
Personal Bubble

Continuing to feel all Jason's bottled emotions Katie new he needed to take it easy or throw himself into sugar shock, or even damage something feather including himself.

Maybe if you want we can leave a little early today, not to much I know we have work to do but maybe a half hour early, and we have just release some pent up emotions before the show tonight.

Katie didn't know if Jason would be up for that or not but at least it was something. Giving a shake of her head Katie would feel the same warmth Jason had but not as strong. At least if he blew off a little steam before the show it would be enough to let him concentrate.

Anyways..once you get out on that stage you'll forget about everything else. You always do when your up there.

Catching the look in Chance's eye that he new a little more than she did about this place worried Destiny, but he promised it would be ok and to her liking so she had to trust him.

"Ok..I trust you."

Giving a chuckle at his comment about not following her when she changed and into the bathroom a small smile forms on her lips. She was thankful he had some kind of decency. Though she had to admit him following her every moment was going to take some getting use to.

Yes she new she needed protection, she had asked for it after all, yeah she had figured whoever would follow her all over the place but...maybe she didn't realize that they would be in every foot step with her. It would take some getting use to, doing her normal activity around Chance. Quiet time, space, personal bubble it no longer existed. This was deffintly going to be a challenge.

Looking at Chance's out stretched arm for a long moment Destiny finally takes it with her hand and links arms with him. Feeling his arm she realized just now how much muscle he had, and in a way it made her feel a little safer.

"Are we going to be taking my car or did you have your own?"

Cassy was happy to hear that Leo had a decent day and that him and his friend had almost figured out the car. Even though Leo said he wasn't good at being a macanice she could see the twinkle that lied behind his eyes when he talked about it. He did enjoy doing it and figuring out how to fix the cars.

"Well at lease you have a good day."

As Leo picks up the beat and moves a little faster Cassy dares to push her own self as well not feeling any pain in her knee at the moment. A little push wouldnt hurt, and Leo was there for the support so she should be ok.

Hearing Leo's last comment about being lovely Cassy's cheeks turned red, and she new it feeling the warmth in them. Continuing to keep in step though Cassy's eyes lock with Leo's for a moment just letting the music carry her.

She new they were only friends, and she couldn't help how she felt about Leo but she did her best to keep her feelings at bay, but something about the music...she couldn't help the soft look in her eyes. It just relaxed her and shearing a dance with Leo even if it was only practice something just made it special.

Doing a slow spin Cassy than brings herself close to Leo again as the music becomes a little more intense. Still looking into his eyes he own sparkle just showing how much she was enjoying herself.

"I guess than both our days ended in the best way."

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