
A little more

Hearing Rosalyn's reply Chad can't help but laugh a little to himself and than roll his eyes. If she'd get in that much trouble for just coming here he could only imagine what it would be like if anyone had heard the way he'd talked to her, or over heard the poems her recited off the top of his head. Maybe just maybe it had it was a good thing they hadn't yet.

Watching her take his shirt and sit down on the bed he gives a smile sitting down next to her and watching her work. He wasn't to close but close enough he could watch her work. Hearing Rosalyn talk about her parents bring a little chuckle. Maybe her dad did do that, maybe it was his way of just getting a little extra time with her mother.

   "If you're mom is anything like you I'd say your dad is a pretty smart guy."

Giving a smile and looking from the shirt to her face Chad just watches her. She looked deep in thought on the shirt and wondered if it was because she was really concentrating or if maybe she was thinking about other things. He'd been thinking about there close encounter this morning, and the one last night, they seemed to be the only things he could think about.

   "So Rosalyn, I know you can cook, clean, you have a twin brother as well, and you amazingly beautiful...but thats the existent of what I know. What else are you hiding up your sleeve?"

Chad really did want to know more about Rosalyn. He was head over heels for this woman he hardly new, a woman he'd just met yesterday and there was a burning desire in his heart to know more. He craved to know what made her tick and what fun things she liked to do. Now seemed like the perfect time as any to find out.

   "You welcome Hunter. I'm happy you came I really am. I hadn't expected any of whats happened here but I'm really happy it did."

Looking into Hunter's eyes Katie just continues to smile leaning up a little bit to place a soft kiss on his lips. Just letting it linger for a long few moments Katie just soaks in the emotions, the feelings before finally pulling away. Bringing a hand to the side of his face she runs her fingers over his cheek, his jaw bone just mapping out his face before going back in for another quick kiss.

   "I'm going to need a few more of those before I leave. Gotta hold myself over for a little bit."


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