
Time roll on

Jamie can't help but laugh as they come to the counter even more. Her eyes sparkle as she just watches Carson and Misty for a moment. She was so happy for them that they were now married, and you could just see by both there faces how much in love they were.

Looking to Con with a smile and giving him a slap to the arm about his comment of cleaning Jamie just shakes her head. Looking to Misty she grins.

"You can dress them up but we can't take them out can we?"

Leaning into Carson a little more and just giving a laugh again and shakes her head. It was always nice hanging around with a group of people from work. Carson just seemed to fit right in now too becoming close friends with so many. Misty was so happy of that and just looking at his face she could tell it made him feel good too.

"I don't know if we can really dress them up ether I mean look at this food all over him."

Misty's eyes twinkle as she smirks at Carson and shakes her head a little humor dancing in her eyes so it was easy to tell she was just giving him a hard time.

Turning back to Con herself she takes the towel from him with a bright smile one her face.

"Why don't I whip some tables down, and you can try and drag some of them together and make on big table. Once I am done with wiping everything down I'll help get the plates as stuff out."

For a moment Katie is taken off guard as Kyle puts his arms around Alice but soon the shock is gone and hearing the news Katie gives a big smile and a nod.

"You two look perfect together. I'm so happy for you Kyle, anymore surprises for us hummm..?"

Giving a laugh and finally breaking away from the group to finish with the last bit of clean up Katie gives a small shake of her head. Looking up at Jason and giving a nod.

Yes it is. I'm happy for him and eager to hear his story. He might not have wanted to be the center of attchen coming back but I think he's gonna have it weather he likes it or not.

...And so the time rolled on and moved before anyone new it clean up was over, and though many were tired, they were never to tired for a little friendly part after a consort...

Leaning her own head back on the head rest of the jeep Alice lets out a content sigh and looks over to Kyle. She could tell her was tired it was all over his eyes, and she didn't feel a little wiped out herself. It had defiantly been a long time since they had had THAT much excitement. But as long as Kyle was still willing to go so was she.

"We can make it a few more hours. Worst come to worse she call it an early night and see everyone in the morning."

Seeing Kyle reach for the mountain dew bottle Karla can't help but laugh. Leave it to Kyle to not have early as an option, but that was one thing she loved about him he was always willy to go just a little more for his friends and family.

Taking the bottle from Kyle Alice's eyes giving a sparkle that breaks through the blanket of drowsiness. There was sure to be enough excitement tonight at Mom and Pop's to help her go on with a little more caffeine.

"Pst, I can't let you have all the fun alone now can I?"

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