

Eli quirks an eyebrow as his drinks come up from behind. Hearing the whisper though and feeling the warm breath on his ear, a wry grin creases his lips.

Not responding right away, he takes the whiskey and downs the shot in one swallow, setting the empty shot glass on the table. Scooting his chair back a little ways, he grabs Scarlet around the waist without warning, pulling her into his lap. "Well... what have we here?"

His left eyebrow is still quirked, his unruly hair almost covering one of his eyes. "Get tired of poor Tal over there? Or was I just a more appealing choice on the menu?"

Taking a finger he runs it softly over Scarlet's ruby lips. "I have a feeling you could outkiss Becky," he muses. Leaning in closer, his face is near enough he could feel her breath on his skin. His eyes close and his lips almost reach hers.

All of a sudden though, he straightens back up and goes for his beer instead. "Unfortunately, I don't kiss on first dates. Sorry." Taking swig of beer, he releases Scarlet, so she can stand up again.

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