
Better that way

Still holding her smile Katie didn't know if she startled Chance or if he just was working on something she shouldn't see but ether way his abruptness was a little odd though she let it go past her. Sometimes she worked on things she didn't want other to see too.

"Oh no no, I didn't want to bother you or anything. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself since I hadn't before. I'm ok, thanks though. I'll leave ya be now."

Giving a little nod and another look at Chance Katie finally turns and starts to head to her desk again. Setting everything down and sitting into her chair she looks over her cubicle at Chance again before going back her own business.

Ok, maybe he's a little strange and maybe a little off.

Leaning on the desk in front of her Destiny's smile grows a little it felt kind of strange being behind a desk and looking at Jason when only a few days ago it had been the other way around.

"Yeah we are doing good. I was a little worried in the start about how we would get along too but it seemed we do just fine and have more in common than expected. Anyways we have killed eachother yet so thats a plus right?"

Destiny gives a little chuckle trying to calm Jason fears of her and Chance getting along. It was nice of him to worry and even care for that matter.

Taking another bit of her apple and letting the silence fall over them Beth didn't mind. Silence was a comfort to her, something she was use to. To her it was just a way of life and she didn't mind it at all. Giving a small shakes of her head as she chews the apple Beth looks up at Justin again.

"I don't mind being alone. Thats how its been for a long time and its just...better that way. I don't have much time for anything else with working and spending most my time with my sister."

Feeling a tiny bit odd talking about herself Beth thinks about something else to think about trying to get the topic off her at least for a second to regroup.

"So, you came today because you were going crazier than normal at home?"

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