

Giving a short laugh Katie found it a bit funny even if she didn't know why. She hadn't even met the new guy but for Jason to be annoyed by him something must be up. Jason's feelings usually weren't wrong.

I don't mind and you know that. How about we meet at my place about three thirty and than when we are done we can head over to help the band set up.

Going out and into the car with Chance Destiny is quiet for the ride. Just watching the scenes go by and trying to get her own bearings onto where they were. Coming to the fairly nice area her eyes widen a little as she sits up.

Taking everything in Destiny continues to wonder if Chance was lost or if maybe he had heard Reese wrong. But coming to the house and stopping she turns to look at Chance before even words could come out of her mouth her question had been answered.

Looking back out in at the house again she's couldn't help but let her eyes get big. It was not that she'd never seen a house like this before, her parents house was rather large but this was far from any safe house she had seen.

"Whoa..I was not expecting this. This is defiantly better."

Opening the car door and getting out Destiny calls back into the car.

"Yeah I'd like to see the inside."

The house was a medium size and relatively nice. Maybe this whole thing wouldn't be to bad after all...just maybe. Waiting for Chance to join her before she went any farther and can't help the smile that moved onto her lips again.

"So you new about this surprise huh?"

Being taken into the more deeper dance Cassy didn't mind though she was a bit surprised. Just continuing to watch Leo's eyes, and let him lead she was doing ok. The music, the moments everything about them mixed so well. It was hard to find two dancers that could mesh like that, but it seemed Cassy and Leo could.

Just letting the music float on, Cassy lets herself get lost, and at Leo lifts her her own arms go out slightly to the sides. Sliding back down to the ground Cassy's eyes lock with his never breaking away even as she is taken into the dip.

Her own breath was heavy as she looked up into Leo's eyes almost feeling like she could get lost in them too. Bringing her hand to the back to Leo's head Cassy runs her hand through his hair as the other his arm. Her knee throbbed a little but she payed no attachen to it. The dance had been nice, she'd truly enjoyed it.

The silence continues but Cassy didn't mind as it seemed like silent words were being exchanged at least to her. Oh how she wish at this moment she could kiss Leo, everything about this moment seemed perfect, and something in his eyes said he wanted it. But Cassy new the bounds and she would not cross them. Leo would have to make the first movie. So she continues to just rake his hand with her hand and look up into his eyes.

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