
Five minutes

Eli listens to Ryan intently. Even if he was older, he respected her opinion, especially when it came to the subject of women. After all, she should know better than he.

He hadn't thought about Scarlet having a past. Maybe that's where her tough-chick attitude came from. Or she could have been born with it too. He sighs once more. Was he determined enough to figure her out rather than just letting the whole thing go?

"Yeah, she's something alright." He grins a little. "Determined, I'll give her that. Does a lot for the ol' ego... And you know I need that." Still grinning, he throws Ryan a wink. "Thanks... gives me some more to think about." He laughs and sits up straighter to finally take off his jacket. "I guess I'll try to figure out what my conclusion is by the time i get her bike done. But for now..."

Standing up, he kicks off his boots and takes a couple steps to the couch before cannonballing himself onto the the cushion next to Ryan. The whole couch shakes and the lamp on the end table rattles and threatens to fall to the floor. Bouncing around, Eli winds up with his legs hanging over the armrest and his head in Ryan's lap, looking up at her and batting his eyes. "There's a movie on in five minutes. Wanna watch it?"

Leo opens his eyes slowly, realizing that the movie he and Cassy had been watching was over... and probably for quite a while. Yawning, he shifts a little, his fever not gone, but having gone down a little bit. Then he feels Cassy still next to him. She'd stayed all this time?

Turning his head that's still resting on her arm, he gives her a sleepy, sheepish grin. "Hi. I suppose I should let you go home now, huh?"

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