
It's Ugly

Destiny listens to the story and her eyes grow a little wide. That must have been some fall if he should of died from it. It was an interesting story to say the least and Destiny was sure he had more to go with it.

Giving a shake of her head she looks at the scar and than looks back up at Chance again. Just studying him for a long moment. Deep into his eyes, trying to see past what was on the outside...those eyes she had looked into last night and still this morning looked the same to her and she liked it. Her voice a little on the soft side replys.

"I don't think It's ugly. Its a part of you, and who you are so there is nothing ugly about it."

Destiny runs her fingers softly along it again still looking up into Chance's eyes. She outlook on things, and people was much different than one would expect. Growing up with her family was different, but at the same time values were in place. Her father had always been one to make sure she new right and wrong no matter how funny it sounded with him being Agency.

"If anything if adds to you character, and gives a story to be told. It's...a battle scar."

Destiny leans into Chance a little bit pressing her other hand against his chest. He felt so warm, so soft, she felt silly being draw to him like this but it was just something she couldn't help. There was something different about Chance and the more time she spent with him, the more she wanted it to last.

Continuing to listen to Phil Rayne gives a nod of her head to show she was listing. Her eyes never seeming to leave Phil's. There was just something about him that made her comfortable not to mention his cute American accent was nice to listen to.

"My job isn't to grand ether but I don't mind it. I work the next town over at a place called Inter World Inc. Pretty much I do a bunch of shipping to company like Best Buy, Walmart, and other music and video games stores."

Giving another smile to Phil Rayne thought it was nice to be able to talk to someone diffent. She liked it, most of the people she worked with she would talk to but it was never anything to grand and she just kept to herself. But having Phil here now and talking with him was really nice.

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