
Showing me

Hearing Quinn tell her not to say she was sorry made her feel a little better. At least she didn't have to worry about offending him and leaving on bad terms. Letting the soft smile slip onto her lips Anastasia continues to look up at Quinn just getting lost in the never ending pools of his eyes.

Feeling Quinn's hand move up her arm and than to her neck, than brushing across her lips her eyes fall shut again for a moment before opening again to continue to look at him. One might think confusion would be here, wondering why they felt like this but in Anastasia's mind there was no confusion. Maybe a wondering but there was no room for confusion in this perfect moment. This...this was part of God's plan too.

As his other arm goes around her, her eyes don't break there hold as the smile on her lips grows slightly more. Her own arm finding its way around him and resting on his back while her other hand goes up his own arm and around his neck resting comfortable to give his head support.

Feeling his lips pass over hers and his breath on her skin Anastasia can feel the tingle climb her spine. Would she wake and find this all a dream? If she did, it would be the best dream she ever had thats for sure.

Once he draws away and she hears his thank you Anastasia eye twinkle, this was something she had never though would happen least of all like this. It was something from a move, a fantasy that a child would make up...this was pretty close to perfect. Returning for another soft kiss that was filled with so much emotion Anastasia pulls away slightly leaning her for head against Quinn's.

"And thank you for showing me stuff like this does happen."

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