
The point

Destiny couldn't help the laughing that escaped her lips. The grim thoughts that had been plaging her mind for the last few hours had now been forgot. Just messing around with Chance a little had seemed to cure her sadness for now.

As is continues Destiny didn't even know what the point was she didn't care this was way to much fun than to worry about what the point was.

Not moving fast enough this time as Chance takes a hold of her leg in the combat move Destiny gives a little shriek but the twinkle in her eyes shows she was still having a good time and didn't feel threatened at all.

"Dish...you want me to do dishes? The whole point of the candy game was so I could get out of doing dishes. There is no chance on your life buddy I am gonna do that at all."

Looking around for a few moments Destiny trys to find a way out she skeems in her own mind. Hey eyes though catch sight of his feet up close to her chest as he held her leg. Acting quick she had no other way out than this. Reaching for his feet and taking hold tightly she brings her other hand in and starts to tickle the bottom of his feet.

Giving a laugh and letting her arms fall from around Gage Sapphire lets him go to finish getting ready. Continuing to piddle around in the kitchen and than in the living room she kept herself busy.

Once Gage was ready Sapphire stands and gives a smile. Smelling the soft smell of his aftershave linger in the air her smile grows a little. Once his arm was around her and they were ready her own arm slips up and around his wast. Walking together insink they didn't miss a beat together.

"Mmm...steak sounds like it would hit the spot and I think I know the perfect place. The steak house on the north end of town is amazing. Our family use to go there once a week when Scott and I were kids. Your gonna love it."

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