

Looking up and smiling as Scott came back in the room she had told him she'd wait to leave for breakfast till he was back. The rest of the night had been mildly peaceful and Hope was thankful for that. Not for her own sake but for Scott's.

Hearing Scott's question Hope's smile doesn't fade from her face. Now that Scott was starting to admit things it really would help his recovery. Going over to Scott and putting her hand to the side of his face running a thumb over his cheek she continued to smile love reflecting in her eyes.

"No Scott, no matter how it feels like you might be your not going to go crazy and you are going to beat this. The road is going to be rough but I will be with you one hundred percent of the way."

Hope new Scott still had a long road ahead of him, but she hoped that in every way possable she could help him along. Being his support, a shoulder to cry on or simply just someone to talk to she wanted to be there for him.

"You Scott, are going to be better, your going to go home, your going to take you life back that was taken from you and your going to continue life as God intended. Just continue to have faith."

Letting her hand fall from Scott's face Hope's eyes give a sparkle as she shift just a little. His face and eyes so weary and tired but still behind all that she could see the man she had fallen in love with, and promised to not leave out in the cold.

"I'll go get us some breakfast ok? I wont be long."

Standing at the shelves that were lined with books Libby moved a little slower today. Coming into work earlier than normal is had been easy to slip by most everyone no one noticing she looked a little different than normal.

Sure enough this morning she'd woken up with two black eyes, a slip lip, and her noise a cut ran across the top. The swelling worse than the night before she was surprised she could really open her eyes at all. If it hadn't have been for just wanted to get out of the house she wouldn't had bothered coming into but this was her get away, where she could lose herself and forget everything else only today everything throbbed and it was not easy.

Putting on some makeup this morning had been painful but as least it made the damage look a lot better than it really was. In a short while she'd call Ty and let him know she wouldn't be able to make it to lunch today. She hated not being able to spend the day with him because she new it would make her feel better, but how could she see him looking like this? And how many questions would she have to answer that she could not?

Getting lost slightly in her work and losing track of time Libby completely forgot to call Ty. It wasn't till she caught a sent of his shampoo that she realized he was here and her mistake. Giving a sigh she was about to speak when he comes up behind her and wraps his arm over her shoulder and plating the kiss on her face, his words following.

Any other day she would Libby would of love Ty's affection and returned it whole heartily but today there was more pain than she could bear even from his light touch. Giving a flinch and and a gasp of hair it felt like for a few moment Libby had stop breathing, but finally she did again. Not turning around she kept her hands moving on her work not wanting to look into Ty's face and having him see her own. Then first sigh than something was terribly wrong.

Finally speaking her voice was slightly muffled as it was hard to talk, and being swollen didn't her. Her voice being slightly off as well, lacking a cretin emotion.

"I...meant to call you and I forgot, I'm not going to be able to go to lunch today..I've got...a...a lot of work I need to get done and I'm not to hungry. Sorry to make you come here for nothing."

Libby hated canceling today she had been so excited but she couldn't go out like this. She couldn't let anyone see her in such a vulnerable, and hideous state. Fibbing was not something she liked to do, but what else could she she do.

Shifting a little on the couch and giving a smile Ryan slowly opens her eyes to see Alec looking back at her. Giving a little shrug and snuggling her head down into the pillow a little more Ryan's eyes still stay connected with Alec's.

"Mmm...I think that sounds like a great plan."

Closing her eyes again for a moment she finally opens them again knowing as much as they tried to play like it still was yesterday there was no way it would work. Today was a new day, Alec had to get back to TJY and she had to leave for work.

Leaning in and giving Alec a soft kiss on the lips Ryan just bathed in the moment for another moment or so. It had been different waking up next to someone but at the same time it had been nice too.

"Eli has his own bathroom connected to his room. So while I take a shower and get ready for work you can take a shower in there if you like. Than I can whip us up some breakfast, and drive you back to TJY."

Giving a stretch and knowing if she didn't move now she wasn't going to Ryan sits up on the couch giving a yawn and stretching.

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