

As Chance grabs her Destiny gives another sheik as she slides off the couch and she starts to laugh not even thinking about the situation they were in.

Not even knowing how she ended up at the bottom Destiny was now looking up at Chance. Cocking her head a little bit Destiny trys to evaluate the situation in what she could do to get out of it. Getting a grin on her face Destiny didn't even think as she acting seeing a way.

Bringing her knee up and bumping Chance in the butt with it pushes him forward but not nearly enough. As he places his hands on the ground to stop from falling Destiny can't help but notice he was now even closer to her. Using the backup plan Destiny leans her head up a little and press her lips to his. Letting it linger quite a bit longer than she exspected herself to let it she finally pulls away. Her cheeks read but the twinkle in her eyes was still there with a flirty smile.

"Give up now?"

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