

Letting Rick in and showing him where Jason was Katie stands back a little not getting in Ricks way. She always hated when Jason was hurt, or in trouble and she could do nothing about it. Even if a long time ago they had come to the conclusion she couldn't always be the hero for him it still hurt.

Once Rick was done and pulls her aside she gives a nod about getting some liquids into Jason along with some fruit for his sugar. Though there was something in Rick's eye Katie could see something different had happened and he was holding back. Katie was almost scaired to even ask and find out what the answer way.

"Rick is there anything else you need to tell me or I should know? You know the last thing to do is hide something from me because I'll just end up worrying about it."

Katie eyes search Rick's face. Looking for answers to the look behind his confidence. If Rick didn't want to tell her he wouldn't but Katie could only hope he had enough respect for her that he would.

The rest of the ride to the lake was a blast. Singing at the top of there lungs and just letting time pass made the trip seem not as far. Finally getting to the lake Anastasia waits a moment before shutting the car off letting the song come to an end.

Getting out of the car and taking a deep breath Anastasia's eyes roam around taking everything here. She loved being by the water, and at night is was even better. Just the sounds alone seemed to calm her. Locking the doors on the care and slipping the keys in her pocket she gives a smile to Quinn and starts heading for the small peer.

"I love it here and just walking. Its a great place to think and be in touch with God. Listing to all the sounds and knowing he did this all and made it so perfect."

Sticking her hands into her pockets Anastasia continues to walk leaving room for Quinn to walk along side her. Getting to the end of the peer she stops and turns looking out across the water. Little lights flashed on the horizon signal that boats where out there. Down a little ways was a light from a light house flashing now and than, and looking the other way was dotted with camp fires from people camping.

"I could get lost being out here and not mind one bit. Its so peaceful."

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