
Know what?

Looking up at Scott Hope just study him for a long moment. Her heart ached when she saw Scott like this. He had been though so much already, than she just wished it would get better for him. She didn't know when but she always had the hope that it would.

   "What is normal really? We all have our issues, our problems, and we all just deal with them."

Falling silent again she thinks. She new what Scott was asking her and she wished the answer was simple. But it wasn't and she didn't think it ever would be. She still loved him, he was still Scott, even if he wasn't different.

   "I don't think you ever be like your old self again. I think you will always be different, after everything you have been though I think it would be impossible. But thats not a bad thing, we all change. It's how we deal with the change that matters."

   "No one is your babtsitter, I'm just asking that I know so if anyone asked I dont look like an idiot if anyone asks, and with Kirk on the rampage it would be nice for us all to avoid trouble."

Nate was trying to be nice, he didn't want Garret to get in trouble, and if he could help with that he wanted too. He just needed Garret to trust him, but he wondered if that would ever happen.

   "No nothing else for today."

Turning around Nate walked back upstairs and went back to his cubical. He wondered if he should tell Reese what had happened or just let it slide for now. For now he'd leave it be and if it happened again he would tell him. He hoped though next time Garret would just ask.

Sitting across the table from Kirk Adison listened to him as she sipped her coffee. Everything He was telling her new couldn't leave the table they were sitting at. She mulled over his words, and thought for a long moment. She could see his delema, he was black and white, yet had a heart of gold. This place must be special if he was willing to risk it.

   "Know a single bit about what?"

Adison grins again as she takes a sip of her coffee and puts her cup down thinking agian for a long second before talking.

   "Sounds like they are all over the place, putting themselves in danger time and time again. They dont follow rules, and test the limits, but it works for them and they fight for a cause. One that not many of us understand. If we were to take that away...what would happen? How would that affect there safety with the Agency. He would leave the targets."

Kirk was always black and white, she at times had a little more color. Serous about her work  but bent the rules now and again. 

   "I say, tell the chef what you need to. Don't lie, but you don't have to add in everything. Maybe even make a few suggestions of your own on what to do. Its easy by looking at you, you care what happens to them. We might not understand what they are doing, or agree but that dosent mean its wrong. From what I've read...."

Adison gives a sheepish grin. She read some of the files on Kirk's desk. She'd been bored without him around. She had to do something to keep herself busy.

   "The program they are running as worked on many different occasions. Maybe they just need to present a little more paperwork or something. Its possible if we had some agents there too it might make everyone feel a little more comfortable."

   "No more trouble than we always have been in Lane. Everything will be ok."

Angel smiles at her brother. If her was here or not who new when the Agency would strike. They couldn't live in fear though. That was no way to live at all.

Ashlee can't help but laugh even more a grin on her face at Travis comment.

   "You know laughter is the best medicine."

Movement catches her eye as Dylan walks out. A smile was still on her face but inside she felt so bad for him. He never joined in...why she didn't know but it hurt that he seemed so alone. She'd always done a few things with him or at least tried but as of late it was getting so hard when he would just hide away. 

Looking back to the others again she shakes her head before going back to eating.

   "Well that was fun."

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