stay with her longer.

Getting into her car once again Beth just sits there for a long moment holding a paper. It felt odd contemplating this and so out of her element, but maybe it was time like she had been told. Alone had been the way of life for so long it felt normal to her now. Finally just dialing the number Beth gets the answering service and for a moment it kind of glad.

"Hey Justin, I just called...to...to say Hi..I think. I know I just saw you today and all but umm..I got your home number from a friends..and I just wanted...to...say Hi I guess. Maybe...I was looking for...your company. I...figured if I was...gonna...gonna start somewhere...maybe over the phone would be the...best. Yeah...so I'll let you go for now...My home number is....694-872-0176 if...you wanna call me back if not...thats...that ok."

One could tell by the lack of conversation on the phone this might very well be the first social call made in a long time and that was the awkward tone. But other might think it was good step in the right direction for someone who kept everyone out.

Getting out of the car behind Trey Angelica pulls up the rear and walks. This was sure going to be difficult but again she was happy Reese took the lead for now. Once everyone was settled in she would do her best to get to know Trey but if it would come easy she didn't know.

Rolling his eyes again Trey follows behind Reese, Angelica being behind him it felt like he was in jail already fighting for his freedom already. Getting to the main floor and scanning the area Trey held his head high, no one would see him defeated, first impress was everything so his parents had said.

"It's just this way Trey. I have some of your stuff at my house so if you need something just let me know. Your other stuff is down the ways in a store room of sorts. We can show you it later."

Looking into the room and giving a disgusted grunt Trey takes a step in before turning to look at Angelica and than Reese crossing his arms over his chest.

"So now what? I stay here like a good little boy or do I get to wonder? And who do I talk to when I want to go outside? When do I get to eat? This is important stuff I need to know you no. Late thing I need is one of your henchmen tackling me for no reason and than I have to report them."

Seeing Reese and Angelica along with another younger man Katie just looks for a long moment. Feeling Jason's emotional flow change so sharply she gives a little jump but recovers nicly, though now it made her heart race. She didn't get a good look at the guys face but something about him seemed familiar. How he walked, held himself...it was...odd.

Something seems...familiar about him but thats crazy, Never met him before he's from Mexico Reese said. I guess just stay our distance till said other wise. Maybe keep our eyes out for now. He's from a rough family, who is involved in all sort of things I'm sure there will be a lot of commotion here and there from him.

Continuing to watch as the head to the room by the infirmary Katie lets out a small sigh and looks back to Jason. Work was anything but normal around here now that people new who they were. Quiet was hard to come by but once and a while it happened, and having Jason so close helped pass the time too with all the noise.

So, what are your plans for tonight? Got any hot dates?


Ryan gives a nod as she takes another bit of her ice cream. Feeling Alec move his legs Ryan moves from leaning on him so he can have more room to move and she wasn't holding him down. Just scooting away for now till he was comfortable or whatever she would sit there.

"..My boss is pretty good about giving me off when I ask. Maybe I could get a weekend off, and if Eli can do the same we could go out Thursday after work and camp till Sunday. I think that sounds like fun. I'll have to talk to him and than let ya know."

The continued look in his eye made Ryan a bit sad to see he has so many shadows still to get past. Coming to terms with what you did was hard, and she new it was still new for him. But no matter what she would be there ready to help if he asked.

Seeing he was in a still position again Ryan finishes off her cone and than comes next to Alec again. Lightly putting her arm over his shoulder and just held it there, letting him know she was there for him.

"Hey there Sexy, I was back in town and was just wondering if you'd like to catch a drink tonight. I though about stopping by the shop but I didn't want to guy to get at you more than they do already. Anyways let me know..talk to ya soon."

Hanging up the phone before heading inside Scarlet new Eli would be at work but she called him anyways. It would be a nice surprise for him when he was able to get to his phone.

It had been a long, hot week and work had been more than planned but everything had turned out for the best and it was a job well done. The Smithsonian saved a lot of money not buying an item Scarlet found out was a fake and for that she felt proud. But now it was time for a nice long hot shower, and a relaxing sit on her porch.

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